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Chapter 659: Pilot

"Everyone, go over there, line up, go through the formalities and receive the food."

Zhou Youda pointed to the shed in the distance.

The people immediately rushed over.

"Everyone is in line. Anyone who dares to jump in line will go back and line up again. Anyone who causes trouble will be immediately disqualified from processing today!"

The bodyguards who maintained order held up their loudspeakers and shouted.

The people, who were originally in a mess, immediately began to line up obediently.

In the shed, Zhu Linglong had already made preparations with the bank's clerk.

People who have bankbooks can directly stamp them with steel stamps, and the bodyguards who have been prepared nearby will scoop out grains from grain bags.

There are no plastic bags in Dakang, so people took off their coats one after another and carried them with their clothes.

The amount of grain each citizen can borrow is regulated, and a bodyguard is responsible for weighing it.

After being trained by Zhu Linglong, the bank clerk can handle this simple business very quickly and can handle it in just a few dozen seconds.

Dozens of workers worked at the same time, and it only took half a morning for all the victims in Zhoujiazhuang to receive food.

At the same time, the news that Mr. Jin was willing to borrow food also spread.

People from all over the country swarmed in and were blocked outside Zhoujiazhuang by the bodyguards.

"Mr. Jin, please lend me some food. My child has not eaten for three days and is starving to death!"

"Mr. Jin, please borrow some grain, I'm willing to make cows and horses for you!"

"Mr. Jin, I am willing to work for you for no wages, as long as you have food to eat!"

Countless people begged outside Zhoujiazhuang.

"Da Liu, go out and tell them clearly the terms and interest of borrowing grain, and then let them in."

Jin Feng stood on the high platform, looking at the bewildered people outside the village, and felt sour in his heart: "Let them in in batches, maintain order, and be careful of stampedes."

At this time, the people were so hungry that they were hanging by one breath. If someone fell down and was stepped on a few times, he might die.

"Yes!" Da Liu nodded and ran down to make arrangements.

Hunger is terrible, but what is even more terrible is watching parents and children starve to death in front of you.

Don't say that Jin Feng didn't dig holes in Huimin loans. Even if he did, the people wouldn't care.

They are almost starving to death. Even if it is a pit, they are willing to jump into it.

This is also the reason why many tenant farmers have to give in even though they know that the landlords are trying to trick them.

The situation was as Jin Feng expected. After Liu explained the grain borrowing policy, the people rushed to the village.

Fortunately, Liu was well prepared and led his bodyguards to maintain order.

In Xichuan City, the Ninth Princess did not dare to rest much. Like Jin Feng, she got up at dawn.

Qing Mulan was afraid of disturbing the Ninth Princess, so she didn't come to visit until mid-morning.

As soon as I entered the room, I found no one on the bed.

"Wu Yang, the doctor asked you to stay in bed to recuperate for half a month. Why did you get out?"

Qing Mulan found the Ninth Princess in the study and pulled her out without any explanation: "Come back with me and rest."

"Sister, the disaster is getting worse day by day. How many people will starve to death and freeze to death every day. Where can I sleep?"

The Ninth Princess broke away from Qing Mulan's pull and continued to look down at the documents on the table.

"My husband has already said that he is here to provide disaster relief, so you won't have to worry about it anymore!"

"He is out there, and I have to deal with those bastards in the dungeon."

The Ninth Princess said helplessly.

"What's so hard about taking care of them?"

Qing Mulan said: "That's a bunch of cowards. I'll go there later and I'll make sure they're docile as soon as they're punished!"

"If you could do it, would I still wait until now?"

The Ninth Princess said: "The fewer people involved with them, the better. To deal with them, I must personally go there. You and Brother Xinyao will do it, and they will follow the truth."

"This...is also..."

Hearing this, Qing Mulan nodded helplessly.

The combined power behind these powerful people is too huge for the Qing family to handle.

The Ninth Princess is a royal daughter, so she can restrain them.

"You want to take them to the dungeon, why are you in the study?"

Qing Mulan asked again.

"Sister, when my husband explained the art of war to you, he should have said that only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you survive a hundred battles. This is true in war, and it is also true in peacetime."

The Ninth Princess continued to look at the documents and said: "I am taking care of Fatty Xu and the others just for food, so before I go, I must first know how much food they have in their hands, right? What if I get fooled by them?"


The document she is looking at now is the intelligence collected by Qing Xinyao's undercover from various places, recording the food hoarding situation of bandits in various places.

The Ninth Princess read it very seriously and did not finish it until noon.

After lunch, Princess Ninth took Qin'er to the dungeon.

After staying in the dungeon for about half an hour, he came out with a pile of bloody documents in his hand.

For half an hour, the screams in the dungeon never stopped.

The dignitaries simply couldn't resist Qin'er's tricks. They all poured beans out of bamboo tubes and said whatever they asked.

No matter how powerful Qing Xinyao's spy is, he can't be omniscient and omnipotent.

The ninth princess asked for more food than expected.

After a day of observation, Jin Feng has confirmed that the bank clerks trained by Zhu Linglong have the ability to handle business independently.

Knowing that the Ninth Princess had received food from the powerful, Jin Feng decided to start disaster relief immediately.

That night, Xichuan City Gate made an exception and was not closed.

Teams left Xichuan City one after another and rushed to the surrounding counties.

The team is composed of escorts, bank clerks, and chamber of commerce clerks.

They all carried documents signed by the Ninth Princess themselves, and when they went to various places, local officials had to cooperate with them.

At the same time, the grain transport team composed of civilian workers also stayed up all night to transport grain from various places to the designated location.

Thirty-two miles north of Xichuan City, there is Bamboo Curtain Town, which is rich in bamboo curtains and is the largest town in the eight townships within ten miles.

Previously, the Danzhu cavalry plundered, covering an area of ​​30 miles, but Zhulian Town was so famous that it was also robbed.

Fortunately, it was far away from Xichuan, so the cavalry only plundered food and money, killed a few people to establish their authority, and left without taking any prisoners in the town to make human shields at Damang Slope.

Although they escaped with their lives under the hooves of the cavalry, the people did not escape the continuous rain in autumn.

The common people picked out a little bit of grain from their teeth and planted it as seeds, but all of them were soaked to death.

Coupled with the cold wave, several people in Zhulian Town starved to death and froze to death every day.

It can be said that white flags are hung in front of every house, and cries are heard in every household.

The weather is cold and the people are short of food and clothing, so they try to stay at home and not go out to reduce consumption.

But this morning, I heard the sound of a gong at the door.

"Folks, come out. Mr. Jin's Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce is here with food. We are saved!"

The mayor beat the gong and ran through the streets shouting.

"The Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce has come with food? It must be to give out porridge. Dad, hurry up and take the children to line up. If you are late, it may be gone!"

"Silly boy, stop chewing on the table legs. You won't be able to chew on them even if your teeth break. Come and have some porridge with your mother!"

"Zhenniang, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce is here to give out porridge. Hurry up and carry your mother-in-law on your back to queue up!"

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