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Chapter 553 What Are You Thinking?

Xichuan City is the territory of the Qing family, and the eunuchs who deliver orders are very grand. It is too easy for the Qing family to investigate their movements.

In less than half an hour, Pearl came over to reply.

"Reporting to Your Highness, the two angels entered the city from the north gate an hour and a half ago."

"Did you really just come here?"

Qing Mulan frowned in surprise: "Is it really a coincidence?"

"Zhu'er shouldn't have finished speaking yet, right?"

The Ninth Princess sneered.

The clothes on the two eunuchs and the attendants were too clean, and they did not look like they were on their way quickly.

"Yes, although they entered the city an hour and a half ago, they arrived outside the city five days ago and have been living in Green Water Villa." Pearl replied.

Qing Mulan sneered: "They are quite good at finding places to enjoy themselves."

Green Water Villa is located in a valley outside Xichuan City and is also a gold sales warehouse.

The grade is even higher than that of Hanxiang Tower because Green Water Villa only receives high-end customers.

"Now that it has been found out, let's do what I said!"

The Ninth Princess' face was cold.

Now it's obvious.

Someone is plotting behind the scenes.

But the Ninth Princess didn't know who was behind the plan, nor what the other party's real purpose was, so she seemed very passive.

I felt very frustrated.

The two eunuchs gave her a chance to vent her anger.


Zhu'er waved, and Qin Ming immediately came over with a group of guards and followed Zhu'er.

To a certain extent, the eunuch who delivers the decree represents the emperor.

No matter where they go, no matter whether the message they convey is good or good, no one dares to embarrass them. Instead, they have to give them money.

But this time they came all the way to Xichuan to convey the decree to the Ninth Princess. Instead of giving them any money, the Ninth Princess drove them away like dogs.

Dear angel, when have you ever been so angry?

So the two eunuchs simply blocked the door.

At this time, the leading eunuch hadn't realized what had happened. When he saw Zhu'er leading people out, the leading eunuch said arrogantly: "The imperial edict has said that after receiving the edict, His Highness will follow our (za) family as soon as possible."

Back to Beijing, where is Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

Eunuchs in the feudal period were all eunuchs.

Our family is a military term from the Jinzhou generation, which means that one's own troops are more masculine.

Perhaps in order to achieve a certain psychological balance, the eunuchs like to call themselves "our family".

Zhuer glanced at the eunuch coldly, but did not answer his question. Instead, she turned to look at Qin Ming: "His Highness said, break their legs and throw them into the street!"


Qin Ming agreed and led his men to surround the eunuch and his entourage.

"What are you doing?"

Although the leading old eunuch was a little flustered, he still shouted in a stern tone: "Our family is an angel sent by His Majesty himself. You dare to touch our family and try it!"

"Yes, you are angels, then I will let you die to understand!"

Zhuer sneered and said: "His Highness said that you stayed at Green Water Villa outside the city for five days before delivering such an important edict. This is your punishment!"

The eunuchs who were pretending to be calm at first turned pale with fright when they heard about Green Water Villa.

Before moving in, someone had repeatedly assured them that Green Water Villa would never disclose guests' information, so they dared to move in.

But who knew that less than half an hour after they delivered the order, the Ninth Princess would find out.

Other dignitaries may not dare to kill the angel, but the ninth princess is the princess.

Now that they had been caught deliberately delaying the imperial edict, and they were really beaten to death, the emperor could not say anything.

"Sister, I know I was wrong. Please help me plead for His Highness!"

The two eunuchs were so anxious that they kowtowed and stuffed money notes into Pearl's hands.

The attendants were so frightened that they all knelt on the ground.

"Humph, now I know you are slaves?"

Zhuer sneered: "Captain Qin, why don't you take action?"

"Hit me!"

Qin Ming clenched his fist and kicked the leading eunuch.

The other guards also drew the short sticks they had prepared from their waists.

Just as he was about to take action, he suddenly heard a cold shout from inside: "Wait a moment!"

When the Ninth Princess spoke, Qin Ming stopped the guards.

"Your Highness, I know I was wrong. Please spare my life!"

The two eunuchs rushed towards the ninth princess, but Qin'er kicked them back.

"Bring them in!"

The ninth princess glanced at the eunuch, turned around and entered the house.

Pearl carried the two eunuchs into the study one by one.

"Give you one last chance to tell me what happened in the capital, otherwise I will tie you to the mountains to feed the wolves!"

The Ninth Princess said coldly: "If you don't believe it and think I dare not kill angels, you can try it!"

"I believe it, I believe it!"

The two eunuchs were so frightened that they kowtowed to death.

"Okay, you two tell me one by one. If you say something different, I will kill you too!"

"Slaves never dare to lie!"

The two eunuchs raised their hands and swore at the same time.

The Ninth Princess snorted coldly and signaled Qin'er to take one of them into the inner room.

Qing Mulan waved to Amei and followed Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao into the house.

After asking for half an hour, Qin'er was asked to bring another person in.

When the questioning was over, the faces of Ninth Princess, Qing Xinyao and Qing Mulan all turned extremely ugly.

"Your Highness, what should we do with these people?"

Pearl asked carefully.

The two eunuchs were still kneeling on the snow at the door.

Princess Ninth did not answer, but waved her hand casually.

Zhu'er understood and went out and said: "Captain Qin, break your legs and throw them into the street."

"Your Highness, everything this servant said is true!"

The leading eunuch screamed.

But the next second, the short stick hit him in the mouth.

Several of the eunuch's big teeth flew out, and his voice stopped.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in both legs.

Qin Ming also kicked him several times in the chest.

With Qin Ming's leg strength, I don't know how many good ribs the eunuch has.

"Tug it away and throw it away!"

Qin Ming found two guards, grabbed the eunuch's arms, dragged him far away like a dead dog, and threw him into a puddle on the street.

In this kind of weather and with such serious injuries, even if someone came to rescue him immediately, the eunuch's chance of survival was less than 10%.

Another eunuch and other attendants were treated the same, their legs and ribs were broken, and they were thrown into the street far away.

The two eunuchs were still expecting someone to rescue them at first, but they were almost frozen and no one dared to pull them out of the puddle.

There were only people watching the excitement around.

It was only then that the two eunuchs finally came to their senses.

They were taken advantage of, from the beginning.

Qing Xinyao listened to the increasingly weak wails and smiled bitterly: "Wuyang, you beat His Majesty's angel to death in public. I'm afraid you will be raped again when you go back."

"This is no longer important!" The Ninth Princess looked up at the gray sky and closed her eyes with a bitter look on her face: "Father, what are you thinking about?"

[The author has something to say]

Goodnight everybody

This chapter has been completed!
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