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Chapter 525 My husband and I are innocent

When they first came to Damangpo, Qingyuan and others were still a little scared, fearing that Jin Feng would abandon them to the soldiers in order to win people's hearts.

This kind of thing is very common in Dakang.

After many generals finished fighting, they would find a group of girls from brothels to go to the camp.

But what Qing Yuan was worried about did not happen. Not only did Jin Feng strictly prohibit his soldiers from harassing them, he also did not even touch the dancers himself.

Just arrange for them to practice dance.

This made Qingyuan feel respected for the first time.

I also felt a little disappointed.

In the past, in order to survive, she had to be prepared to commit herself to Jin Feng, but now, she really likes this very elegant general.

Unfortunately, Jin Feng barely looked at her.

This was the first time I stared at her like this.

My heart also started to beat a little drum.

Jin Feng noticed that Qingyuan's face was red, and then he realized that he was a little abrupt.

He immediately suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind: "Miss Qingyuan, I need your help with something."

"Sir, please give me your instructions!" Qingyuan also raised her head.

"Is such that……"

Jin Feng told Qing Yuan about the girls who were applying for the recruitment, and then said: "I want to find a few scholars who can write storybooks to help me write a few short stories. You can also rehearse them here, and maybe we can do it later.

I need you to perform."

"No problem!" Qingyuan agreed: "The scholar who wrote the storybook likes to go to the brothel the most. Although I don't know him, the sisters in Hanxianglou must know him."

"Okay, I'll ask Da Liu to send someone to go to Hanxiang Tower with you." Jin Feng nodded.

Regarding the matter of comforting refugee girls, among the people Jin Feng knew, Xiaoyu was the most suitable and the best at it.

It's a pity that she is currently in Xihewan, and Jin Feng doesn't want to transfer her here just because of this matter.

Apart from Xiaoyu, among the people he knew, only Qingyuan was the most suitable.

She was born in a brothel and was also a poor person, so it was easier for her to get close to refugee girls.

Hanxiang House is the largest brothel in Xichuan City besides Jiaofangsi, and it is also the most famous selling bank in Xichuan.

Jiaofangsi is a government-run institution. Although many of the girls there are from official families and are of higher quality, there are also many rules.

Hanxiang Tower is privately owned and has no rules.

As long as you have money, you can enjoy treatment like an emperor here.

Therefore, the business of Hanxiang Tower has always been higher than that of Jiaofangsi.

Hanxiang Tower occupies a large area with four courtyards.

Among them, the east courtyard and the south courtyard are gates for normal business, and most of the customers coming and going are wealthy merchants.

The west courtyard is a VIP passage, and only high-ranking officials and dignitaries can enter.

Qingyuan's destination is Beiyuan.

The North Campus has the worst conditions and the largest area. The training base of Hanxiang Building is also here.

The girls who are bought will undergo unified training here. The most outstanding batch will be sent to the West Courtyard to serve dignitaries, while the ordinary ones will be sent to the East Courtyard and South Courtyard to serve ordinary merchants.

Those with the worst performance will be sent to the North Campus.

In addition to being a training base, the North Campus also entertains guests.

It's just that the North Courtyard is a relatively low-cost court, and most of the girls there are mediocre in appearance and can't get into the other three courts.

Or maybe the girls who have passed out from the other three courtyards were sent to the North courtyard by the madam to squeeze out the last bit of profit.

The guests coming to and from the North Courtyard are mainly ordinary people or down-and-out scholars.

After all, it is Hanxiang House, and even in the North Courtyard, the quality of the girls there is higher than that of ordinary brothels, so the North Courtyard is the busiest of the four courtyards of Hanxiang House.

When Qingyuan and her bodyguard arrived at Hanxiang Tower, it was only noon and there was already an endless stream of guests coming and going.

Qingyuan had been training behind the scenes, and the thugs at the gate didn't recognize her.

When he saw that a girl was about to come in, and she was accompanied by several burly men, the thugs thought it was some young lady coming to arrest their men, so they quickly reached out to stop Qingyuan: "Miss, we don't accept female guests here!"

"I'm looking for Mother Feng!" Qingyuan said.

Mother Feng is the person in charge of the Hanxianglou training camp. Qingyuan and the others were under her control when they were in Hanxianglou.

Compared with other madams, Feng's mother is relatively kind, and Qingyuan has a good impression of her.

"Mother Feng?" The thug looked at Qingyuan for a while: "What do you call Miss? I'd better go and report to you."

Just as Qingyuan was about to speak, he saw a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup coming out of the inner room and heading towards the stairs.

"Mother Feng!" Qingyuan shouted.

The woman heard someone calling her and turned to look at the door.

When he saw Qingyuan, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then he twisted his plump body and ran over quickly.

"Oh my dear mother, isn't this Qingyuan?"

Mother Feng circled Qing Yuan: "Why are you dressed like this? I didn't recognize it just now. I thought it was a young master from some family who came!"

"Mom, have you ever heard of Zhenyuan Escort Agency? This is the escort uniform of Zhenyuan Escort Agency."

Qingyuan explained with a smile.

"Zhenyuan Escort Agency?" Feng's mother was surprised: "Mr. Guangyuan Jin's Zhenyuan Escort Agency?"

"Yes!" Qingyuan smiled and nodded.

"Didn't you and Caiyi go to Qing Mansion together?" Feng's mother asked.

"Mr. Jin went to Qing Mansion as a guest, and Mr. Qing gave us to Mr. Jin."

"Mr. Jin, did you accept him?" Feng's mother was surprised, and her attitude immediately became much more respectful.

The reason why she is kind to the girls in the training camp is not only because of her personality, but also because these girls may be sent to wealthy families at any time.

If a nobleman from some family fell in love with them and took them as concubines, Feng's mother would be considered to have a good relationship.

No, Qingyuan came to see her if something happened?

Not only Feng's mother, but also the thugs guarding the gate, their attitudes immediately became submissive.

The story of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency and the Black Armored Team has also spread in Xichuan City recently, and the thugs have heard it countless times.

It's just that the escorts have been stationed outside the city and have not come to the city, so they have never seen them.

Just now, the thugs felt that the men following Qing Yuan did not look like ordinary people. They looked more majestic than ordinary thugs, as if they were ready to kill at any time.

Only now did I know that the other party was from the famous Zhenyuan Escort Agency!

"Mother Feng, what are you talking about?" Qingyuan blushed at what Mother Feng said: "My husband and I are innocent!"

"Innocent?" Feng's mother secretly raised her eyebrows at the escort who was following behind.

Does this mean that if you two were innocent, Mr. Jin would send so many bodyguards to protect you?

"My husband and I are really innocent," Qingyuan said, dumbfounded: "Sir, he took me in... No, after he brought us back to the camp, he didn't touch us and made us become bodyguards, so I wore something like this.


"Are you also an escort at Zhenyuan Escort Agency now?"

Mother Feng was even more surprised than before.

Qingyuan has been following her since she was sold to Hanxiang House. No one knows Qingyuan better than Mother Feng.

This girl is a top-notch dancer, but if you ask her to fight, isn't that a joke?

This chapter has been completed!
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