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Chapter 519 What is the Little Black Room?

"Opening a bank is not difficult in the first place. If you hadn't insisted on opening a bank, I wouldn't have suggested it."

The Ninth Princess said: "This is a thankless task and a big responsibility."

"I'd like to hear the details!" Jin Feng said with cupped hands.

"I don't know much."

As the Ninth Princess spoke, she explained the situation of the bank that she knew about.

Only then did Jin Feng understand why it was not difficult for the bank to get approval.

The money bank in the feudal era was different from what he imagined.

The currency of Dakang is mainly copper coins, and gold and silver are only used for large transactions.

Especially gold ingots are rarely seen by many small businessmen, let alone ordinary people.

Many shops accumulate a large amount of broken silver for a period of time, and then it will be melted into large silver ingots or silver cakes, which can also be circulated.

Basically, every store will be equipped with a precise small scale specially used to weigh silver.

However, some stores will mix other metals into silver ingots, so everyone is more willing to accept officially produced silver ingots.

This is also the reason why Dakang’s currency system has not collapsed.

Regardless of gold, silver or copper coins, they are all real metals and can only be mined in such quantities.

With the current level of corruption in Dakang, if banknotes were used as currency, inflation would have already occurred.

The profit point of a bank is also different from that of banks in previous lives. It does not lie in financing, investing, or using depositors' money to make money, but in earning some handling fees.

Yes, when you deposit money at Dakang Bank, not only is there no interest, but there are also handling fees.

And the handling fees are extremely high.

If a banknote is counterfeited, or a thief is hired into the warehouse and the gold and silver is lost, the depositor will have to bear the loss.

Therefore, in Dakang, banking is not a very profitable and popular industry.

It was easy for the court to approve it. The Ninth Princess didn't mention it before, so she didn't regard this matter as important at all.

After listening to the Ninth Princess's explanation, Jin Feng not only did not feel discouraged, but became more confident in his decision.

"Sir, in fact, the most important thing in opening a bank is connections. To put it bluntly, with your reputation and qualifications, big businessmen will never leave their money to you."

Ninth Princess said: "It doesn't mean that if you open a bank, someone will come to deposit money immediately."

"I understand," Jin Feng nodded: "Anyway, it's the Chamber of Commerce's decision. Let's give it a try."

Merchants will also check the strength of the bank before depositing money.

What if you choose a small bank and run away with your own money?

Seeing Jin Feng's persistence, the Ninth Princess stopped trying to persuade him.

Qing Xinyao asked curiously: "Sir, have you thought of another clever idea?"

When the Ninth Princess heard this, she also realized that Jin Feng rarely did anything he was unsure of.

"There is no clever plan. You will know it later."

Jin Feng was not sure whether his idea would work, and he didn't want to say it.

"Sir, there's nothing going on right now, so just tell me!"

Ninth Princess said: "Brother Xinyao and I might be able to help you check and fill in the gaps."

"This..." Jin Feng was a little moved.

Indeed, his ideas came from his previous life and were not necessarily suitable for Da Kang.

Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao are both well-informed, so it would be good to ask them to help with the matter.

"This is what I think about the source of customers," Jin Feng said: "Come to my bank to deposit money, and there is no handling fee when exchanging."

"Then how does Mr. Qianzhuang make money?" Ninth Princess asked in confusion.

"It depends on the money deposited by others." Jin Feng said: "First, I can lend the money out and charge interest. Second, I can also use the money deposited by others to start a business, so that I can make more money.


"This is a good idea," Qing Xinyao asked, "but what if we lose money?"

"Brother Xinyao, have you ever seen your husband lose money in any business?" Ninth Princess asked with a curled lips.

"That's true. I forgot that your husband is known as the little God of Wealth and makes money in whatever he does." Qing Xinyao replied with a smile.

"What do you two think of my idea?" Jin Feng asked.

"I can't say for sure. Merchants are very careful. The more you behave like this, sir, the more unreliable they may feel." The Ninth Princess said: "In the short term, business may not be very good. Sir, don't be discouraged."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Having said this, Jin Feng suddenly asked: "Your Highness, how about you deposit money and become my first customer, just as supporting my bank?"

"Others don't know, sir, don't you know?" Ninth Princess said with a bitter face: "Where can I still have money?"

"It doesn't matter, I can open an account for His Highness, and then I will tell the public that His Highness has deposited thirty thousand taels of silver with me. Just don't expose it," Jin Feng said with a smile.

"Sir, you are still smart!"

The Ninth Princess immediately understood Jin Feng's purpose.

He wants to use his fame to attract business.

The status of a princess is still very useful. Even if the princess saves money in the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce, it can instantly increase the credit rating of the chamber of commerce by several levels.

The Ninth Princess nodded, agreeing to Jin Feng's proposal.

"Master Qing, how about you save some?" Jin Feng looked at Qing Xinyao with a smile.

“Sir’s bank really doesn’t require handling fees?”

Compared to the helplessness of the Ninth Princess, Qing Xinyao seemed very moved.

Every year, the Qing family receives a large amount of money and spends a large amount of money.

The annual handling fee for exchanging banknotes for silver is not a small amount.

"Of course, we will never charge any handling fees!" Jin Feng quickly promised.

"Okay, the total gold and silver in my house should be 50,000 to 60,000 taels. When are you ready? Send someone to move it and deposit it all in your chamber of commerce!" Qing Xinyao said boldly.

"Does Mr. Qing believe me so much?" Jin Feng was stunned.

He thought Qing Xinyao would save a few thousand taels for his own good, but who knew that he would just have someone go to his house to move the bank account?

"What do I have to worry about, sir?" Qing Xinyao said: "The money in my hands can only pile up in the warehouse and rust, so why not give it to sir? I believe that sir can definitely make a profit with this money."

More money!"

"Thank you, Lord Qing, for your trust!" Jin Feng bowed his hand towards Qing Xinyao.

I have to say that it is not easy to be a state shepherd.

Qing Xinyao was very generous in everything he said and did.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then an escort hurried up the mountain.

"Sir, it's not good. Two soldiers from the Weisheng Army came out of the dark room and became hysterical. General Meng asked me to tell you to go down and take a look."

"Hysterical?" Jin Feng frowned slightly.

He knew that it would be difficult for unprepared people to be locked up in a dark room for the first time, so he did not dare to lock them up for too long, only for two days, for fear that they would not be able to bear it.

Who knows, something will happen in the end.

But what does hysteria mean?

Jin Feng hurried down the mountain.

Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao looked at each other and followed.

As Qing Xinyao walked, he asked: "Wuyang, what is the little black room?"

This chapter has been completed!
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