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Chapter 605: The Good Show Is About to Begin

No matter whether it is Heishuigou or Heifeng Ridge, nothing will happen.

The bandits were already approaching, and Guan Xiaorou, Zheng Fang and the others did not dare to delay. After making the decision, everyone immediately split up and took action.

Guan Xiaorou took people to the back mountain warehouse to collect armor and grenades, while Tang Dongdong returned to the textile factory to gather female workers for a mobilization meeting.

Zheng Fang and Iron Hammer went to find the two company commanders to arrange defense matters.

Xiaoyu quickly deployed his manpower to find out the enemy's movements and details. At the same time, he sent people to the county seat and county government to report to the officials, asking the county guard and county magistrate to send soldiers to suppress the bandits.

The county governor and magistrate had just suffered a defeat in Xihewan, so they would definitely not send soldiers here.

But whether they come or not is their business, and whether they report to the official or not is Xihewan's business.

If they don't come, when Jin Feng comes back, he will have a reason to question him.

Under Jin Feng's influence, Xihewan's work efficiency is very high.

In the textile factory, Tang Dongdong stood on a high platform, held up a tin trumpet, and told the story.

Before he finished speaking, the female workers under the stage began to curse.

"The bandits really don't know how to live and die, and they dare to come to us for trouble. If you, sir, are here, beat them to death!"

"It's because sir is not here, otherwise they wouldn't dare to come if I borrowed ten more courages from them!"

"What should we do now? Why is Director Tang telling us this?"

"You won't let us go to war, right?"

"Probably not, aren't there many men on the construction site?"

"Besides having strength, what else can a man do? We have all practiced crossbows and learned catapults. Last month my boss and I went hunting in the mountains. I shot two pheasants, and the boss fired more than a dozen arrows.

I didn’t even catch a pheasant feather!”

"That's right, just fight. If Ape can kill bandits, so can I!"

"One month's salary of Apei is worth a year's wages to you. If you are beaten to death, you will get a pension. It is also a good deal to die. If you are beaten to death by bandits, who will support your mother?"

"If I were really beaten to death, my husband and Mrs. Xiaorou would definitely not leave my mother alone!"

"That's not necessarily the case. The work-related injury subsidies at the escort agency and our factory are different."

While the female workers were talking, they immediately fell silent when they heard Tang Dongdong asking someone to play the gong.

"As I said just now, the current situation is that the escort agency is seriously short of manpower, so after discussing with Sister Xiaorou, Brother Zheng, and Brother Iron Hammer of the escort agency, I decided to transfer some of the escorts who guard the fortress and recruit them from the factory

A group of sisters are going to help the bodyguard guard the fortress!"

Tang Dongdong said: "Sisters who are willing to participate can raise their hands to sign up now. They are required to be able to control heavy crossbows and catapults.

The job content is to help the bodyguards guard the fortress. During the period of guarding the fort, wages and pensions are all paid according to the standards of female bodyguards. In addition, the factory will provide a subsidy of fifteen cents per person per day!"

Profit is always the best driving force.

Hearing what Tang Dongdong said, all the female workers in the audience became excited.

"Oh my god, the daily subsidy is fifteen cents. If this helps to defend the fortress for a month, plus the wages of the female bodyguard, wouldn't the monthly wages exceed five cents of silver?"

"Is this money so easy to get? People will die in war!"

"Didn't Director Tang say that we are not going to fight the bandits directly, but to help the bodyguards guard the fortress?"

"Then if the bandits come over, do you want to go in?"

"The fortresses are all near the village. If the bandits reach the fortress, will you be safe hiding in the village?"

"Azhen, you said you are ready to sign up?"

"Of course you have to sign up. Without my husband to open the textile factory, my mother and I would have starved to death. Now the bandits are going to Heifeng Ridge. If no one comes, the bandits will enter the village. Then everyone will have to


"To put it nicely, it's not because of the large subsidies given by Factory Director Tang that I want to earn high wages!"

