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Chapter 575 Don't Let History Repeat Itself

"Galen ship!"

Jin Feng blurted out.

Galenic ships were an important means of transportation in Europe during the Age of Discovery in previous history.

Before the Galen ship, most ships would build a building on the deck so that they could carry more people and pull more cargo.

There is no problem for this kind of boat to travel in inland rivers and lakes, but it will not work on the sea with strong winds and high waves.

If the ship building is built on the deck, the overall center of gravity of the ship is too high and it can easily be capsized by waves.

The Galen ship incorporates the ship's building into the cabin, so the center of gravity of the ship is at the bottom, greatly improving its stability.

It also gave Europeans the ability to travel long distances.

With the help of Galenic ships, Europeans developed new routes and quickly traveled all over the world.

At the same time, it also started colonial rule and plundered a lot of wealth around the world.

Dakang's industry was so backward that Jin Feng thought it was in the pre-Qin era, but as a result, the Europeans even built Galenic ships.

This made him feel very complicated.

Deep in his heart, he has always believed that the historical development process of this world should be the same as that of previous lives.

The appearance of Galen's ship made Jin Feng understand that he had always taken it for granted.

This also made Jin Feng feel more urgent.

In fact, industrial development does not require time, but opportunities and is driven by interests.

If industry can significantly increase productivity and bring benefits, people will invest and conduct research.

Then industrial progress can bring more benefits.

This will enter a virtuous cycle, and industrial development will become faster and faster.

The only ones that suffered were the colonized areas.

The modern history of China in the previous life is a history of blood and tears of constant invasion by colonizers.

"In this life, history must not be allowed to repeat itself again!"

Jin Feng looked at the sea and clenched his fists.

The idea of ​​building a navy has become more determined and intense.

"General Zheng, do you know a master shipbuilder?" Jin Feng asked.

If you want to build a navy, ships are essential.

After the salt factory was opened, a large number of ships were needed to transport raw materials, so Jin Feng asked Guan Zhuzi to acquire a shipyard in Jinchuan.

The Ninth Princess also recommended two shipbuilding talents to him.

However, this shipyard is very small and can only build inland ships. The talents recommended by the Ninth Princess are also old and cannot understand the drawings drawn by Jin Feng and are unwilling to learn.

Jin Feng had no choice but to send them to the shipyard to build ordinary cargo ships.

After all, this is what he is most in need of right now.

Now Jin Feng has come up with the idea of ​​building a seagoing ship again.

"When General Jin asked this, I really thought of a person."

Zheng Chiyuan said: "Fifty miles to the seaside from my camp to the north, there is a place called Yuxi Town. There is a shipbuilding family named Hong. In the past, all the warships of our navy were built by the Hong family.

The year before last, pirates robbed Yuxi Town, the Hong family's dock was burned, many of the family's children were killed, and the Hong family was also wiped out.

I heard that Hong Taoping, the son of the head of the Hong family, is still alive. I have met this young man and he is very talented. Sir, you can go and find out."

"Thank you, General Zheng. I'll ask about it later."

Jin Feng silently wrote down the names of Yuxi Town and Hong Taoping.

Next, Jin Feng asked Han Feng to choose fifty bodyguards who volunteered to stay and garrison Crab Claw Island.

There is a pond on the island, so you don't have to worry about drinking water. The water bandits have accumulated enough food to cover several houses. The bodyguards don't need to prepare anything, they can just live there.

As for the pirates Zheng Chiyuan mentioned, Jin Feng wasn't worried either.

The escorts are currently not going to sea, and they have the advantage of the terrain. They also have heavy crossbows and catapults. As long as the entrance to the sea is blocked, the pirates will not be able to rush in if there are not many pirates.

If more pirates come, Jin Feng is also prepared to leave two hot air balloons for the escort.

If they really can't be defeated, they can also use hot air balloons to escape, or directly throw oil jars from the sky to burn the pirate ships.

At that point, the pirates can only watch.

Naturally, Jin Feng does not need to arrange the specific work of the garrison.

He just explained some precautions and followed Zheng Chiyuan's naval fleet back to camp.

After landing, Zheng Chiyuan immediately arranged for people to go to the den mentioned by the boss and arrest Mr. Liu.

The result was just as Jin Feng thought, the water bandits in the den were still there, but Mr. Liu had left long ago.

He told the water bandits that he had returned to Crab Claw Island, but in fact he didn't know where he had escaped.

"General Jin, I will send people here to continue the investigation. As long as this person is still in the East China Sea, I will definitely find him." Zheng Chiyuan promised.

"Then I'll trouble General Zheng."

Jin Feng didn't have much hope in his heart.

Judging from the description of the boss, Mr. Liu acted cautiously, and it is possible that even his name was fake.

Once such a person escapes, it will be difficult to find him again.

Mr. Feng is an example.

Jin Feng, Ninth Princess, and Qing Xinyao teamed up to set up a dragnet, but failed to catch him.

The water bandits were wiped out, and Jin Feng's goal of coming to the East China Sea was achieved.

Concerned about the disaster in Xichuan, the day after landing, Jin Feng took Tang Xiaobei and his guards to bid farewell to Zheng Chiyuan.

It is winter now, the northwest wind is strong, and we are going upstream, so it is too slow to go back by boat.

Jin Feng thought about it for half the night and finally decided to ride back to Xichuan.

Although riding a horse is hard work, it is several times faster than riding a boat.

Monkey and Da Zhuang accompanied them with fifty black armored bodyguards and fifty female soldiers for protection.

The aftermath on the East China Sea side will be left to Han Feng to handle.

But before leaving, Jin Feng had one more thing to do—visit Hong Taoping.

Zheng Chiyuan's naval camp is on the south bank of the Yangtze River, and Yuxi Town is on the north bank of the Yangtze River. To get to Yuxi Town, you must first cross the river by boat.

When passing Chongming Island, Jin Feng specially asked the warship to get close and study it at close range.

It's a pity that he didn't study geography or history, so he didn't gain anything substantial.

Coupled with the news about Galen's ship, Jin Feng's thoughts changed a lot.

He is no longer confused about which era he is in as he was when he came.

Anyway, no matter what era he is in, he must develop as soon as possible.

After disembarking from the boat on the north shore, Jin Feng and his party rode wildly on horseback under the leadership of their guide, and finally arrived at Yuxi Town before dark.

Before we entered the town, we saw a huge building in the distance.

Although it has collapsed and dilapidated, the former majesty can still be seen.

"Mr. Jin, that's the Hong family's dock. It's a pity that it was burned down."

The guide pointed to the dilapidated building and said: "When the Hong family was prosperous, this was the busiest place within a few dozen miles. Now that the Hong family has declined, Yuxi Town has also become depressed."

"The Hong family's shipbuilding will definitely require a lot of workers. When these workers earn money in the Hong family, they will buy other things, and the town will become more and more prosperous."

Jin Feng nodded and said: "Now that the Hong family has collapsed, and without the pillar industry, it will naturally be depressed."

"Sir, what you said makes sense."

Although the guide half understood, he still nodded in agreement.

"Then why didn't Hong Taoping build the dock again?" Tang Xiaobei asked curiously.

This chapter has been completed!
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