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Chapter 550: Cold Wave Strikes

"Sir, you are indeed a man of many plans and has the appearance of a national teacher!"

The Ninth Princess sighed, and then her heart moved, and she asked: "Sir, are you willing to go to the capital to serve as the national advisor?"

The National Preceptor is a very special position.

Generally, the title is given by the emperor to religious experts or people with great abilities.

The definition of authority is also very vague.

In history, there were many capable and ambitious state advisors who could influence the emperor and rule the court.

For those who have no ability or desire for power, this is just a sinecure, and they only need to collect their salary every month.

But there are relatively few such national teachers.

Most of the Imperial Guards are keen on political affairs, otherwise they would not have left the profession.

Some state advisors indeed helped the emperor to govern the world well, while some state advisors deceived the emperor and brought trouble to the court.

This position is not available in every era. For example, in Dakang, the position of National Preceptor has been vacant for more than a hundred years.

The main reason is that a national master appeared more than a hundred years ago and led the then emperor to crazily take pills.

Not only was it a waste of money and people, but the refined elixirs were also the medicine of tigers and wolves. At that time, the emperor was so energetic that he played songs every night and stayed up all night, but he did not feel tired at all.

The emperor then praised the imperial master so highly that he really felt that he had met an immortal.

Unfortunately, I didn't last for a few years because my body was severely overdrafted, so I passed away in my early thirties.

The Imperial Advisor at that time was deeply trusted by the emperor and formed his own power in the court. When the current emperor died, the Imperial Advisor supported a new emperor.

Then the new emperor did not last a few years and died.

With two lessons learned from the past, the third emperor who was promoted to the throne by the Imperial Advisor was more thoughtful. On the surface, he catered to the Imperial Advisor, but secretly he attracted a group of ministers and directly killed the Imperial Advisor.

This incident was called "the state division's chaos in government".

Although the Imperial Preceptor was killed, the Imperial Preceptor had been in chaos for more than ten years, using the excuse of refining medicine for the emperor to plunder the world like crazy.

Dakang also started to go downhill from that time.

It was also from that time that Emperor Dakang no longer trusted the imperial advisor, and this position remained vacant for more than a hundred years.

If someone else were to be the national advisor, Chen Ji would definitely not agree.

But the Ninth Princess knew that Chen Ji was an admirer of Jin Feng. Coupled with her familiarity with Chen Ji, there was a high probability that this matter would be facilitated.

Moreover, the Ninth Princess knew very well that Jin Feng really cared about the people of the world, and letting him serve as the national advisor would only benefit the people and would never disrupt the government.

What the Ninth Princess is really worried about is whether Jin Fengtong agrees.

"Sir, if you are willing, our Qing family will definitely help you!"

Qing Xinyao also quickly expressed his position.

Qing Mulan, who was lying on the soft bed, also raised her head.

Then the three of them saw Jin Feng shaking his head: "Thank you, Your Highness and Lord Qing for your kindness. I'm afraid I'm not up to the task."

"Sir, you said it will snow early this year, and it will snow early this year. If you are so accurate in your calculations, if you are not qualified to be a national teacher, I can't think of anyone else who is qualified."

Qing Mulan said: "Sir, please don't refuse."

"It's not that I can calculate accurately, but most natural phenomena can be traced."

Jin Feng explained: "If the imperial court sends people to record the annual rainfall across the country and the temperature changes in each season, and compare the data for decades, we can find the patterns.

Sichuan and Sichuan suffered from drought this summer and continued rainfall in the autumn. This is a typical manifestation of the La Niña phenomenon, and another manifestation of the La Niña phenomenon is that this year's winter will be particularly cold."

"Things that were originally very mysterious were suddenly understood when my husband said it like this."

The Ninth Princess sighed: "Sir, you really have a sharp eye. It would be a pity not to become a national teacher."

"Actually, if you observe carefully, everything has its own laws to follow, so it is not difficult."

Jin Feng said: "There is no need to mention the matter of the national division. Let's discuss how to deal with the coming cold disaster."

Seeing Jin Feng's firm attitude, the Ninth Princess had no choice but to give up persuading him.

He Qingxinyao looked at each other and asked, "Sir, do you have any ideas for disaster relief?"

"Besides buying some food, what else can I do?"

Jin Feng said helplessly: "I came to you just to remind you that from the data I collected, Sichuan and Sichuan were hit more severely this time. You don't have much time, so you should prepare early."

Realizing that there would be a cold wave this year, Jin Feng not only prepared food supplies, but also asked the bodyguards and the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce to collect data on people's livelihood in various places.

It is inferred from the survey results that the most severely affected area this time is the Nishikawa Basin.

Afterwards, the three of them discussed some specific details of disaster relief, and it was not until midnight that Jin Feng left Qing Mansion.

What happened next was even more serious than Jin Feng expected.

In previous years, the first snow usually doesn't last long, but this year it lasted all day and night.

The snow on the flat ground is enough to cover your knees.

The temperature also continues to get colder.

The sudden cold wave caught the people by surprise.

They didn't even have time to prepare firewood to keep out the cold.

The charcoal supply in Xichuan City more than tripled in a few days.

At night, you can often hear children crying loudly because they are too cold to sleep.

The people in the city are a little better. Most of them are well off and at least have a roof over their heads.

The people outside the city were miserable.

Especially the people around Xichuan City were robbed by cavalry and their houses were burned down.

When it didn't snow before, they all lived in the big camp tents left by Danzhu. Now many of the tents have been collapsed by the heavy snow.

Even if the tent was not crushed, wind was leaking from all directions and could not stop the cold wave at all.

Even though Zhou Youda and Han Feng took rescue measures in time, more than a dozen weak people were still frozen to death after the first snow.

There are hundreds of people suffering from colds.

In the end, Jin Feng had no choice but to leave the city and have people work overtime to put a roof on the unfinished textile workshop, and then move the refugees in together.

The textile workshop is built with thousands of people working at the same time, and the area is very large.

The ground is spread with hay and they are crowded together, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Jin Feng also had dozens of stoves of different sizes built inside.

The heat emitted by the body heat of tens of thousands of people was not small to begin with, and coupled with central heating, the cold wave was finally barely blocked.

"Sir, you still have more options."

Zhou Youda wiped his forehead and said, "If you hadn't taken action, Lao Han and I really don't know what we would have done."

"This method is only a temporary solution. The air circulation in the workshop is not smooth and there are many people gathered, which can easily breed diseases. Moreover, the population is so dense. Once the infection spreads, the consequences will be disastrous."

Jin Feng reminded: "You must arrange for people to open all doors and windows every morning and evening for ventilation. You must also pay attention to the stove at all times. If smoke leakage occurs, you must deal with it as soon as possible to avoid being poisoned by smoke."

The so-called smoke poison is carbon monoxide poisoning.

There are so many people living in the textile workshop. Once carbon monoxide poisoning occurs, it will not be as simple as dozens of people dying.

It is possible that the entire workshop will be destroyed.

[The author has something to say]

No more today, sweet dreams everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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