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Chapter 500 The people are the most important, the king is the least

Zhou Youda really had no choice but to seek help these days.

But when the former "best friends" saw the mark on his face, they all avoided him like snakes and scorpions.

Everyone knows that once there is a mark on his face, no matter how talented Zhou Youda is, he will never be able to become an official in this life.

In other words, he has no future.

The house was looted again, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Zhou family was in decline.

And it will decline quickly.

Who is willing to pay attention to him?

Zhou Youda came to Damangpo today, and his main purpose was to seek help from Jin Feng.

But he didn't have high expectations.

Other people around him also raised their heads and looked at Jin Feng.

Their houses were burned down and they went to live with relatives, but no one was willing to take them in, so they had to come and raise horses for Jin Feng.

Although the escorts did not discriminate against them, they always felt that they were inferior.

I usually don't dare to move around at will, I only dare to move around the horse farm and tents.

But today, Jin Feng said that they are heroes.

And I said it twice.

The first time I shouted it to the princess.

Many people were moved to tears at that time.

They have seen too many eye rolls and heard too much ridicule recently, and this is the first time they heard someone speak positively about them.

Zhou Youda also seemed to see the light of hope.

Without waiting for Jin Feng to answer, he asked again: "Sir, do you really think we are heroes?"

He was afraid that he had heard wrongly.

"Of course it's true, you are heroes!"

Jin Feng said firmly: "Without your army and horse camp who risked their lives to capture Danzhu, we would not have been able to win this battle. If we lost this battle, Dakang would have to pay tribute to Tubo, and countless people would suffer as a result.


Therefore, you saved Xichuan City and even Dakang!

If such great achievements are not considered a hero, then what can be considered a hero?"

Jin Feng pointed at Xue Henglu, who was still being slapped with a military stick: "Are we going to let people like this become heroes?"

"I bother!"

Jin Feng spat in the direction of Xue Henglu: "This kind of enemy will run away when it comes. We will come back to pick up cheap dandies after we win. No matter how brightly they are dressed and how powerful they are, they are still deserters and lying to the people."

The blood-sucking parasites on my body are not even worthy of carrying your shoes!"

Jin Feng's words were sonorous and powerful.

Speak heartily.

It also talks about traveling around and reaching into their hearts.

Many people burst into tears.

"Sir, if you say so, I...I want to ask you something..."

Zhou Youda wiped his tears and hesitated for a while before he said, "I heard that Mr. is quite good at making money... Can you please help us?"

"What's going on?" Jin Feng asked.

Zhou Youda took a long breath and explained the situation of the refugees.

After hearing this, Jin Feng was silent for a while, then turned to look at the Ninth Princess, holding back his anger and asked: "Your Highness, are these the people you have arranged for?"

Zhou Youda's eyelids twitched and he said nothing.

The Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao have always been responsible for the resettlement of the people.

Zhou Youda came to Jin Feng for help, which was tantamount to slapping Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao in the face.

If there was any other way, Zhou Youda would not do it.

But he has no choice now.

If it weren't for the food and cloth that Jin Feng gave to the people, no one knows how many people would have died of starvation.

The weather is getting colder and colder now. If the housing problem is not solved, many people will never be able to survive this winter!

Anyway, he has no future. Zhou Youda has already risked his life for the comrades he has lived and died with.

Even if it offends the Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao.

"Sir, this matter is a bit complicated..."

The Ninth Princess looked at Jin Feng's disappointed eyes and couldn't help but feel flustered.

This is something she has never encountered before.

Even when facing Chen Ji, she could remain calm, but now when faced with Jin Feng's questioning, she didn't know how to answer.

"What's so complicated?"

Jin Feng sneered: "It's nothing more than disaster relief money and food, which will be withheld at every level. Your Highness needs to battle wits and courage with officials at all levels. It will take time, right?"

The Ninth Princess was quite surprised when she heard this.

She had always felt that Jin Feng didn't know much about political affairs, but now she realized that Jin Feng not only understood it, but also saw it thoroughly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he directly stated the essence of the matter.

After being surprised, a hint of joy suddenly flashed across his face.

He bowed and saluted Jin Feng: "Brothers Wen'er and Xinyao have tried their best, but are at a loss. If you have any clever ideas, sir, please give me some advice!"

Both she and Qing Xinyao have been troubled by this incident recently.

Since getting to know Jin Feng, Jin Feng can often express some unexpected opinions.

When I first heard it, I thought it was unbelievable and even a bit rebellious, but after thinking about it carefully, it is the fastest and best way to solve the problem.

"I have some clever tricks, but I don't know if Your Highness dares to use them?" Jin Feng said with a sneer.

"Sir, please speak!" Ninth Princess saluted again.

"The official administration of Dakang is a mess. By the time you sort out the myriad threads and deal with all parties, the people will have frozen to death and starved to death!"

Jin Feng said: "Severe diseases require strong medicine, and the best way to deal with chaos is a sharp knife! If His Highness values ​​the people as much as he values ​​war horses, and chops off the hands of anyone who dares to reach out, I think His Highness can take care of the people!"


The Ninth Princess wanted to refute, but felt speechless.

After thinking for a while, he said with a wry smile: "Wen'er doesn't know what the gentleman said, but Wen'er can't help it. Xichuan is the capital of Sichuan and Shu. In addition to brother Xinyao, there are people from all the powerful people here. If we force the cleanup

, it will cause shock in the court!"

"Then when His Highness protects the war horse, why is he not afraid of the shock in the court?" Jin Feng asked.

"Sir, war horses are an important weapon of the country and are related to the fate of the country..."

Before the Ninth Princess finished speaking, she was directly interrupted by Jin Feng.

"Your Highness, do you think the national destiny is a war horse?"

Jin Feng smiled, very sadly: "Your Highness, for the sake of getting to know each other, I will tell you what the national destiny is!"

"The destiny of the country belongs to the people!"

“The destiny of the country is the people’s will!”

"The king is the boat and the people are the water. The water can carry the boat or capsize it!"

"Putting the people first, if the people can have enough to eat, be clothed warmly, have fields to cultivate, jobs to do, and money to spend, they will naturally support you, and the national destiny of a prosperous country will naturally prosper!"

"On the other hand, if the people don't have enough to eat, don't have warm clothes, and their children have been slaves for generations, and there is no hope, who will follow you? If you don't have the people to support you, what's the use of having more war horses?"

Jin Feng rarely talks about political affairs, but today he was really angry and couldn't help but talk about it.

The Ninth Princess was completely dumbfounded and kept mumbling: "Putting the people first... Water can carry a boat or capsize it..."

Jin Feng's words completely subverted the theory of divine right of kings in the feudal era, and the Ninth Princess couldn't accept it for a while.

But it made her feel very reasonable, and she felt like she was enlightened.

"Think about it for yourself," Jin Feng glanced at the Ninth Princess, pulled Zhou Youda and said, "Mr. Zhou, let's go and find a way to solve this matter ourselves."

[The author has something to say]

Beichuan has been a little anxious lately, and has a messy schedule. He often wakes up after three or four hours of sleep. He took an extra sleeping pill last night, hoping to adjust his sleep so that he could be in a good state today. Sadly, he woke up again at around four in the morning.

I tried twice and couldn’t fall asleep, so I simply drank two cups of coffee and Red Bull, trying to wake me up for typing, but the result was hard to explain... The symptoms of the cold seemed to be getting worse, and I felt dizzy all day today. As of now, I’m writing this.

It’s only two chapters, I’m ashamed. Go ahead and write, and try to write another chapter before twelve o’clock. Sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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