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Chapter 630

The people Monkey sent out haven't come back yet, so Tang Xiaobei asked Jin Feng first.

He specializes in martial arts, and Kita Chihiro is very skilled and has also received training in counter-torture and extorting confessions.

If it was torture, nothing might really come out. For example, in Nishikawa Prison, Kita Chihiro didn't say anything.

But Tang Xiaobei didn't do this. Instead, the eldest sister and the younger sister got close to each other and chatted about family matters heart-to-heart.

Bei Qianxun and Tang Xiaobei were old acquaintances. After they rescued Tang Xiaobei, they stayed together for several days.

But people's emotions can be affected by their bodies. At that time, Bei Qianxun was in high spirits, while Tang Xiaobei was in a low mood. He was also worried about the Chamber of Commerce and had no intention of talking nonsense.

Now the situation is reversed, Kita Chihiro is in trouble.

When meeting old friends in a foreign country, it is easy for people to feel close to them, especially when they are weak.

So during this meeting, Kita Chihiro no longer felt aloof and arrogant, and she couldn't help but put down her guard.

Under Tang Xiaobei's guidance, he could ask questions and say whatever he wanted. Unknowingly, Tang Xiaobei had almost uncovered the secrets of eight generations of his ancestors.

Jin Feng finally knew why Bei Qianxun was here and got into trouble with the bandits.

After breaking up with Jin Feng, Kitakihiro wandered around the rivers and lakes and met a fishing girl nearby.

The girl's parents went fishing in the autumn and encountered water bandits. Because they were unwilling to hand over the fishing boat they depended on for survival, they were killed by the water bandits, leaving the girl and her little sister alone.

Kita Qianxun had a very happy conversation with the girl, and maybe he was tired of wandering around in the world, so he temporarily stayed in this girl's house.

After getting along with the girl for a long time, I felt that I was getting more and more irritable, so the two of them married Jinlan and became sisters.

Kita Chihiro thought this small mountain village was good, so he planned to buy a fishing boat and settle here in the future, no longer wandering around.

But on the day she picked up the boat, a group of bandits broke into the small mountain village.

When Kita Chihiro returned from the city with the fishing boat, he only saw the girl's cold body and the shocking injuries on the body!

Kita Chihiro was furious at that time and chased after the bandits and killed them.

In order to establish his authority, the bandit leader sent people to massacre that small mountain village!

This is how the two sides formed a rift.

Kita Qianxun is highly skilled and elusive. When she is targeted, the bandits dare not go down the mountain, otherwise they will die one after another.

Even if you go down the mountain to buy packs of salt, you will need to be accompanied by at least dozens of bandits.

Even so, bandits were assassinated by Kita Chihiro from time to time.

The two sides were at a stalemate.

Until yesterday, the bandits somehow found the place where Kita Chihiro and the child were hiding, and swarmed out and surrounded the hilltop.

When Chihiro Kita broke out with her children, she was shot in the thigh by an arrow.

If he hadn't happened to encounter the scouts sent by Monkey to explore the road, he might have died here.

"Sister Qianxun is also a miserable person," Tang Xiaobei lamented: "When he met a young lady who was kind to him, she was harmed by the Xue family, and she finally found a place where she wanted to stay, but she was harmed by bandits again."

"She is not the only one suffering in this world!" Jin Feng sighed.

In the middle of the night, the people Monkey sent out to inquire about the news came back, and their story was similar to what Tang Xiaobei said.

Jin Feng felt relieved now.

Because Kita Chihiro was delayed a lot of time, the team set off again at dawn the next day and continued on their way.

This place is not far from Sichuan and Sichuan. On the way, as Jin Feng expected, he encountered more and more refugees and they became more and more miserable.

Seeing Jin Feng and others, many people wanted to come up to beg, but when they found that Da Liu and others were equipped with swords, the people all retreated in fear.

In order to travel quickly, Jin Feng and the others did not carry much dry food. Even if they felt sorry for them, there was nothing they could do.

But in my heart, I hate those powerful people who lured the Ninth Princess away and occupied my granary even more.

Most of the refugees I met in the morning still had some belongings, but those I met later were basically empty-handed.

Everyone is like the walking zombies, their eyes are lifeless.

They had only vaguely heard that Jiangnan was rich and prosperous, and that they might survive there.

But where is Jiangnan, how far away it is, and when can we get there? They have no idea.

But they all know that continuing to stay in Sichuan and Shu will lead to death.

Many of the trees on both sides of the road have lost their bark, and the roots of some trees have been dug out.

These are trees whose bark and roots are relatively easy to digest.

But there are not many such trees after all, and after eating, it is easy to leave a lot of residue in the abdomen, making it extremely difficult to excrete.

After entering the Sichuan-Sichuan territory, corpses of people who died of starvation and freezing, or were killed or died of illness began to appear on the roadside.

None of these corpses had a single hair on their bodies. They were just lying naked on the roadside, frozen into lumps of ice.

"What a sin. You took away other people's clothes. Why don't you dig a hole and bury them?"

Tang Xiaobei looked at the bodies of a mother and son on the roadside, his eyes full of pity: "How heartless!"

She used to feel that her life experience was pitiful, but now when she saw these people dying on the roadside, she realized what true pitifulness meant.

"It's not that they have no conscience, it's that they couldn't bury it even if they wanted to."

Jin Feng sighed: "It's so cold now and the soil is frozen. Without tools, they can't dig a hole even if they want to."

"No matter how poor a family is, they always have a kitchen knife and a hoe, right? They are all fleeing, so why not take them with them?" Tang Xiaobei asked.

"I want to know too." Jin Feng was also a little confused.

Although Dakang's ironware is a valuable item, most people still have one or two pieces in their homes.

After all, without a hoe, there is no way to farm, and without a kitchen knife, it is very inconvenient to eat.

But many of the refugees I saw along the way were empty-handed and had nothing.

"Sir, you may have never traveled far before. If you go further, you will know why."

Da Liu, who was following him, said, "We have seen this kind of thing too many times when we were traveling as escorts."

"Don't be so pretentious, tell me quickly!"

The tragic scenes he saw along the way made Jin Feng feel very uncomfortable, and his tone of voice became angry.

"Why else? Their belongings were all robbed by grain merchants."

Da Liu stretched out his hand and pointed forward: "Sir, look, there seems to be a shed selling grain over there!"

"Go over and have a look!"

Jin Feng frowned and whipped his horse.

The war horse felt pain and started to trot.

"Hurry, everyone, keep up!"

Da Liu quickly urged the bodyguards behind him to follow Jin Feng.

When he arrived at the shed, Jin Feng realized why Liu said that the people's ironware had been "robbed" by grain merchants.

There is a wooden sign next to the shed. On the sign is written the amount of grain that can be exchanged for the iron tools commonly used in people's homes.

Jin Feng is a blacksmith himself and knows the price of ironware very well.

In normal times, a kitchen knife can be exchanged for at least one bag of millet, but here, it can only be exchanged for three taels.

A hoe with more iron can only be exchanged for half a catty.

You know, for many people, iron tools can be said to be family heirlooms, and a hoe can be used for several generations.

But now the grain dealer only exchanged half a catty of millet for it.

What is the difference between this and Mingqiang?

This chapter has been completed!
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