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Chapter 623 Guan Xiaorou's Guarantee

"Madam, what are you doing?"

Zuo Feifei quickly helped Guan Xiaorou up.

"Madam, it's all as it should be. If sir and you hadn't rescued us, we would still be suffering in the bandits' den!"

"That's right, we are all one family. Madam, she is out of touch when she says that!"

The female workers around also waved their hands and said kind words.

But the expressions on their faces gave them away.

No one is willing to risk their lives to save the person who is a white-eyed wolf.

Guan Xiaorou's words spoke to their hearts.

But at this moment, a shrill shout rang out from the side.

"Sister Ah Yue, wake up!"

Everyone turned to look and saw a female worker with a gray face sitting on the stone beside the mountain road, shaking her companion in her arms vigorously.

Seeing Guan Xiaorou coming, she begged to Guan Xiaorou: "Madam, please save Sister Ayue! Please save Sister Ayue!"

At this time, the sky was already dark and the fog was heavy, so Guan Xiaorou could not see clearly.

Now that I got closer, I discovered that the companion in the female worker's arms had a hideous wound on his face, and his left ear was missing. The blood soaked half of the clothes on the left side, and blood was unconsciously flowing out of his mouth. He looked extremely


"Military doctor! Call the military doctor to come and save people!"

Guan Xiaorou turned around and shouted.

After shouting, I wanted to take out a handkerchief to help the female worker wipe the wound, but when I reached out and touched it, I found that the handkerchief was inside the armor.

"Sister Ah Yue, if you hold on a little longer, the military doctor will be here soon!"

It was difficult to squat while wearing armor, so Guan Xiaorou knelt directly on the ground and used her hands to cover the female worker's wounds while comforting her.

Perhaps the wound was touched and stimulated Ah Yue. She, who was originally semi-conscious, opened her eyes slightly.

Because she was unable to turn her head, she did not see Guan Xiaorou, but only saw the female worker holding her.

"Xiao...Xiaoqian, you are still alive...it's great..."

Ah Yue said weakly: "I...I'm afraid...I'm going to die..."

"Sister Ayue, you won't die!" Xiaoqian cried and shook her head.

"Don't talk...listen to me..."

Ah Yue interrupted Xiaoqian: "My mother said... When a person dies, no one will come to see him... he will become a lonely ghost... When I die... don't bury me here... bury me in our

Houshan... If you have nothing to do, go and see me... I have money under my pillow... I'll give it all to you..."

In Dakang folklore, if there are no descendants to pay tribute and no one to visit the tomb, the deceased will become a lonely ghost.

In the feudal era, most people were superstitious and particularly concerned about this.

Ah Yue is still a girl, where does her descendant come from?

I can only ask my best friend to pay tribute to me before I die.

Without waiting for Xiaoqian to answer, Guan Xiaorou said: "Sister Ayue, don't worry, I will definitely take you back!"


Ah Yue then noticed Guan Xiaorou, struggled a bit, and wanted to wave to Guan Xiaorou.

But I couldn't lift my arm halfway.

Seeing this, Guan Xiaorou quickly reached out and held her hand.

"Madam said that...I feel relieved."

Ah Yue grinned: "Thank you so much, madam!"

"Has she signed the marriage contract with the head of the family?"

Guan Xiaorou turned to look at Xiaoqian.

"Signed, everyone who came this time has signed!"

Although Xiaoqian didn't know why Guan Xiaorou asked, she still cried and nodded.

"Ah Yue, since you signed the marriage contract with the head of the family, you are a member of the Jin family and my sister!"

Guan Xiaorou said sincerely: "Don't worry, I will not only take you back, but I will also set up a memorial tablet for you. From now on, I will burn incense and pay tribute during the next three hours and four seasons. I will never let you become a lonely ghost!"

"Can I write it in the family tree...can I have a tablet?"

Ah Yue suddenly came back to her senses and asked excitedly: "Sir, can you agree?"

According to the customs of Dakang, concubines are not qualified to be included in the family tree. When they die, they can just find a place to bury them.

Only those concubines who have made great contributions to the family or are particularly popular with the family leader are likely to be included in the family tree.

As for erecting a memorial tablet, don't even think about it, that is the right that only the head wife of the eldest family has.

"The boss will definitely agree, I guarantee you!"

Guan Xiaorou nodded heavily.

She already knew Jin Feng very well and knew that Jin Feng didn't care about feudal customs.

If he knew what happened today, 90% of the time Jin Feng would agree.

"Mrs. Xie..."

Hearing this, Ah Yue grinned, her last breath of relief came to her, and her arms hung down weakly.

"Sister Ah Yue, don't worry, I will do what I say!"

Guan Xiaorou gently put down Ah Yue's hand and asked, "Where's her ears? Come here and I'll sew them up for her when you get back!"

"The ears...the ears were cut off by bandits..."

Xiaoqian cried and said.

"Why did the bandits cut off their ears?" Guan Xiaorou asked with a frown.

"I heard that the bandits wanted to exchange their ears for rewards..."


Guan Xiaorou stood up with a loud sound.

At this time, the female workers had collected the corpses of their fallen companions. Guan Xiaorou went up to take a look, and sure enough, most of the female workers' ears were missing!

Guan Xiaorou's eyes instantly turned red, she shook a few times, then she reached out to hold on to the stone before she could stand still.

But my heart felt like a big stone was blocking it, and the pain was so painful that I could hardly breathe!

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, pouring out like spring water.

Seeing this, Zuo Feifei quickly stepped forward to support Guan Xiaorou.

Just as they were about to offer some comfort, a bodyguard on a war horse stopped in front of the two of them.

He didn't know what was going on here. He jumped off his horse, hugged Guan Xiaorou and reported: "Madam, we have all caught the bandits. Brother Tiezi asked me to ask Madam, how to deal with it? Send them to Blackwater.

Ditch it or lock it up in solitary confinement?”

Escape means leaving your back to the enemy.

Therefore, once one party flees on a large scale on the battlefield, what awaits them is to be slaughtered.

This time it's all about luck.

If you are lucky and run fast, you might be able to save a life.

If you are unlucky enough to be caught up by the enemy, you will basically die.

There is only one mountain road nearby, where can the bandits go?

How can their legs outrun a war horse?

So they were soon overtaken by the cavalry led by Liu Tie.

The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau's practice of not killing prisoners had long been spread. When the bandits saw that they couldn't escape, they simply threw away their weapons and knelt down on the roadside to surrender.

The bandits were completely frightened, and Liu Tie didn't bother to kill them. He rushed to the front with his cavalry, then turned around and drove the bandits back like sheep.

These bandits were not ordinary bandits. Liu Tie did not dare to deal with them on his own, so he had to interrogate the bandit leader and send someone to ask Guan Xiaorou for instructions.

"How many people have been caught?" Guan Xiaorou raised her head and asked.

"There is no exact number, but it seems there are four to five hundred people." The escort replied.

"Four to five hundred people..." Guan Xiaorou nodded and said, "Go and tell Liu Tie to kill them all!"

"Kill them all...kill them all?"

The escort suspected that he had heard wrongly.

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