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Chapter 599: Double Hump Attack

It is indeed a good idea to use bandits to deal with Jinchuan.

A dandy like Fatty Xu would never be able to think of such a solution.

All the nobles also turned around to look at the master behind him.

"This is Master Chen. He was in Jiangnan before and just came back a few days ago."

Fatty Xu introduced.

"Is this the gentleman who persuaded the water bandits in the south of the Yangtze River to ambush Jin Feng's concubine and lure Jin Feng away?" the eunuch asked.

"That's his elder brother, Master Chen, and this is his younger brother, Junior Master Chen."

Fatty Xu said: "Master Chen is responsible for going deep into the water bandit's lair, and Master Chen is responsible for providing support outside.

Later, after the ambush was completed, Master Chen was worried that the water bandits would be wiped out by the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, so he followed the water bandits all the way to the East China Sea, and is still on his way back."

"The two masters Chen are really wise and brave!" the eunuch praised.

Fatty Xu was also a little proud.

The big families raised some dead soldiers and some counselors.

Dead soldiers can be cultivated through rigorous training, but counselors are difficult to cultivate.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second.

Whether a dead warrior is good or not can be seen by arranging a few competitions.

After all, you can't fake your fists and kicks. If you can't beat him, you can't beat him.

Those who couldn't do it were eliminated at the age of eleven or twelve.

But training counselors is much more complicated.

First let them read until they are teenagers, and then slowly let them deal with some simple things.

It takes a long time to test whether a counselor is qualified.

The process is also much more complicated than examining dead soldiers.

But if a counselor takes action, he will often cause greater damage than a dead soldier.

For example, this time, the two brothers, Mr. Chen, did not use any soldiers of the Xu family. They just relied on bewitching the water bandits and killed hundreds of bodyguards and chamber of commerce men. The two brothers were still able to escape unscathed.

Afterwards, Jin Feng couldn't even find any clues, and even if he wanted to take revenge, he didn't know who did it.

Let’s look back at the time when Zhou Wenyuan’s bodyguard of dead soldiers killed several imperial soldiers in Guangyuan City, but was chased by Jin Feng like a lost dog.

The Zhou family paid a heavy price for this afterwards.

If Zhou Wenyuan had brought a counselor at that time, things would never have come to that point.

However, counselors are more precious than dead soldiers, and Zhou Wenyuan's level is not high enough for his family to assign him counselors.

And Fatty Xu has two counselors on his own, which is enough to make other dandies jealous.

"Since Master Chen came up with this method, I would like to ask Master Chen to come up with a plan together. Can Mr. Xu part ways with me?" the eunuch asked.

"I brought Mr. Chen here just to make suggestions, so there is no problem."

No matter how unhappy Fatty Xu was, he could only bite the bullet and agree at this time.

"What do you think?" The eunuch looked at the other dignitaries.

"Okay!" The dignitaries nodded in agreement.

Now Zhang Liang's campaign to suppress bandits has been continuing, and the powerful did not dare to waste time.

Everyone stayed here that day and discussed until dawn before making a plan.

The chief eunuch reorganized the plan to confirm that there were no mistakes, and looked at Master Chen: "Master Chen, the rest is up to you!"

There are specialties in the arts, and the duty of a counselor is to make plans.

This plan was first proposed by Master Chen, and he also took the lead in completing it.

In addition, the Chen brothers had experience in bewitching water bandits in the south of the Yangtze River, so the dignitaries unanimously decided to let Master Chen lead the team to implement this plan.

"Thank you so much, father-in-law and all of you for your love. Chen will certainly live up to your trust!"

Master Chen pledged his hand.

After breakfast, Master Chen did not rest. He first ordered people to release homing pigeons, and then led a cavalry team to the north.


As time passed, workers gradually digested the impact of becoming domestic slaves and concubines.

The village returned to its previous state again.

Various construction sites and factories have resumed work one after another.

At Jin Feng's house, Guan Xiaorou specially called Xiaoyu and Tang Dongdong over for dinner.

"There's no more trouble with the county guard and magistrate, right?"

Guan Xiaorou gave Xiaoyu a spoonful of broth and asked.

"Nothing unusual has been found for the time being," Xiaoyu said, "I also followed the perspective-taking method taught by my husband and asked the legal department to treat myself as the enemy and go through each factory again to see if there are any loopholes."

"Is there any loophole?" Tang Dongdong asked.

"It should not be discovered, otherwise the legal affairs would come to me." Xiaoyu replied.

"That's good," Guan Xiaorou said: "If the legal affairs are not busy, then let them work hard and comb it twice more to make sure they don't overlook anything."

"Okay!" Xiaoyu nodded, then gave Xiao'e a chicken leg: "Xiao'e, why are you so honest today?"

"Let's close the little dark room." Tang Dongdong couldn't help but laugh.

Some time ago, Xiao'e and Guan Xiaorou had an argument. At that time, something happened in Guangyuan. Guan Xiaorou was so upset that she threw Xiao'e into a small dark room and locked her up for a day and a night.

The small dark room is an existence that even escorts are afraid of. How can a little girl like Xiao'e endure it?

After being released, he became completely honest.

Seeing Xiao'e's droopy look, Xiaoyu also smiled.

"You just wait. When my brother-in-law comes back, if I don't complain, I will let you go and lock up the dark room!"

Xiao'e looked at Guan Xiaorou and the others and muttered to herself.

Xiao'e had caused trouble in the village before. Guan Xiaorou proposed to lock her into a small dark room more than once, but Jin Feng stopped her every time.

Afterwards, Guan Xiaorou was specifically reminded that small dark rooms can easily leave a psychological shadow on children.

Guan Xiaorou usually obeyed Jin Feng's advice, but when it came to educating Xiao'e, she felt that Jin Feng was doting on Xiao'e.

A filial son emerges from under a stick. Whose child in the village did not grow up being beaten and scolded?

Only Jin Feng was different. Every time Xiao'e made a mistake, Jin Feng always tried to reason with her.

In Guan Xiaorou's view, this is completely unnecessary.

What truth can a child understand?

But Jin Feng was willing to talk, so she let him go.

The three of them were eating when Aju opened the door and rushed in with an anxious look on her face.

Mei Lan, Zhu Ju are the four strongest personal guards under Qing Mulan.

Amei protected Qing Mulan in Xichuan, Alan followed Tang Xiaobei to Jiangnan, while A Zhu and A Ju stayed to protect Tang Dongdong and Guan Xiaorou respectively.

Jin Feng's personal bodyguards are no longer here, so Aju is now responsible for leading the team to protect Jin Feng's family.

"Aju, what's wrong?"

Guan Xiaorou asked with a frown.

Tang Dongdong and Xiaoyu also put down their chopsticks at the same time.

Aju was raised by the Qing family since she was a child, and she pays great attention to all kinds of etiquette. If it is not an emergency, she will never open the door and barge in.

"Madam, Director Tang, Team Leader Xiaoyu, the bandits just attacked the Shuang Hump Salt Factory!" Aju said quickly.

"Weren't all the bandits in Guangyuan wiped out by Brother Liang? Where did the bandits come from?" Xiaoyu asked with a frown.

"The letter said they came up from the river by boat, but it didn't say where the bandits were. Maybe the people over at Double Hump don't know."

As Aju spoke, she took out a small note from her sleeve and handed it to Xiaoyu.

This chapter has been completed!
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