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Chapter 674 Sir, I Didn't Expect You To Be Such A Person

Food, color, and sex.

These are the two most primitive instincts of human beings.

Jin Feng is not a saint, so how can he avoid vulgarity?

When he sees a beautiful girl, he will also have wild thoughts.

In fact, with his current status, there is no shortage of women at all.

If he wanted to, he could play and sing every night without going to Iron Can Mountain.

But Jin Feng didn't want to become the kind of person he saw in Green Water Villa and become a slave of desire.

However, at this time, the Ninth Princess made Jin Feng have the urge to pull her into the house.

Princess Ninth is an expert at perceiving people's hearts, and Jin Feng's performance was so obvious. She could see the little Jiujiu in Jin Feng's heart at a glance.

He took a small step to the side and deliberately showed disgust: "Hey, sir, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense, I didn't, it's not what you think!"

Jin Feng subconsciously denied it three times.

The Ninth Princess looked at his helpless look, covered her mouth and bent her eyes with laughter.

Then he raised his eyebrows at Jin Feng, his eyes full of teasing.

Jin Feng was stunned for a moment and then smiled himself.

Isn't this a typical self-inflicted crime?

Being interrupted like this, the impulse in my heart was also washed away.

Get rid of distracting thoughts and talk about business again.

"Actually, I thought about it before putting the compass and matches in."

Jin Feng said: "But things are made for people to use. The principle of the compass is actually very simple..."

"Stop talking, I won't listen!"

The Ninth Princess quickly stopped Jin Feng: "Sir, everything in the world is easy for those who know it, but difficult for those who don't know it. The principle of the compass may be very simple for you, but for those who don't understand it, it may be as difficult as climbing a mountain.


If you don't say it, it may take a long time for Dangxiang to figure it out. If you say it, they may get the inspiration and imitate it quickly.

Sir, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand!" Jin Feng nodded: "It's true that I took it for granted."

Although he tried to remind himself, his current thoughts were inevitably influenced by his previous life, resulting in some differences in cognition.

Just like a college student who has studied functions, he will instinctively think that everyone knows the multiplication table.

In Jin Feng's view, how could anyone not understand such a simple principle as the compass?

But he ignored this world industry, which is still in a very primitive state.

If he didn't say it, others would probably be like what the Ninth Princess said, and they would have to explore for a long time and still not be able to discover the secret of the compass.

History has also proven this.

In Jin Feng's previous life, there were records about the compass during the Huangdi period, but it was not until the Northern Song Dynasty that the compass was introduced to Europe through Arabia.

There are thousands of years of history, and compass technology has always been in the hands of the Han people.

"You're right to remind me, I will keep it confidential in the future."

Jin Feng nodded seriously.

Being able to listen to other people's criticisms and opinions with an open mind is also one of his strengths.

Seeing Jin Feng's behavior, the Ninth Princess finally felt relieved.

After everything that needed to be said was said and the sabers were handed out, Jin Feng ordered the team to disperse and go back to rest.

Early the next morning, the team set off from the south gate and began their expedition.

"I hope they can bring back the seeds that sir mentioned."

The Ninth Princess stood on the city wall, looked down at the team that stretched hundreds of meters, and whispered.

"With so many people, they will definitely do it!"

Jin Feng is also full of expectations.

With the addition of Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao, the team has several times more people than he planned.

Qing Xinyao, in particular, sent hundreds of people.

In Jin Feng's plan, the escorts from the two platoons would be divided into two groups at Da Zhao, one going to Tianzhu and the other going to Jiaozhi.

Now that he had several times more manpower, he simply divided the team into ten groups.

Five routes go to Tianzhu, and five routes go to Jiaozhi.

Stagger the time for each trip, or choose a different route.

This will greatly increase the probability of success.

There are ten people in total. As long as one of them succeeds, it is considered a success!

"Sir, where are you going next? Are you going back to your hometown?"

Princess Ninth watched the team disappear behind the woods and turned around to ask.

"The team has set off. There should be nothing going on in Xichuan recently. I want to go to Dujiangyan to visit." Jin Feng replied.

Dujiangyan has been under construction for some time. Although Jin Feng has formulated a detailed construction plan, he still wants to see it in person.

After all, this project is so important and can benefit most of Sichuan and Sichuan for thousands of years.

If something goes wrong, the consequences can be serious.

It's not that Jin Feng doesn't believe Wei Datong, but the Ninth Princess's reminder yesterday made him understand that everyone has some differences in cognition.

God knows whether Wei Datong fully understood what he meant.

If he discovers something went wrong after the construction is completed, wouldn't that be troublesome?

Moreover, Jin Feng promised Guan Xiaorou to go back to celebrate the New Year. It was already the middle of the twelfth lunar month, and after inspecting Dujiangyan, he still wanted to go back.

"Going to Dujiangyan?" Ninth Princess muttered, "Then I should go and see it with my husband."

"It's been so cold recently, and it's not close to Dujiangyan. The frostbite on your hands has just healed a little bit, so don't get too cold if you go there again," Jin Feng said.

"I've already made a round trip to the capital, I don't care about Dujiangyan."

Princess Ninth shook her head and said, "Besides, with the gloves and hat you gave me, I won't get frostbite."

"Oh well."

Jin Feng knew the character of the Ninth Princess. Once she made a decision, she would rarely change her mind, so he stopped trying to persuade her.

The two of them walked down the city wall together, and after having breakfast, they set off with the team and headed straight for Dujiangyan.

It was the coldest time of the year, and Jin Feng and others were all bundled up.

Especially the Ninth Princess, who was wearing a large mink velvet coat and rabbit fur gloves given by Jin Feng on her hands. Her head was also tightly wrapped in a hat, with only her two eyes exposed.

This time we were not in a hurry. The group of people rode alone and trotted on their way.

It wasn't until mid-afternoon that we finally arrived at the outskirts of Yulei Mountain.

Different from the desolation and desolation when he came last time, this time before he reached Yulei Mountain, Jin Feng heard the sound of chants.

"Hey yo hey, hey!"

"Hey yo hey, hey!"

As I turned around the foot of the mountain, I saw dense crowds of people walking back and forth on the flat land at the foot of the mountain.

Some people are digging the ground, some are loading soil into baskets, and some are carrying baskets and shouting slogans to transport the soil away.

Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, people can feel a lively atmosphere.

Many people only wear single clothes.

Jin Feng even saw a few people shirtless, wearing only a pair of torn trousers stained with mud.

It seems that the surrounding temperature is higher than elsewhere.

Many people were working with smiles on their faces.

"If Dakang is like this place everywhere, why worry about not being able to prosper?"

Princess Ninth looked at the busy construction site and felt emotional.

The eyes looking at Jin Feng were also softer.

Because she knew that all this prosperity was brought about by the man in front of her.

If it weren't for him, Xichuan City might have been stepped on by Danzhu.

By then, just thinking about what kind of disaster the people will encounter makes the Ninth Princess shudder.

[The author has something to say]

After finishing writing last night, I felt hungry. I saw a pineapple at home that would go bad if I didn't eat it, so I ate it and drank a bowl of leftover tomato soup from lunch. Then my stomach hurt and I felt like dying until three o'clock.

Ducai calms down... g, otherwise I will definitely be slapped in the face, I will try my best to write, I'm sorry everyone... go to eat, and then continue writing, and try not to make any mistakes again (make fist)

This chapter has been completed!
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