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Chapter 632 Kill the magistrate!

Leaving the robbed stall, Jin Feng began to gallop on his horse.

He has no Virgin plot and has never thought of being a savior.

But he was a man who had seen the peaceful and prosperous times, and he really couldn't help but watch people dying of hunger everywhere without being affected by it.

Especially when I had the ability to help the people, but failed to do so.

After cleaning up those losers, the anger in his heart not only did not vent, but became more and more intense.

A feeling of powerlessness surged in my heart.

He wanted to do something for the people, but he felt like he had nowhere to start.

"What on earth should I do?"

Along the way, Jin Feng was thinking about this issue.

But after thinking about it for several days, Jin Feng still couldn't figure out the reason until he returned to Jinchuan.

On the contrary, because I saw too many human tragedies on the road, the suppressed anger in my heart became more and more serious.

Ever since entering the Sichuan-Sichuan territory, Jin Feng has never smiled again on his face.

He came back from the east and crossed the Jialing River, facing the Double Hump.

On the west bank of the Jialing River, the corpses of bandits hung by iron oxen were still swaying in the cold wind.

The bodyguard who came to greet him found Jin Feng looking at the body by the river, and couldn't help but feel worried.

He was also a veteran bodyguard. He knew that Jin Feng was opposed to killing prisoners and was afraid that Jin Feng would be angry.

But this time Jin Feng's expression didn't change at all. He just looked at it for a while and then looked away.

Along the way, he saw so many sights that he had never imagined before.

It's too awful!

The power of hunger is so powerful!

When he was in school in his previous life, during the May Day holiday one year, Jin Feng accidentally lost his wallet on his way to find a part-time job.

There were no lending platforms at that time, and Jin Feng didn’t even have a mobile phone.

His wallet was all he owned, and if he lost his wallet, he wouldn't even have money for food.

Although his classmates have all gone back, the professor lives on campus. In fact, he can borrow some food money from the professor first.

Students who received subsidies when they were in school because their families were poor all know that the poorer the people, the more sensitive they are.

Many students whose families are really poor will find this a very shameful thing.

On the contrary, those whose families are in better condition will receive the subsidy without caring, and may even feel complacent.

Driven by his pride, Jin Feng decided to survive the May Day holiday instead of asking the professor to borrow money.

At that time, he often worked part-time, and a classmate borrowed three hundred yuan from him, which was enough for him next month.

Isn't it just five days? Can I still starve to death?

The first day was fine, just drank some water and passed.

On the second day, Jin Feng felt a burning sensation in his stomach.

But the patience has passed.

By the third day, it was no longer as simple as his stomach. He began to crave food and rummaged through boxes and cabinets looking for food that might have been accidentally placed somewhere.

I even went through the drawers of several roommates.

But boys spend money lavishly. It is normal to go hungry for two meals at the end of the month. There is no food at all in the dormitory.

Jin Feng could only lie back on the bed helplessly.

On the fourth day, hunger was like a cat's paw, scratching at him, urging him to get up and look for food.

In the end, Jin Feng had no choice but to walk out of the dormitory, hoping to be lucky and pick up even fifty cents.

It's a pity that God didn't hear his prayer. He walked around the campus twice and didn't see a dime.

It was lunch time, and the cafeteria opened two windows for students who were not home during the holidays.

When passing by the cafeteria, he saw other students dumping leftover food into the trash can, and Jin Feng suddenly had the idea of ​​picking up food.

Why is he hungry? Isn't it just for self-esteem?

His last sense of reason prevented him from doing this. Instead, he ran back to the dormitory, forced himself to fall asleep, and spent the fourth day.

On the fifth day, I woke up from hunger just after dawn, and by some strange coincidence, I went to the canteen again.

Maybe deep down in my heart I want to see if there are any leftovers in that trash can, and pick some up before it’s dark yet, so no one can see me.

He was so hungry that he couldn't bear it anymore...

Unfortunately, the trash can has been cleaned, and there is nothing except a few vegetable leaves on the wall.

He even had the urge to pluck off the vegetable leaves and eat them.

But the sound coming from the cafeteria interrupted his thoughts.

I turned around and looked over, just in time to see the chef coming out with a basket of freshly baked steamed buns.

At that moment, Jin Feng came up with the idea of ​​grabbing two steamed buns and running away.

He was so hungry that he no longer cared about his dignity or the consequences.

This thought startled him.

Fortunately, he had not completely lost his mind and did not do that. Instead, he returned to the dormitory, packed up his and his roommate's old books from last year, carried them to the scrap collection station, and sold them for six yuan and fifty cents.

Jin Feng took the money from selling rags and immediately bought four steamed buns.

He never knew that steamed buns could be so sweet.

Before coming to Dakang, Jin Feng thought he was miserable enough.

But along the way, he realized that the hardships he experienced in his previous life were nothing compared with the people of the prosperous society.

In the past few days, Jin Feng has had nightmares every night when he dreams.

The dreams are filled with tragic scenes seen during the day.

"Ms. sir, we've arrived!"

Tang Xiaobei gently touched Jin Feng's arm, interrupting his thoughts.

"Is the salt factory still in normal production recently?"

Jin Feng recovered his mind and looked at the escort who was greeting him and asked.

Jinchuan Wharf used to be a very small wharf, but it has become lively since Jin Feng built the salt factory at Shuanghump.

There is an endless stream of ships delivering raw materials and finished salt products every day, often causing congestion.

But at this time, it was quiet on the river, and there was no liveliness at all when Jin Feng left.

"Nowadays, things are not peaceful around Jinchuan. Mrs. Xiaorou sent a letter and stopped the night shift."

The bodyguard replied: "Now there are still two shifts of workers on the mountain. One group produces and the other trains, taking turns every two days."

"I see."

Regarding Guan Xiaorou's decision, Jin Feng did not express his opinion, but nodded slightly.

The wooden boat slowly docked, and Jin Feng took the lead to board the dock.

He already knew that Shuang Hump had been attacked by bandits and was mentally prepared.

But when he saw the blood stains under the double humps that had not yet dried up, and the stones that were burnt black by the flames, Jin Feng couldn't help but feel the anger rising in his heart.

"What were our casualties when the bandits attacked Shuang Hump?" Jin Feng asked.

"The brothers from the escort were guarding the mountain and there were not many casualties. However, many brothers from the chamber of commerce and traders who came to deliver goods and purchase goods were killed."

The escort sighed and said: "Actually, the two humps are not bad. The most serious ones are Tietuan Mountain and the village. I went back a few days ago and passed by Yangquan Ridge. The mountain roads there were stained red with blood.

There are also people who are far away from us who have also suffered a lot this time. Many villages have been killed by bandits. It is really tragic..."

Before the escort could finish speaking, he saw Jin Feng, who was going up the mountain, suddenly stop and then turn around to go down the mountain.

Tang Xiaobei quickly chased after him.

"Ms. sir, where are you going?"

"Go to the county government!"

"What are you going to the county government for?"

"Kill the county magistrate!"

This chapter has been completed!
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