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Chapter 533 Tell me, what do you want to do?

"I discussed it with her last night. This method was proposed by Ling Yun and asked me to discuss it with my husband."

Han Feng said: "She also said she wanted the wedding to be held in a prisoner camp."

"Why?" Jin Feng asked.

Who doesn’t want to choose a happy day and a happy place to get married?

The prison camp was not only a sad place for all refugees, but also a place where countless people died.

"Ling Yun said that what was going to happen has already happened. Only by facing the past bravely can we have a future." Han Feng replied.

"This girl Lingyun is really a hero among women! Old Han, you have found a good girl!"

After hearing what Han Feng said, Jin Feng became even more fond of this girl he had never met before.

Bravely facing the unbearable past is easy to say, but extremely difficult to actually do it.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many girls committing suicide.

"Ling Yun is a scholar and has good ideas. I can't understand some of what she said, but I think what she said makes sense."

Han Feng scratched his head, smiled, and asked, "Sir, do you agree?"

"Miss Lingyun has made such a big sacrifice, of course I agree!"

Jin Feng said: "This wedding must be a grand event, and I want the entire Xichuan City to know about it!"

In the next two days, the stage play was still performed.

There is no need for Jin Feng to arrange it. After so many people have heard the story, they will publicize it to the outside world.

Coupled with the storyteller's push, in just two days, the whole of Xichuan knew about it.

Most ordinary people are kind-hearted. Under the bias of the story, they basically have sympathy for the refugees.

Recently, refugees have come to the city to do business, and fewer and fewer people are laughing at the stigma on their faces.

On the contrary, more and more people are showing goodwill to them.

This dissipated a lot of the inferiority complex felt by the refugees.

Of course, not everyone likes this story.

Among them, there are mainly various scholars.

In the traditional culture of Dakang, chastity is very important. This story from Damangpo is tantamount to contradicting the custom that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"Absurd, the person who made up such a story is simply ridiculous!"

"It's not ridiculous, it's shameless! This is a violation of the ancestral rules!"

"Starving to death is a small matter, but being unchaste is a big deal. They write about a woman's indolence like this, how unbecoming it is!"

"If they do this, who will care about chastity in the future? Women won't all become sluts!"

"I used to think that Jin Feng was a great scholar, but now it seems that he is nothing more than that!"

"I heard that this story was not written by Jin Feng, but by a down-and-out scholar named Chen Wenyuan."

"Is it Chen Wenyuan who helps people copy poems and essays on the bridge?"

"Yes, that's him!"

"That's right, I heard that he redeemed himself for a girl named Xiaolian from Hanxiang Tower a few days ago."

"I've also heard about this. It seems that Chen Wenyuan has been entangled with this brothel girl!"

"Then no wonder he wrote such a story, he turned out to be a tattered shoe picker!"

"No, Jin Feng asked me to write this story, and he asked me to do it at the time. It's just that I listened to Jin Feng's request and felt it was inappropriate, so I didn't agree!"

"They also came to me, and I also wrote, but I was called back later. At that time, I couldn't understand that I was a talented scholar, but I lost to Chen Wenyuan in writing. Now I understand, this is what Jin Feng wanted.

s story!"

"No matter who wrote this story, it must not continue to be circulated. Otherwise, what kind of ethics and integrity will there be in the world? Let's go to Damanangpo to find Jin Feng and ask him clearly!"

"Yes, Jin Feng must change this story."

On Damangpo, Jin Feng was discussing the monument and Han Feng's wedding with the Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao, when Da Liu opened the curtain and came in.

"Sir, there is a group of troublemaking scholars outside, clamoring to see you!"

"Why are you seeing me?" Jin Feng asked.

"I heard them shouting about chastity, decency and so on, and they seemed to want me to change the story," said Da Liu.

The Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao looked at each other and frowned slightly at the same time.

They knew this would happen when they first heard the story.

But they didn't expect it would happen so quickly.

This also shows that the reaction of readers was more intense than they expected.

"Sir, what should we do now? Do we want to drive them away?" Da Liu asked.

"No, it is always difficult to break the shackles and replace the old with the new, because doing so will harm the interests of some people, so they will be resisted."

Jin Feng said helplessly: "You must face what you have to face. Avoiding will never solve the problem. Drive them away today, and more people will come tomorrow. Let me go and take a look."

He is a science student and is not good at arguing, so he rarely argues with others and only works hard in the laboratory.

He believes that facts will prove who is right and who is wrong, and arguing is meaningless and will only waste time.

But it won't work this time. If he doesn't go out and defend these people, things will get bigger and bigger.

By then it may be more serious than before.

"Your Highness, Mr. Qing, you guys take a rest here and I'll go see what's going on."

Jin Feng waved to Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao and walked out of the tent.

Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao sighed slightly and followed them out.

Jin Feng discovered them, but did not stop them. He just signaled to Liu to send more guards to prevent them from getting into trouble later and hurting the two of them.

Da Liu gestured to the side, and a team of bodyguards who were training on the side quickly ran over.

Many people were changing their arrow cases while running, ready to fight at any time.

"The people here this time are all common people, not enemies. Let everyone unload their quivers and don't accidentally hit anyone."

Upon seeing this, Jin Feng quickly reminded: "Also, everyone should not draw their swords easily. If there is danger, protect His Highness and Lord Qing and leave first."

"Yes!" Da Liu quickly called a guard to come forward and explain.

On the outskirts of Damang Slope, hundreds of scholars gathered, pointing at the camp.

When they saw Jin Feng and his men appear from behind the tent, the scholars who were talking a lot and spitting stars immediately fell silent.

There were literally hundreds of black-clad escorts walking towards us together, and the momentum was too scary.

Coupled with the recent spread of storytellers, in the minds of many people, the Black Armored Team is a war machine that kills people without blinking an eye.

Many scholars retreated subconsciously, fearing that they would offend these killers and be killed on the spot.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I don't believe Jin Feng dares to kill people!"

A middle-aged scholar calmed down and shouted to encourage the scholars.

"Yes, Dakang has never been punished for his words. Jin Feng is also a scholar. I don't believe he dares to do such a despicable thing!"

The scholars also came to their senses one after another and stopped retreating.

Jin Feng couldn't help but sneer when he heard their shouts.

He signaled the escort to bring a wooden frame over and place it in the open space next to the trench.

Jin Feng climbed onto the wooden frame and looked at the scholars coldly across the ditch.

Then he raised a tin trumpet and asked, "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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