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Chapter 506: Firm Attitude

The bell at Mao hour rang, and the emperor and the eunuch walked out from behind the curtain and sat down on the dragon chair.

"Long live the Five Emperors!"

All the ministers saluted and paid homage.

After the ceremony, the left prime minister came out first.

"Your Majesty, the Red Ling envoy came to Beijing yesterday. Did he bring back any battle reports?"

Other ministers also pricked up their ears.

The emperor did not summon them yesterday, which made many people wonder whether the Ninth Princess only sent the red feather envoy to report the victory to appease the people and the court, and the official battle report has not been sent yet?

Although this situation is rare, it is not impossible.

"There is a battle report!"

Chen Ji nodded towards the chief eunuch: "Read the battle report!"


The chief eunuch bowed down to take the battle report and read it loudly.

The performance of the ministers was similar to that of Chen Ji.

It was very calm at the beginning, but the more you listen to it, the more exciting the expressions on your faces become.

After the chief eunuch read the battle report, everything in Hongde Hall was quiet.

All the ministers were shocked speechless.

Never in history has a princess personally gone into battle to beat the drums for the soldiers!

Just thinking about that scene made the ministers' blood boil.

This is definitely a battle that can be recorded in history!

Normally, when encountering a small matter, the peace faction and the war faction would quarrel for a long time, but this time when facing the issue of Tibet, Chen Ji, who has always been capricious, firmly stated that he would fight to the end this time.

The main reason is that the Ninth Princess understands Chen Ji so well and knows how to impress him.

This battle report can be said to be tailor-made by the Ninth Princess specifically for Chen Ji.

In order not to give the emperor a chance to repent, immediately after the morning court, the war-fighting officials sent people to secretly spread the emperor's attitude.

The people in the capital have been paying attention to the Battle of Xichuan in recent days. After receiving the news from the palace, the people were all excited.

The storyteller was worried that the drinkers were tired of hearing about the Battle of Clearwater Valley, but now he has new material.

In the following period, the story of Jin Feng's black-armored team and the nine princesses beating drums in uniform spread throughout the capital.

In the Battle of Qingshui Valley, Jin Feng mainly took advantage of the terrain to fight, and there was not much that the storyteller could say.

But this time was different. In the Battle of Nishikawa, the two sides not only battled wits, but also faced each other with bayonets.

There are so many places to talk about.

According to the description of the storyteller, the male soldiers of the black-armored team served as shields and the female soldiers served as assistants. Under the leadership of Jin Feng, they killed three people in and three out of the Danzhu camp, and finally captured the commander and beheaded the enemy camp, winning the title

Victory in this battle.

Jin Feng was very popular in Beijing before, but now it has finally cooled down a bit, and he is once again being hyped up by storytellers.

There are discussions about him everywhere on the streets.

The common people are telling his stories, and scholars are reciting his collection of poems.

Even the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce also became popular again.

All the soaps Luo Lan had hoarded were sold out.

Female escorts have also officially entered the public eye.

The storytellers did not dare to arrange the Ninth Princess randomly, so they began to collect information about Qing Mulan and others.

Soon, stories about female escorts began to appear in restaurants.

The Xue family finally got the news that Xue Henglu was beaten with a military stick by Jin Feng.

East Palace.

The gray-haired Duke Xue hurried into the main hall.

Chen Yuankuang, the prince of Dakang, was reading behind the case.

After Xue Guogong entered the door, without saying a word, he knelt down in front of the prince and said, "Your Highness, you have to make the decision for Heng Lu!"

"Xue Guogong, what are you doing?"

The prince quickly put down the book and went down to help Duke Xue.

This is not only the Duke of the country, but also his old father-in-law.

Duke Xue Guogong grabbed the prince's sleeve and begged again: "Your Highness, you have to make the decision for Heng Lu!"

"What happened to Heng Lu?" the prince asked with a frown.

"Heng Lu...Heng Lu was beaten to death by Jin Feng..."

Duke Xue wiped his tears and told the prince the news.

Xue Henglu's thirty military sticks were all made of strong weapons and had no moisture at all.

And his bodyguards didn't run away either, each of them had twenty military sticks.

After the beating with the stick, Xue Henglu died before the Xiongwu Army carried them back to Xichuan City.

The school captain was afraid of punishment, so he directly threw down Xue Henglu's body, disbanded the Xiongwu Army on the spot, and ran south with a group of his confidants.

Probably looking for a place to catch the invaders.

Xue Henglu's body was left on the roadside overnight. When he was discovered by passers-by the next day, it had been chewed by wild beasts and was beyond recognition.

When Xue Guogong first got the news, he almost fainted from crying.

Then he came to complain to the prince.

Of course, he didn't say anything about Xue Henglu breaking into the camp, only that he had a dispute with Jin Feng.

When the prince heard that his brother-in-law had been insulted in this way, he was very angry. He immediately took Duke Xue Guo to find Chen Ji and asked Chen Ji to execute Jin Feng.

The Ninth Princess expected that the Xue family would cause trouble, so she sent someone over early to explain what happened to Chen Ji.

Chen Ji is still moved by Ninth Princess's feat, so his heart naturally favors Ninth Princess and Jin Feng, and agrees to fine Jin Feng half a year's salary as punishment.

Does Jin Feng need that little salary?

The penalty is basically no penalty.

This matter was originally caused by Xue Henglu's fault, and the emperor had already made a judgment. Even if Xue Guogong was unwilling to do so, he would not dare to openly confront the emperor, so he could only suppress his anger in his heart.

Xichuan, Damangpo.

The battle between North Korea and China has not affected this place at all.

After so many days of rest, the battlefield has been completely cleaned.

However, the blood stains remaining on the ground still showed the intensity of the battle at that time.

In the past, after everyone finished fighting, they would collect the bodies of their own people, dig a hole and bury them.

Many people died on both sides in this war, and the corpses piled up like mountains. If not handled properly, it could easily lead to a plague.

Therefore, Jin Feng requested that all corpses be cremated, regardless of whether they were enemy or friendly corpses.

Fortunately, cremation is also very common in Dakang, so the soldiers did not object to it.

The only difference is that the enemy just gets a lot of corpses and burns them casually, leaving the ashes alone.

But our people are much more formal. Every corpse must be identified with a tooth tag, and the ashes must be carefully received into a jar and temporarily placed on a shelf in the Yi Zhuang.

This is a very complicated job. Fortunately, there are more people who have been displaced recently, so we can find a job for them.

When the Ninth Princess found Jin Feng, Jin Feng was helping in Yizhuang.

After all, Yizhuang is a place where corpses are stored, so it is inevitably a bit eerie. The Ninth Princess did not dare to go in, but stood at the door and waved to Jin Feng:

"Sir, come here, I have good news for you!"

"What good news?"

Jin Feng wiped his hands with a wet towel and walked out of Yizhuang.

"The quota for the second-class army that I promised you, as well as the qualification to erect a monument, have been approved!"

The Ninth Princess took a wooden box from Qin'er and held it out to Jin Feng.

Jin Feng opened the wooden box and found two seals inside, as well as a pair of tiger charms for troop deployment, as well as some documents and other items.

With these things, Jin Feng can build armor and equip weapons openly!

[The author has something to say]

My nose has been blocked for a day. It’s really uncomfortable and my brain is confused. I won’t write today because I’m afraid that the more I write, the more mistakes I’ll make.

This chapter has been completed!
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