"What's wrong with wanting to earn high wages? If you don't steal or rob, whoever you want to earn won't let you go?"

"Director Tang won't let her go! Ah Zhen, you forgot, last time at the training ground, she adjusted the catapult wrongly and smashed a big hole in the iron pot of the escort's cooking class!"

"Oh, I forgot, you can't adjust the catapult!"

Some of the female workers were worried, some were excited, and some were scared.

But more and more female workers are raising their hands to sign up.

These female workers were then taken away by Tang Dongdong.

After all, the female workers had not experienced professional training. Fan, the elder of the one-legged company, did not dare to let them stand guard for fear that they would fall asleep while on guard, so he divided the remaining escorts of the first company into three shifts and took turns on duty.

The task of the female workers is to sleep in the fortress. If the escorts on duty find that the enemy is approaching, they must immediately control the heavy crossbows and catapults.

Those female workers who did not dare to sign up regretted it after hearing that they could get such high wages by sleeping in the fortress.

But there is no point regretting it. Time is too tight, and female workers have been sent to various fortresses to replace the guards stationed there.

The replaced bodyguard immediately returned to the village to gather and followed Zheng Fang and Iron Hammer to leave.

Heifeng Ridge is at the junction of Jinchuan and Linxian. In the past, you had to go around to Jinchuan to get there. Later, in order to shorten the journey to Guangyuan, Jin Feng built a bridge at Heifengling, which greatly shortened the distance.

The Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce has established a warehouse and an inn in Heifengling, and there are usually bodyguards guarding them, but the number is not large.

When Iron Hammer led people across the suspension bridge, he told the escort guarding the suspension bridge: "If you see three red sounding arrows in Heifeng Ridge, cut off the suspension bridge immediately. Do you understand?"

The suspension bridge is too close to the village. Once the suspension bridge is lost, the bandits can march straight in and rush directly into the village.

The escort guarding the bridge waited for the hammer to leave and then immediately blocked the suspension bridge.

After Iron Hammer arrived at Black Wind Ridge, he did not stop, but continued on his way with his people.

Heifeng Ridge is still too close to Xihewan, so the battlefield must be placed far enough away so that even if the battle is lost, the village can still have a buffer.

In the opposite direction, Zheng Fang was also marching at full speed.

But when they arrived at Heishuigou overnight, the bandits were scared away.

Zheng Fang and his bodyguards rested all night in Heishuigou. After dawn, they were ready to lead their men back to Xihe Bay. The scouts came over again to report that the bandits had gathered dozens of miles away.

With the development of Xihewan, the iron smelting workshop is becoming more and more important.

Factories began to gradually streamline operations, and more and more iron products were needed. Iron was needed for armor and weapons for soldiers and for farm tools and kitchen utensils used by villagers.

The reason why the iron smelting workshop can continuously provide sufficient amounts of steel is inseparable from the coal mine in Heishuigou.

Heishuigou can be said to be the driving force behind the development of Xihewan, but it is also an extremely unstable place.

Zheng Fang thought about it again and again, and finally decided to take his people to stay in Heishuigou.

On the other side, Iron Hammer's situation is the same as Zheng Fang's.

Yesterday I led people until dark before finally arriving at the target area.

That section of the mountain is difficult to defend and difficult to attack. More than a hundred bodyguards are guarding it with heavy crossbow catapults. No matter how many bandits there are, they can't even think of rushing through.

But after Iron Hammer had arranged everything and was just waiting for the bandits to come to the door, the scouts also came back and reported that the bandits were parked more than ten miles away.

"They are trying to tie us up here!"

Iron Hammer understood his opponent's plan, but he couldn't do anything about it.

The bandits were more than ten miles away. When they moved, the bandits ran away. When they retreated, the bandits came back.

In desperation, Tie Hammer could only choose to stay on the spot like Zheng Fang.

But Master Chen, who received the news dozens of miles away, couldn't help but put his hands on his hands and said with a smile:

"Everyone, the show is about to begin!"

This chapter has been completed!
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