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Chapter 653: Huimin Loan

Not long after the establishment of Jinchuan Bank, Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were lured away by powerful people, and Qing Xinyao was also removed from his position.

When the businessmen saw that the situation was not good, not only did they not dare to deposit any more money, but they withdrew all the money they had previously deposited.

Even so, Jin Feng still wrote a letter asking Zhu Linglong to open more branches, and asked Zhou Youda to organize people to save money.

At first Zhou Youda was very confused because how much money can ordinary people have in their hands?

The deposit is not enough to cover the rent of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce store and the wages of the staff.

However, Jin Feng asked and Zhu Linglong kept urging, so Zhou Youda could only do it.

Now Jinchuan Bank has seven offices in Xichuan City, large and small.

Zhou Youda didn't understand Jin Feng's intention, but Zhu Linglong knew that Jin Feng asked her to open a bank just to train the staff's business abilities.

So during Jin Feng's absence, Zhu Linglong, like Tang Xiaobei, went to Yahang to buy a large number of literate and clever slaves and brought them back for training.

The difference between Zhu Linglong and Tang Xiaobei is that in Guangyuan, Tang Xiaobei only bought female slaves.

Because Jin Feng had no money at that time, female slaves were cheap, and you could buy a group of them with just a little money.

When building the bank, Jin Feng was no longer short of money, so Zhu Linglong had even more options to choose from.

Knowing that Jin Feng will need these talents soon, regardless of gender, as long as they can read and count, she wants them all.

The people Zhou Youda organized to deposit and withdraw money were the tools used to train these future bank bosses.

Now, it's time to test the training results.

"The time is a bit short, and the training results are not very satisfactory. There are only thirty-five people who can reluctantly go out to work as shopkeepers and support the business, and the remaining two hundred or so need to be trained again." Zhu Linglong replied.

"So many?" Jin Feng was a little surprised.

When the bank first opened, its business was very simple, basically simple deposit and withdrawal services.

Therefore, Jin Feng did not have high requirements for the shopkeeper. As long as he could read and know basic mathematical calculations, it was enough. However, Zhu Linglong was able to train so many people in such a short period of time, which still surprised Jin Feng.

Because the scholars in Dakang basically aim at gaining academic status, and women also aim at literacy, and not many people pay attention to mathematics.

"It would be difficult to just buy literate ones, so my mother helped me think of another way."

Zhu Linglong said: "There are many children from small business and hawker families. Although they are illiterate, they can count and are clever. My mother asked me to buy them together and teach them how to read.

This year is a year of disaster. Many small traders can no longer survive. There are many children selling children. Buying them is not only cheap, but also quick to teach.

Later, some small traders heard about this and sent their children to me, just to give them a way to survive."

"My dear, there are still many ways to do it."

Jin Feng sighed.

In fact, teaching people to count is sometimes more difficult than teaching literacy.

Moreover, most of the people who could afford to study in the past came from wealthy families, and were not as able to endure hardship as children from small merchant families, nor were they as clever as children from merchant families.

"What are your criteria for judgment?" Jin Feng continued to ask.

"The judgment standard is to let them run a bank alone. If they don't make any mistakes for ten days, they are considered excellent. If they don't make any mistakes for seven days, they are considered qualified."

"The standard is quite high," Jin Feng nodded slightly and asked, "What if we lower the standard? For example, how many people can live without problems for five days?"

"There are one hundred and forty-two people who have had no problems for five days."

Zhu Linglong didn't even look at the information, and opened her mouth to answer: "The rest are all for three days without any problems. If you can't persist for three days, you will be kicked out directly."

“What tasks do they need to deal with on a daily basis?”

"Daily exchange, bank management, etc. are just the usual work of a bank."

"The next thing they need to do is much simpler than managing a bank store. If there is no problem for three days, it is enough."

Jin Feng raised his head and looked at Zhu Linglong, his eyes full of relief and approval: "Thank you for your hard work. Have you been busy recently? After you have been busy for a while, I will give you a long vacation and have a good rest."

Jin Feng didn't pay attention just now, but now he took a closer look and realized that Zhu Linglong was thinner than when they first met.

She was rescued from the dental clinic at that time, and she is even thinner now than then...

Jin Feng knew without asking that Zhu Linglong must have put a lot of effort into cultivating these people.

"It doesn't matter if it's hard work, it's all part of the job."

Zhu Linglong combed her hair, smiled and shook her head.

"Sir, don't blame me for talking too much. Can I ask, what are your plans?"

When Zhu Chen saw that the conversation between Jin Feng and Zhu Linglong had come to an end, she couldn't help but ask again.

"My plan is very simple, which is to issue a batch of loans to benefit the people!" Jin Feng replied.

"Huimin loan?" This was the first time Zhu Chen heard this term. She hesitated and asked, "What is a Huimin loan?"

"I first ask the bank to lend money and grain to the people, and after they get through this year's difficulties, I will return the money and grain to the bank with interest," Jin Feng explained.

"How much profit are you going to charge sir?"

"The interest rates are also different depending on the borrowing time."

Jin Feng picked up a blank piece of paper from the table: "This is the interest rate I set based on the length of time. Can you guys take a look at it and see if it's suitable?"

Mrs. Zhu Chen and Ruan Tongjie quickly put their heads over.

Zhu Linglong also glanced at it, and then stopped looking.

This interest rate was originally set by her and Jin Feng, and she knew it very well.

"Sir, you...your interest rate is too low, right?"

Mrs. Zhu Chen couldn't help but widen her eyes.

During the feudal period, landlords lent grain to tenants. Not only did they get a small amount of money, but the interest rates were also horribly high.

It is the landlord's conscience to borrow some grain from the landlord during the lean period and multiply it several times during the harvest season.

There are some ruthless people who want to settle accounts based on compound interest. It is not enough for the tenants to give their entire family's rations to the landlord this season.

The interest rates set by Jin Feng are too low compared to landlords.

"Since it is a loan to benefit the people, the interest rate cannot be too high, otherwise wouldn't it become a loan shark?" Jin Feng replied with a smile.

"But this is too low. Can it cover the bank's expenses?" Zhu Chen asked: "In business, a business without profit will not last long."

"Mom, don't worry. My husband and I have calculated this interest rate repeatedly, and we won't lose money."

Zhu Linglong said: "And my husband told me at the beginning that the interest rate is not static. It varies from place to place and from time to time. The interest rate can be adjusted."

The bank's practices were copied by Jin Feng from the bank in his previous life, and the interest rate he set was much higher than that of the bank in his previous life. He did not have to pay interest on deposits, so the possibility of losing money was very small.

If it really can't balance the balance of payments, he can just reset the interest rate.

This chapter has been completed!
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