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Chapter 567 My sister has seen the world

"Do you want to go take a look?" Jin Feng asked.

"You're going to have a private meeting with your little lover, why don't I follow you?" Tang Xiaobei deliberately joked.

"Forget it!" Jin Feng turned around and left.

"Wait for me!"

Tang Xiaobei quickly put on his cloak and trotted to catch up with Jin Feng.

It was already early winter, but it was extremely cold due to the La Niña effect.

Tang Xiaobei couldn't help but tighten his cloak.

"Da Liu, are the Eagles and the others ready?" Jin Feng asked.

"When you're ready, we'll wait for you, sir." Da Liu nodded.

"Let's go then!" Jin Feng got on his horse and pulled Tang Xiaobei up.

The horse team walked along the path for half an hour, and Tang Xiaobei saw two bonfires appearing on the wasteland.

A group of bodyguards were working back and forth in the open space. Beside them, there were piles of black cloth and several large baskets.

"Ms. sir, what are they doing?" Tang Xiaobei asked.

"You'll find out later, I'm sure it will surprise you!" Jin Feng said with a smile.

"Are you trying to get along with me?"

Tang Xiaobei curled his lips: "Sister, I am now the big shopkeeper of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce. What kind of world have I not seen before? It surprised me, sir, you can brag."

"Hey, the toad yawned loudly!"

Jin Feng raised his eyebrows, not bothering to argue with Tang Xiaobei, and waved over to an escort nicknamed Eagle.

The two of them walked away while talking.

Tang Xiaobei had nothing to do, so he ran to a ball of black cloth and reached out to touch it.

The Tang family is a textile family, and Tang Xiaobei has been working with all kinds of fabrics since he was a child.

But I have never seen this kind of fabric.

He wanted to ask what kind of cloth it was, but Jin Feng walked away.

Although Tang Xiaobei has an out-of-touch personality, he knows when to mess around and when not to disturb Jin Feng.

Seeing Jin Feng talking to the eagle, he suppressed his curiosity and walked to a big basket.

The basket is made of rattan and is very large. The bottom and sides are also wrapped in black cloth.

There is also a strange-looking stove in the basket, and I don't know what it is used for.

When I was confused, I suddenly heard the eagle calling: "Come here and lend a hand, open the umbrella cover, and face the west."

Then Tang Xiaobei saw a group of bodyguards running over and pulling apart a black cloth.

Only then did Tang Xiaobei realize that the black cloth was actually a big cloth bag.

It's just that this bag is too big. It's several feet long and wide when spread on the ground.

The two escorts opened the mouth of the bag and faced the west-north direction.

This is exactly where the trend is at this time.

The cold wind poured in along the mouth of the bag, stretching the big bag little by little.

Eagle and a bodyguard lifted a stove, placed it at the mouth of the bag, and then poured a spoonful of kerosene into the stove.


The fire was burning brightly, and the hot air was blown into the bag by the cold wind.

A spoonful of fire oil won't burn for long, and after a while the eagle will add another spoonful.

The big bag slowly bulged and became larger and larger.

What surprised Tang Xiaobei the most was that as the hot air poured in, the huge cloth bag floated up little by little.

Since there was no blower, the entire inflation process lasted nearly twenty minutes before it ended.

At this time, the big bag had completely floated up.

If it hadn't been tied up with several ropes, I'm afraid it would have flown away.

Tang Xiaobei looked up at the sky, feeling almost stupid.

After the bag was fully inflated, it was too big.

Like a hill.

Tang Xiaobei stood below, feeling extremely small.

"How about it, big shopkeeper, have you seen this before?"

Jin Feng walked up to Tang Xiaobei and bumped her shoulder with a smile.

"never seen it!"

Tang Xiaobei shook his head in shock: "Ms. sir, what is this and what is it used for?"

"This is called a hot air balloon. It can take people to the sky!" Jin Feng explained.

In fact, the principle of a hot air balloon is very simple, and the manufacturing process is not difficult.

The only troublesome thing is the fireproof fabric used to make the hot air balloon, which Dakang does not have.

Jin Feng spent a lot of effort on this, but the hard work paid off, and he finally came up with the fireproof cloth.

Although it is not as light and durable as the fabric used in hot air balloons in previous generations, it can still be used normally.

Then Jin Feng immediately secretly produced a batch of fire-proof fabrics and sewed several hot air balloons.

But hot air balloons were also one of his trump cards. Jin Feng didn't announce it to the outside world, so even Tang Xiaobei didn't know about it.

Jin Feng found an inaccessible valley and arranged for Yingying to lead a group of bodyguards to secretly train in the valley under the pretext of going on a mission.

When going to Xichuan, Jin Feng was not sure of victory, so he asked Eagle to bring the hot air balloon with him.

When Jin Feng dared to stay at Damang Slope, the hot air balloon was his greatest confidence.

If he really couldn't hold on in the end, he could take the Ninth Princess and leave in a hot air balloon.

"Mr. Sir, can this thing really take people to the sky?" Tang Xiaobei nervously grabbed Jin Feng's sleeve.

"You'll know if you keep watching?" Jin Feng said with a smile.

I saw the eagle jumping into the big basket with a few escorts, and checked the ropes and stove.

Then someone untied the fixed rope and poured a spoonful of kerosene into the stove.

Without the restraints of the rope, the hot air balloon immediately took off slowly.

The flag of Zhenyuan Escort Bureau is black, and the hot air balloon is also mainly black.

When it is close to the ground, it can barely be seen.

When the hot air balloon rose into the sky, it completely blended into the dark night.

Only the flames in the furnace could be seen.

The eagle stretched out his hand and pulled the basket, and several curtains fell down, covering the basket.

Ordinary hot air balloons do not have this cover, but Jin Feng was afraid that others would see the flames of the hot air balloon, so he installed it specially.

In this era, having a hot air balloon is equivalent to having an air force.

Trump cards are most effective when others don't know them.

The hot air balloon is not only Jin Feng's means of victory, but also a magic weapon for escaping.

It was so dangerous in Xichuan, but Jin Feng was not exposed.

If it wasn't for the purpose of rescuing the captured escort as soon as possible this time, Jin Feng wouldn't have taken it out.

But just like that, Jin Feng was unwilling to expose his biggest trump card.

So I thought of this method.

Fortunately, the effect is also very ideal, the flame is almost completely covered and can only be seen from directly below.

"Hahaha, it's done!"

Jin Feng clapped his hands excitedly.

Who is a normal person who would look up at the sky in the middle of the night?

If the operation goes well, the hot air balloon can continue to be hidden as a trump card.

Yingying and others have been training in Xihewan for a long time and have become proficient in controlling hot air balloons.

However, there are many differences in wind speed and terrain between the seaside and the mountains, so Eagle then conducted many experiments to confirm the number of people each hot air balloon can withstand at the seaside.

I was busy almost until dawn. I tested all the hot air balloons and verified that there were no problems before ending.

"Da Liu, gather all the people at the navy camp tomorrow and conduct running training with the navy."

Jin Feng turned to look in the direction of Crab Claw Island and said slowly: "After the training, we should suppress the bandits!"

This chapter has been completed!
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