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Chapter 514 Follow me

"Oh, what are you doing?"

Jin Feng wanted to reach out and pull these dancers up, but he felt it was inappropriate.

He seemed a little at a loss for a while.

"Let me tell you, this Mr. Jin is not only a noble man, but also an infatuated and talented man. You are all literate. You should have heard about Xichuan Flowers. He is not like Xiaobei, right?"

Qing Xinyao said: "That poem was written by this gentleman, and Mr. Jin also married Miss Xiaobei back home. Now Miss Xiaobei is so powerful that the entire Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce is under her control."

The dancers originally wanted to follow Jin Feng, but when Qing Xinyao said this, their eyes lit up with excitement.

Ordinary people in Xichuan City may not know Jin Feng, but they came from a brothel and have heard the story of Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei.

Tang Xiaobei is a legend among brothel girls and the dream target of all brothel girls.

Even the girls who were bought by Tang Xiaobei to be female shopkeepers became the envy of the girls in the brothel.

Nowadays, soap is also widely used in Xichuan brothels. The madam, who is extremely scary in their eyes, turns into a quail in front of these female shopkeepers. She keeps smiling and talks nice, just to buy some soap.

They did not expect to be as lucky as Tang Xiaobei, nor did they expect to become a female shopkeeper. As long as Jin Feng was willing to take them in, they would accept it even if he still asked them to be maids in bed.

In any case, it is better than being sent back to Hanxiang Tower.

"Sir, please stay with us, sir? We will serve you wholeheartedly!"

"Sir, we know a lot of things and we will definitely satisfy you!"


A group of girls all turned into kowtowing bugs and begged Jin Feng to take them in.

Jin Feng was already soft-hearted, but now he was begging a group of weak women, and he really couldn't refuse.

I had no choice but to nod: "Okay, stop knocking, get up and come with me!"

"Thank you sir!"

The group of girls were all excited and stood up one after another.

"Sir, tomorrow I will have someone change their deeds to his name and send them over to him."

Qing Xinyao said with a smile.

"There is no need to change it to my name, just change it to a free citizen." Jin Feng waved his hand and said.

His original intention was to free these girls, but who knew that when the girls heard this, they all turned pale with fear and knelt down again.

"Sir, please don't abandon us!"

the girls begged.

Some were so anxious that they shed tears.

"Who said I would abandon you..."

After Jin Feng said this, he felt something was wrong.

It was the first time I met them, so why did I abandon them?

When people who don't know hear this, they think they are a scumbag who always gives up.

"I am not abandoning you, but I am giving you your freedom."

Jin Feng had no choice but to explain: "From now on, you are no longer girls in a brothel, nor are you maids from a certain family. You are free and can go wherever you want!"

"Sir, the slaves don't want freedom, they just want to follow and serve you!"

The leading girl raised her head and said: "We don't know anything. We only know how to dance and wait for others. If Mr. doesn't want us, we...we will have no way to survive!"

This is also the frustration of many brothel girls.

There were so few job opportunities in the feudal era that even if they were given freedom, they would have nowhere to go.

In the end, he either becomes someone else's plaything or returns to the brothel.

"Okay, I can't tell you for a while, so get up, I won't drive you away."

Jin Feng waved his hands with a headache, too lazy to explain to them.

When they return to Xihewan, they will slowly find out.

Seeing that the girls were all standing up again, Jin Feng hugged Qing Xinyao, turned around and mounted his horse.

The two girls immediately approached him sensibly, one helped Jin Feng hold the horse's reins, and the other helped support him.

Jin Feng sighed inwardly and kicked the horse's belly.

Because there was an extra group of girls on foot, the team couldn't move very fast. It took almost half an hour to get back to the Damangpo Camp.

It was the first time for the girls to come to the military camp. They looked around curiously, a little panicked about their future life, but also full of expectations.

The girls looked at the military camp curiously, and the soldiers on duty in the military camp also looked at them curiously.

Although there are female escorts in the escort team, the female escorts usually wear the same clothes as the male escorts, and most of them have dark and rough skin due to long-term training. They look tougher than many male soldiers in the Weisheng Army.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of female escorts is indeed no worse than that of the male soldiers of Wei Sheng Army.

Especially on the crossbow, it beat the male soldiers of Weisheng Army for several blocks.

Now a group of graceful women wearing gauze skirts and swaying like willows in the wind suddenly appeared. The soldiers on duty were stunned.

But seeing that these girls came with Jin Feng, all the soldiers quickly looked away.

After Jin Feng took the dancer away, several soldiers on duty quickly gathered together and discussed in low voices.

"Mr. Jin, isn't this too outrageous?"

"Is this outrageous? Is this your first day as a soldier?"

"That's right, it's normal for an officer to bring his female family back to the camp. When I was in the Lian'an Army, that young master Hou was never idle from the first day he entered the camp."

"It was the same when I was on duty in the Bai Sheng Army. Mr. Bai asked the brothel to send three girls to the camp every day, and he didn't bring any of the same kind for a month. Mr. Jin waited until after the war and cleaned the battlefield before bringing girls to the camp. It was already very good.


"Of course I know this. What I say is outrageous is that Mr. Jin brought so many back at once. I didn't dare to count carefully just now, but there are always more than a dozen, right?"

"It looks like a big group, there should be one."

"Mr. Jin really doesn't do anything, but he makes a big move. He brought back more than a dozen at once, and they don't look like ordinary brothel girls!"

"Of course she is not an ordinary brothel girl, she should be a dancer."

"how do you know?"

"Look at the posture and momentum of walking. Dancers have been training their bodies since childhood, so they walk differently from ordinary people."

"How do you know so well?"

"Our family lives outside Fengyuefang. I have been dealing with them every day since I was a child. I can tell them at a glance."

"No wonder everyone's waists are so thin. Mr. Jin brought so much back at once. I have to work hard tonight."

"I'm willing to help, do you want to treat me?"

"Gungun, I can't afford it!"

In the envious eyes of the soldiers on duty, Jin Feng gradually walked away with the dancers.

When he first entered the camp, Da Liu secretly sent someone to call a team of female bodyguards.

When Jin Feng returned to the camp, Liu wisely led his guards to retreat a hundred meters away, leaving the female soldiers to guard outside the camp.

"Sir, is this your big account?"

A dancer asked curiously.

On the way here, Jin Feng became somewhat familiar with this group of dancers.

I know that this girl named Qingyuan is the eldest sister of this group of dancers and the oldest one. She is nineteen years old this year.

"Yes, this is my tent," Jin Feng nodded and said, "Miss Qingyuan, you go and have a rest first, I will find someone to arrange it for you later!"

After saying that, I was going to send someone to call Ape over.

But thinking that there were still some documents in his tent that had not been put away, he turned around and went back to the tent.

The girls looked at each other and plucked up the courage to follow.

Suddenly, the tent was filled with the scent of rouge.

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