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Chapter 516 Garrison Sword Gate Pass

Early the next morning, Zhou Youda called all the clan elders and village chiefs among the refugees to the ancestral temple.

"Mr. Zhou!"

"Han Zhuangshi!"

The clan elders greeted Zhou Youda and Han Feng one after another.

The two of them returned the favor again and again.

"Mr. Zhou, do you have any news that Mr. Jin promised to help us find a way to survive?"

A clan elder asked.

"Hasn't the kiln factory to the west started construction?"

Zhou Youda said: "It just doesn't take so many people to build a kiln. Once the kiln is built, we will have bricks, and then we can build other factories."

Mr. Jin said that we will build a super large workshop in Zhoujiazhuang that can allow 10,000 women to work at the same time, and also build an iron smelting plant in the Jinma River in the west. By then, all of us can go to work in the factory.

, no longer have to farm land for landlords!

Mr. Jin will pay everyone’s taxes for you, and your children can also go to the school run by Mr. Jin to study for free! You no longer have to worry about being cold or hungry!"

"Is there really such a good time in the world?" a clan elder asked doubtfully.

"Why not? Our Xihewan Village is like this!"

Han Feng said: "In our village, the factory has wheat porridge three times a day, and meat every three days. Anyone who works in the factory can eat whatever they want!

Mr. Jin also built brick dormitories for workers who had no place to live. All workers’ children can study in the village school for free. My son can now read 300 Chinese characters!”

The common people all know that if the government sends someone to requisition war horses, they must obediently hand them over.

But Han Feng promised them that they would buy each horse for five taels of silver, and now it has been fulfilled.

Therefore, Han Feng now has great influence among the refugees. When he said this, none of the clan elders doubted it.

They had nothing left, so there was no need for Jin Feng to lie to them.

"Mr. Jin is really a living Bodhisattva!"

Many clan elders expressed yearning: "I really hope we can live such a good life soon."

"This is what I came to tell you about."

Zhou Youda said: "Mr. Jin wants to recruit a group of soldiers. In order to take care of our brothers in the prison camp, he will recruit them from us first."

"But we all have marks on our faces..." A clan elder said hesitantly.

"Mr. Jin doesn't care about the brand, but he praises our brothers in the prison camp as heroes."

Zhou Youda said: "Mr. Jin asked Her Royal Highness the Princess to report our matter to the court and erect a monument for us, so that everyone in the world will know that although we have marks on our faces, we are not cowards!"

In order to gain favor with Jin Feng, Zhou Youda directly blamed Jin Feng for what the Ninth Princess had done.

"Really?" The clan elders all became excited.

"It's true, and I heard from my husband that the imperial court has approved it, and construction of the monument should start in the next few days!"

Han Feng cooperated with Zhou Youda and said: "Sir, he also said that the names of all of us who participated in the capture of the military horse camp should be engraved on the monument so that future generations will always remember our contributions."

"Great! Now even if you die, you can still go see your ancestors!"

"Mr. Jin's kindness will never be forgotten by our Cai family. When we rebuild our ancestral temple, we will erect a monument to Mr. Jin's longevity!"

"I, the Zhong clan, dare not forget it!"

Many clan elders cried at that time.

Some people knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed in the direction of the Big Snake Slope.

After a while of excitement, the clan elders slowly regained their composure and expressed their opinions one after another.

"Mr. Zhou, Han Zhuangshi, don't worry. We will give our full support to Mr. Jin when he recruits soldiers. When I get back, I will ask my eldest son to go to Damang Slope to report to Mr. Jin!"

"I still have three sons, two for the husband!"

"It's a pity that my son died in the prisoner camp. Now I only have two daughters left. Otherwise, I can serve my husband!"

"Master Han, I only have one son left now. Could you please tell me how many years you will have to serve as a soldier for your husband and where you will go?"

Most clan elders declared on the spot that they would send their sons to join the army.

There were also some who had only one son left, who were a little more cautious and asked more questions.

"Everyone, be quiet for a moment and listen to what I have to say."

Han Feng raised his hand and waited until the clan elders calmed down before answering the first question: "Sir's Zhenyuan Army is responsible for guarding Jianmen Pass. It is located in Guangyuan. If you ride a horse, you can get there in two or three days."

Mr. Jiu is relatively reliable in handling affairs.

Not only did he secure a place in the second-class army for Jin Feng, but he also helped him secure the nearest Jianmen Pass.

Of course, apart from the Ninth Princess's struggle, another reason why this matter went so smoothly was that it was the Qing family's army that originally guarded Jianmen Pass.

Nowadays, although Dakang is decayed, the civil strife is not serious. Jianmen Pass is just a domestic pass and is not of high importance.

The Ninth Princess spoke in person and to Jin Feng, so naturally Qing Xinyao would not refute their reputation.

When Jin Feng learned that the Ninth Princess had closed the Sword Gate to him, he couldn't believe it.

Jianmen Pass is the entrance to Shu. There are thirty miles of pavilion roads on both sides. With Jin Feng's heavy crossbows and catapults, it is really true that one man is in charge and no one can open it.

Moreover, Jianmen Pass is only over a hundred miles away from Xihewan. Letting Jin Feng guard Jianmen Pass is equivalent to letting him protect his base camp.

To be honest, Jin Feng was moved by this for two days.

If he rebelled, the imperial court would not be able to take Jianmen Pass away from him without twenty times more troops.

Later, I realized that the Ninth Princess was releasing goodwill and trust, and also winning over people's hearts.

If he really wants to rebel, it doesn't matter whether he has Jianmenguan or not.

But even after understanding this, Jin Feng still thanked the Ninth Princess.

Jianmen Pass is in his hands, and Xihewan is just an iron barrel.

Jinchuan is not particularly far from Xichuan. The clan elders were relieved when they heard that they were going to serve at Jianmen Pass.

Then I heard Han Feng continue to say: "One more thing, I want to make it clear in advance. After your children are recruited, they will not become soldiers immediately. They will first serve as bodyguards for a period of time and go to the capital, Jiangnan, and other places in Sichuan and Shu.

After delivering goods and practicing for a period of time, I will go to guard Jianmen Pass!"

"Become a bodyguard first?" A clan elder blurted out and asked, "Do you have any wages?"

"Lao Cai, what's wrong with you?"

Another clan elder immediately said with disdain: "If it weren't for Mr. Jin, your old bones would be rotten. Your child helps Mr. Jin do things, and you still care about the wages?"

"Oh, didn't I say that I have a bald mouth..." The clan elder named Cai quickly patted his mouth twice.

"Our husband often says that you need to be paid for work. Mr. Cai, you have no problem asking."

Han Feng said: "Whether you are a bodyguard or a soldier for your husband, you will all get paid!"

After that, he explained the treatment of the escort team.

This chapter has been completed!
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