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Chapter 596 What did Dongdong choose?

Xiaoyu was vaccinated in advance, and most of the villagers had already thought about their choice.

In fact, they don't have much choice.

There was a disaster in Sichuan and Shu in autumn. If they didn't work for Jin Feng, they would starve to death.

In addition, the villagers knew about Jin Feng and knew that they would not be mistreated as a domestic slave for Jin Feng, so almost all the male workers threw their tooth tags into the middle basket without hesitation.

This was within Guan Xiaorou's expectation, but what surprised her was the female worker's choice.

She thought that most unmarried female workers would choose to be slaves, but as a result, almost all unmarried female workers threw their tooth tags into the concubine basket.

When he saw a little girl holding a dental plaque and about to throw it into the basket, Guan Xiaorou stopped her in a low voice.

This girl is a neighbor of his mother's family, and now she works in the iron smelting workshop with a warehouse full of female disciples.

The little girl was only fifteen years old. Guan Xiaorou was afraid that she didn't understand what was going on, so she reminded:

"Xiao Ling'er, you have to think clearly. If you put the tooth tag in this basket, you will be the concubine of the family. It will be difficult for you to marry again in the future."

"Being a concubine to a husband means marrying him, right?" the little girl asked in a low voice with a blushing face.

"This is just to deal with the county magistrate, it's not true." Guan Xiaorou explained: "The head of the family doesn't know about it yet, so... so he won't live with you, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood," the little girl nodded and said, "But my mother is not in good health and cannot work. I have to work to support my mother and younger brother... In fact, being a slave and a concubine means that you can't remarry in the future. A concubine is better than

"Slave" sounds nicer, and it is my blessing to marry a great hero like my husband."

When Guan Xiaorou saw what she said, she could only nod her head and say, "Okay then, if you want to marry someone else in the future, come to me again and I will arrange for a divorce for you."

"There are no single men left in our two villages. If you marry someone else, you will be a concubine. You might as well marry your husband."

The little girl shook her head: "If my husband doesn't live with me, I will stay with my mother and brother. Anyway, I can work and earn money to support them."

This kind of thing is also happening in textile factories.

Regardless of whether it was voluntary or forced, all female workers made their choice.

And just like the threshing floor, most girls choose to be concubines.

They all have the same idea as the little girl. Anyway, they all have an impact on reputation. Being a concubine is better than being a slave.

Some girls even secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

Jin Feng is the perfect husband in the hearts of almost all the girls in Xihewan, but Jin Feng doesn't even know who they are, let alone marry them.

Now, by some strange combination of circumstances, she actually married Jin Feng.

If nothing else, at least he would be justified in teasing Jin Feng again in the future.

If you touch your own man, who can say anything wrong?

If you really get Jin Feng, you will reach the sky in one step.

Of course, there are also many girls who choose to check out and leave.

After all, there are many factories in Xihewan now, and the wages Jin Feng pays are also high.

Many girls have more than one person working at home. If they don't work for a while, their family can support them.

Guan Xiaorou did not stop her and happily paid the bills to these girls.

Before noon, Xiaoyu found Guan Xiaorou with the statistical results.

"Sister-in-law, I've calculated it. Five of the male workers chose to pay their bills and leave, and the rest agreed to be domestic slaves."

Xiaoyu said: "There are 320 female workers who pay accounts, and 30% of the rest are married and choose to be domestic slaves. Almost 70% of the unmarried girls choose to marry their husbands as concubines."

"Have you collected all the toothpastes?" Guan Xiaorou asked.

"It's been collected, and the war horses have been put on, ready to go at any time."

Xiaoyu nodded and said: "I also sent someone to deliver the message to the county government. They have prepared the marriage certificate. All I need is my sister-in-law nodding and sending the dental plaque."

Guan Xiaorou is Jin Feng's first wife, so Guan Xiaorou can take care of concubinage without Jin Feng having to step forward.

Now the entire Jinchuan County government office has been almost completely infiltrated by Xiaoyu, and even Guan Xiaorou no longer has to come forward.

"What if the county magistrate knows about it and stops it?" Guan Xiaorou asked again.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, the county magistrate will never ask about such trivial matters as getting a marriage certificate, and we don't go to the county government to handle it. I'm looking for the government servants and matchmakers from the bride-to-be team. Unless Cai Liuyang knows about our plan, he won't find out."

Xiaoyu said confidently: "It's okay even if he finds out. I've sent people to keep an eye on him. As long as he makes any changes, my people will find out immediately."

In order to encourage fertility, Dakang was particularly lax in its management of concubines.

All the yamen leaders and matchmakers of the bride-bringing teams can apply for marriage certificates.

Guan Xiaorou finally felt relieved when she heard what Xiaoyu said.

After thinking for a while, he asked: "How long will it take for the people sent by the county magistrate to arrive in the village?"

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, they won't be able to come within three days." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

The tone is extremely confident.

"Have places such as Iron Can Mountain and Salt Factory been notified?"

"Notification has been made. If there are no accidents, they should also start delivering dental plaques to the county government at this time."

Xiaoyu replied: "I told the county government that if they deliver it first, I will handle it for them first."

"Xiaoyu is still thoughtful." Guan Xiaorou praised: "No wonder the master likes you so much."

After Xiaoyu took over the Zhongming Group, the changes were indeed very big.

I have put away the carelessness of the past and become more calm.

Speaking of this, Guan Xiaorou suddenly remembered something, took Xiaoyu's hand and asked: "By the way, Xiaoyu, what did you choose?"

"I...I...I have to leave first!"

Xiaoyu, who had been answering questions fluently just now, suddenly turned red, turned around and ran away.

"Why are you running? I haven't finished asking yet." Guan Xiaorou asked from behind: "What did Dongdong choose?"

But Xiaoyu didn't stop at all and ran away.

A moment later, several war horses rushed out of Xihewan, carrying thousands of tooth tags, and headed straight for Jinchuan County.

At the same time, Cai Liuyang's confidants and a group of government servants had only walked less than half the distance.

"I'm exhausted from walking all morning. There's an inn ahead. Let's go get something to eat before we leave."

Panting heavily, the confidant led the government servants into the inn: "Waiter, bring us all the good wine and meat!"

After having enough wine and food, the group continued on their way.

But after walking less than five miles, his confidant's stomach suddenly started growling wildly.

The confidant's expression changed, and he hurriedly held his stomach and hid in the woods on the side of the road.

After the release, as soon as I walked out with my pants lifted, my stomach started to churn again.

The confidant hurriedly got into the woods again.

I went back and forth like this five or six times, until all the contents in my stomach were exhausted, and my stomach finally stopped.

But at this time, the confidant could hardly stand anymore.

Naturally, it was impossible to rush in such a situation, so the government officials had no choice but to return to the inn with their confidants.

This chapter has been completed!
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