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Chapter 60 Accident

"Master Marquis, don't you want to dismantle this porcelain kiln first? I might need to use it."

Jin Feng noticed that the captain was in trouble and quickly turned to look at Qinghuai.


Qinghuai was only dissatisfied with He Mingqin's misbehavior in the general camp, so he ordered the porcelain kiln to be demolished. Since Jin Feng said it was useful, he would not demolish it again.

Seeing Qinghuai nodding, the stone in Captain's heart finally fell to the ground.

I also pay more attention to Jin Feng in my heart.

Because he knew that Qinghuai was absolutely true to his word in the Tielin Army, and even if he occasionally gave an incorrect order, he would never withdraw it.

For Jin Feng's sake, he actually withdrew his order.

This is the first time in the Tielin Army.

"Has this porcelain kiln ever fired porcelain?" Jin Feng asked.

"It has been burned in three kilns in total," the captain replied.

"Did the burning succeed?"

"The old kiln worker said that the porcelain fired was very good and very successful, but General He was not satisfied and refused to let it be fired."

"What did you use for burning? Coal or charcoal?"

"Charcoal, the old kiln worker said that the porcelain kiln must use charcoal."

The captain complained: "I spent a lot of effort to find more than a dozen carts for these coals. In the end, I only used a few carts and left the rest there."

"There are still more than a dozen loads of coal left?"

Jin Feng became even more happy and said excitedly: "Take me to see it quickly."

The captain glanced at Qinghuai secretly and found that Qinghuai had no objection, so he quickly led the way.

The porcelain kiln is located in the northwest corner of Jiangzuoying. It is smaller than the brick kiln built by Jin Feng in Xihewan, but its layout and structure are more reasonable.


Jin Feng exclaimed: "Brother Liu, the kiln worker you found is a master."

"You can just call me Liu Yang," the captain said. "Your eyes are really poisonous. This old kiln worker's family has been making porcelain for generations. In the past few years, the party members raided the south and destroyed his porcelain kiln.

All his relatives were dead, so he hid in the mountains, and I finally found him."

"Where's the old kiln worker?"

Jin Feng asked.

After all, he studied engineering machinery in his previous life, and he only had a slight understanding of porcelain making, but was not very familiar with it. Having an old kiln worker to help him could save a lot of trouble.

"The porcelain kiln is no longer allowed to be fired, so I have made the old kiln workers into handymen. They should help at the iron-making furnace." The captain replied.

"Go and find him quickly."


The captain ran away quickly.

"Sir, do you want to use this porcelain kiln to make iron?"

When the captain ran away, Qinghuai asked.

"The Marquis has indeed noticed it."

Jin Feng smiled and nodded.

To make good steel, the temperature of the smelting furnace needs to reach at least 1,500 degrees. With Dakang's iron-making process, the furnace temperature is far from reaching that.

But a porcelain-burning stove can almost reach this temperature.

It's just that Dakang doesn't have the means to measure temperature. In the eyes of many people, there is no difference between 800 degrees and 1500 degrees, both of which can burn people to ashes.

In addition, blacksmithing and porcelain making are two different industries, and no one has ever thought about this aspect.

Including Jin Feng, if the captain hadn't mentioned the porcelain kiln, he wouldn't have been able to remember this incident.

"There are three iron furnaces in Jiangzuo camp. Why do you want to use a porcelain kiln?"

Qinghuai asked curiously.

"The fire in the porcelain kiln is stronger. If you use it to burn iron, you may be able to make iron wire faster."

Jin Feng couldn't explain the temperature issue to Qinghuai, so he could only say this.

"How much wire do you think you can make in a day using this porcelain kiln?" Qinghuai asked.

"It's hard to say. In fact, I'm not sure whether a porcelain kiln can make iron."

It was also the first time that Jin Feng tried to use a porcelain kiln to make iron, and he did not dare to say too much: "I will let the porcelain kiln and the other three iron-making furnaces start working at the same time. Even if they can't be used here, there will be no delay."

"That's okay too."

Qinghuai nodded in agreement.

Soon, the school captain came with the old kiln worker.

The porcelain kiln needs heat storage to reach a high enough temperature. After the porcelain is fired, people must wait for it to cool down before entering. Otherwise, the high temperature of more than a thousand degrees will burn anyone who enters it to ashes.

However, making iron wire needs to be carried out in a molten state. By the time the porcelain kiln is cool enough for people to enter, the iron will have solidified long ago.

Therefore, porcelain kilns must be renovated before they can be used for iron smelting.

Jin Feng was very reluctant to build a brick kiln, and he was even stranger to porcelain kilns, so he had no idea how to renovate them.

Fortunately, the old kiln worker was experienced and after understanding Jin Feng's plan, he proposed to open a drainage opening at the bottom of the kiln. This way, once the pig iron melted, it could flow out along the drainage opening.

Jin Feng felt that the old kiln worker's suggestion was sound, so he asked the captain to allocate ten servants to the old kiln worker to work on the porcelain kiln overnight.

Seeing that Jin Feng had already started working, Qinghuai left in a hurry and rushed to the Tielin Army overnight.

Jin Feng didn't see him off either. While the servants were delivering iron blocks and coal to the brick kiln, he visited the rest of Jiang Zuo's camp.

To his disappointment, the iron-making furnace to be used in the camp was also very primitive and had to be modified before it could make wrought iron.

Fortunately, the main body can be used. If we modify the smoke exhaust facilities and bellows, although it is not as good as the stove at home, it should be able to be used.

If it were reconstruction, Jin Feng would not be disappointed, but desperate.

Knowing that the situation on the front line was critical, Jin Feng asked the captain to divide the general camp's handymen into two groups, and one group of handymen began to renovate the iron-making furnace overnight.

Leaving Mancang, who had experience in renovation, to supervise the work, Jin Feng went to the porcelain kiln again to check on the progress of the work.

After working hard until late at night, Jin Feng went back to sleep.

After waking up, Zhong Wu, who had been guarding the door, told him that Qinghuai had come again in the morning.

"Is there anything wrong with Mr. Hou coming over?" Jin Feng asked.

"Nothing happened. It's just that the transfer order from Bianjing has arrived. After the Marquis exchanged documents with General Fan, he came to see Mr. and left when he saw that Mr. Fan was sleeping."

"Next time the Marquis comes again, remember to wake me up."

Jin Feng explained casually, but didn't pay much attention.

If Qinghuai had something important, he would definitely wake him up.

After hurriedly eating something, Jin Feng ran to Jiang's workshop again.

It was the first time for Mancang to direct so many people to work. He was so excited that he didn't sleep all night. When he saw Jin Feng coming, he quickly ran over with two panda eyes.

"how's it going?"

Jin Feng asked.

"It's going very smoothly. There are many people and tools in the general camp. I think it can be corrected tonight."

"That's good." Jin Feng nodded: "You should go back and rest early. There is still a lot of work to do in the future. Don't be exhausted as soon as you come here."

"Okay." Mancang agreed, but there was no intention of going back to sleep on his face.

After leaving Mancang, Jin Feng went to the porcelain kiln again.

There are veteran kiln workers in charge of the porcelain kiln, and the renovation is progressing smoothly. It is expected that iron ore will be delivered to the kiln in the evening.

"I hope there's enough time."

Jin Feng prayed silently in his heart.

But just after praying, he saw a war horse galloping towards him, carrying Zheng Fang who was covered in blood.

When he reached Jin Feng's side, Zheng Fang fell off his horse.

"Sir...the party members are here!"

This chapter has been completed!
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