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Chapter 614: With the Marriage Certificate, You Are Mr.'s

Since its establishment, the soap factory has been Jin Feng's pillar industry.

Although the money earned later was not as much as that of Black Dao and Shui Yu, the prices of Black Dao and Shui Yu were too high, and there were only so many people in Dakang who could afford them, so it was impossible for them to remain popular forever.

Especially water jade beads, the value will definitely gradually decrease as time goes by.

But soap is different.

Soap is a daily consumable and can be afforded by small landowners and businessmen. Coupled with the huge market of brothels, it can bring a steady stream of income to Jin Feng.

Moreover, Guan Xiaorou and Wanniang are still continuing to research and develop, and will launch shampoo, washing powder, perfume and other other products later, which has huge development potential.

Therefore, Jin Feng has always attached great importance to Iron Can Mountain.

In addition, it is not far from Xihewan, and Jin Feng and Guan Xiaorou often come here.

The female workers in Iron Can Mountain were poor people, and they could not go down the mountain easily due to work reasons. Jin Feng was afraid that they would be exhausted after being on the mountain for a long time. After the textile factory held a sports meeting, he asked Fang Feifei to hold one in Iron Can Mountain.

The female workers in the soap factory usually had little entertainment, so they were more enthusiastic than the female workers in the textile factory. Afterwards, they asked Jin Feng to hold a league and go to Xihewan to compete with the female workers in the textile factory.

Jin Feng was being teased by a group of female workers. In order to escape as soon as possible, he agreed to let them go to the village to compete next spring.

He just said it casually, but the female workers from Iron Can Mountain are extremely serious and have been training very hard recently.

Because it is very close to Xihewan, the number of escorts stationed at Tiegunshan is much smaller than that at Shuangtuofeng and Heishuigou.

But Zuo Feifei never asked Guan Xiaorou for help.

Firstly, the terrain of Tiegunshan is indeed easy to defend but difficult to attack, and secondly, the female workers in Tiegunshan are good at attacking.

In the previous bandit attacks, it was only because of the assistance of female workers that the escorts were able to easily repel the enemies.

The female soap factory workers were all miserable, and it was Jin Feng who pulled them out of the sea of ​​fire.

The female workers have always been grateful to Jin Feng.

In terms of loyalty, of all the factories under Jin Feng, the female soap factory workers were the most loyal to him.

Even the Zhenyuan Escort Agency cannot compare to this.

In the morning, I heard that bandits were besieging Xihewan. Many female workers took the initiative to find Zuo Feifei and applied to reinforce Xihewan.

But before Zuo Feifei decided whether to agree, they received news that the bandits were driven out of the village by the anti-tiger team and female textile factory workers.

The female workers felt relieved.

Not long after, Zuo Feifei got news about Guaizigou.

This time she did not spread the word, but sat alone in the yard, thinking about countermeasures.

The food stored in Iron Can Mountain is enough to last for a long time, and the terrain is easy to defend but difficult to attack. If she just insists on defending, Zuo Feifei is confident that she can hold on until next year.

However, many bandits have gathered outside Xihewan. If the bandits from Guaizigou rush over again, Xihewan will probably be lost.

She clearly had a chance to stop this group of bandits, but in the end she just sat idly by and allowed the bandits to invade Xihewan. How would she explain to Jin Feng if he came back?

However, there were so many bandits gathered in Guaizigou, and it was obvious that someone was organizing behind them. If she sent people down the mountain to stop them, there would probably be heavy casualties.

Do you want help?

Zuo Feifei did not dare to make a decision easily.

Mrs. Zuo Zhang found Zuo Feifei sitting motionless in the yard for half an hour, so she stepped forward and asked, "Feifei, what's wrong with you?"

"Mom, what do you think I should do?"

Zuo Feifei really didn't know what to choose, so she explained the situation to Zuo Zhang.

After listening to this, Mrs. Zuo Zhang thought for a moment, and then said: "Feifei, if you really don't know what to do, can you listen to your mother's opinion?"

Zuo Feifei raised her head and looked at Zuo Zhang in surprise.

Zuo Zhang is a very traditional feudal woman, and Zuo Feifei never talks too much about work matters.

Zuo Feifei said so much just now, not because she wanted Zuo Zhang to help with advice, but she just wanted to find someone she could trust to talk to.

But who knew that Mrs. Zuo Zhang was uncharacteristic and took the initiative to offer suggestions.

Zuo Feifei pondered for a moment, and finally nodded: "Mom, you say it!"

"I think you should stop these bandits!" Zuo Zhang said.


"Because Mr. Jin is kind to us and to all the girls in Tin Can Mountain. If you hide it or don't let the girls help, not only will you not be able to explain to Mr. Jin afterwards, but other girls will also complain about you.

How will you manage the factory in the future?"

Zuo Zhang said: "So Mom thinks, like Guan Xiaorou, you should explain the matter clearly, and then let the girls choose. If you are willing to stop the bandits, just sign up yourself, so that no one can blame you.


Hearing this, Zuo Feifei nodded slightly: "This is a way..."

"Feifei, it's not far from Guaizigou to Tiegunshan. If you have decided, you have to do it quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

Zuo Zhang reminded me again.

"Okay, just do what mom said!"

Zuo Feifei clenched her fists and stood up.

"Feifei, you are the director of the factory, and you are the general during the war. Your task is to direct the battle, but you cannot rush forward, do you understand?"

Zuo Zhang pulled Zuo Feifei's sleeve and explained.

"I know!" Zuo Feifei patted her mother's arm: "Mom, don't worry, I will come back well!"

Only then did Zuo Zhang let go of Zuo Feifei.

Zuo Feifei smiled, turned and left.

Mrs. Zuo Zhang looked at her daughter's back, a look of anticipation flashing in her eyes.

"Feifei, whether you can take over or not depends on this time."

When Guan Xiaorou sent someone to Iron Can Mountain to ask the female workers whether they wanted to be concubines or domestic slaves, Zuo Feifei wanted to be a domestic slave because she was shy, but was forced by Zuo Zhang to choose to be a concubine.

When the other female workers saw Zuo Feifei taking the lead in making such a choice, except for some who were as old as Zuo Zhang, almost all the other girls also chose to be concubines.

Zuo Zhang persuaded Zuo Feifei to stop the bandits. In addition to the reasons she just mentioned, the most important thing is that she also wanted to bring Jin Feng and Zuo Feifei together.

If Zuo Feifei helps Xihewan stop the bandits, Guan Xiaorou will be grateful no matter whether he wins or loses.

When Jin Feng came back and found out about this, he would definitely look at Zuo Feifei with admiration.

Zuo Feifei is the director of the factory. She doesn't have to rush to the front during the battle, her life is not in danger, and it can leave a good impression on Jin Feng. Why not?

How did Zuo Feifei know that there was such a subtle thought behind Zuo Zhang's suggestion?

After coming out of the yard, the gong was struck immediately.

The female workers have been vigilant for the past two days and immediately gathered in the open space when they heard the sound of the gong.

"Sisters, everyone knows about the situation in Xihewan. I just received the news..."

Zuo Feifei held up the tin trumpet, told the story, and then asked: "Sisters who are willing to stop the bandits, please raise your hands now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a dozen female workers raised their arms.

Then there were dozens more.

Then more and more people raised their hands.

In the end, almost all the female workers raised their arms.

Zuo Feifei was a little surprised, but she quickly calmed down and reminded: "Sisters, you must think clearly, once you go down the mountain, you may not be able to come back alive!"

"Director Zuo, without sir, I would have died a long time ago!"

"Ah Fu, we are all concubines of the Jin family now, why do you still call me sir? You want to call me the master!"

"Yes, the person who is born as a teacher will die as his ghost. If the leader is not around, Xihewan is our home. We can't let bandits cause trouble!"

"The female workers in the textile factory dare to fight bandits. We in Tiegongshan cannot lose to them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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