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Chapter 687 Laying the Foundation


Jin Feng nodded and said: "And this loom can be driven by water or wind, and the weaving speed is at least five times higher than what is being used in the workshop!"

"At least five times higher?"

Not to mention Wan Heming, even Tang Dongdong was shocked by Jin Feng's words.

"Yes, and this loom still has a lot of room for improvement!"

Jin Feng continued.

"Can it still be improved?"

Tang Dongdong narrowed his eyes slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Master, since you have made a better loom a long time ago, why don't you use it in the textile workshop?"

Wan Heming asked with wide eyes.

"This is what I want to tell you today." Jin Feng said: "When we have an idea, we can make it first, but it does not necessarily have to be put into use immediately. Instead, we have to find the most suitable opportunity. You understand


"I don't understand." Wan Heming shook his head.

"Take this loom as an example. Once it is put into use, its efficiency will be five times that of the spinning wheels currently used in the workshop. In other words, if we replace all the looms in the workshop with such looms, both

A hundred people will weave just as fast as a thousand people did before!”

"Isn't that just right?" Wan Heming asked, "We can make more money!"

"More people will also be unemployed." Jin Feng said helplessly: "Many female workers are now the backbone of the family. If their jobs are gone, how will the family live?"

"So that's it!" Wan Heming nodded in understanding.

"Sir, you are so righteous!" The Ninth Princess saluted Jin Feng solemnly.

She knew that if Jin Feng equipped this machine to the textile workshop, it could bring countless wealth.

But Jin Feng didn't do that.

After the machine was built, it was not immediately equipped and sent to the workshop to make money. Instead, it was left in the laboratory to gather dust.

Because once this loom is launched, not only the pattern of Xihewan Textile Factory will change, but it will also be a revolution for the entire Dakang textile industry.

It is likely to cause shock to the entire industry.

Countless women who rely on textiles may lose their last hope of survival.

This is what Jin Feng doesn't want to see.

He is not a capitalist, nor can he be as mercenary as a capitalist.

He is no longer short of money and does not want to break up countless families just because of making money.

This is also the bottom line that Jin Feng has always adhered to.

"Sir, I understand your intentions, but you said that no one can stop the progress of technology."

Tang Dongdong said: "There are many capable people and strangers in Dakang. If you and Xiao Heming can improve the loom, others may be able to, but by then others may not think as much as you do."

"Don't worry, Dongdong. This loom is not the fastest. I can make a more advanced one."

Jin Feng said confidently: "When the disaster passes and people's lives can barely survive, I will gradually start promoting new looms."

"Okay then!" Tang Dongdong nodded slightly.

"Master, you are so amazing!"

Wan Heming looked up at Jin Feng, his eyes filled with admiration.

Also a little disappointed.

He originally thought that his improved loom could increase production capacity by 50%, which was already very impressive, but compared with Jin Feng, it was nothing to mention.

"You are also very powerful! When I was your age, I was not even half as good as you."

Jin Feng smiled and rubbed Wan Heming's hair, feeling slightly relieved.

After all, Wan Heming is still a child, and if he is not convinced, he will definitely feel unhappy.

You might even think that Jin Feng is jealous of him.

Only by letting him witness it with his own eyes can he understand that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the world.

Of course, you can't hit him too hard, otherwise it will be more troublesome if he breaks the can directly.

This is why Jin Feng brought Wan Heming over to see the loom.

"Heming, you have to remember that there are many capable people and strangers in the world. You must never be proud and complacent in the future!"

Wan Yuhong also understood Jin Feng's intention and persuaded his younger brother.

"Got it!" Wan Heming nodded.

"Sir, what is this?"

Tang Dongdong asked, pointing to a strange-looking machine next to the loom.

She comes from a textile family and is very familiar with the machines in the textile industry.

For example, even if she saw the loom made by Jin Feng for the first time and didn't know how to use it, she could probably guess what it was used for.

But she couldn't understand this machine at all.

"Oh, this is a sewing machine, it's not ready yet."

Jin Feng replied with a smile.

"Sewing machine? What is it for?"

"A clothes maker," Jin Feng explained, "uses a sewing machine to sew clothes. One person can sew clothes as fast as ten people, and the stitches produced are straight and dense."

"Can one person stand up to ten people?" Ninth Princess felt that her nerves were almost numb.

Everything in Jinfeng's laboratory seems to be able to bring about earth-shaking changes to the industry.

Tang Dongdong's focus was on the other side: "Sir, are you going to make the clothes and sell them to a tailor shop, or are you going to make the clothes yourself?"

"Of course I open my own factory to make clothes."

Jin Feng said without hesitation.

"Who do you sell your clothes to?" Tang Dongdong asked.

When people in Dakang wear clothes, they basically go to the street to pull a few feet of cloth, and then go home and make it themselves.

Rich people have specialized tailors.

She really couldn't figure out who could sell the clothes made by Jin Feng.

"For the time being, sell it to the bodyguards, Zhenyuan Army, and our own factories, and then sell it to the people later," Jin Feng said.

"People can make their own clothes, so who will buy ours?"

"If everyone has a job in the future, who will have time to make their own clothes?"

Jin Feng asked back: "Let's not talk about other places, let's talk about textile factories. Are there still female workers collecting shoe soles and making clothes?"

"This... doesn't happen very often." Tang Dongdong nodded.

Making clothes is very labor-intensive. Nowadays, textile factories work in two shifts. Female workers are very tired when they get home from get off work. Who wants to touch needle and thread?

This is also the reason why Jin Feng wants to open a clothing factory.

As he opens more and more factories in various places, more and more people will turn from tenant farmers to workers.

When workers earn money but have no time, the demand for ready-made clothes will increase.

Now when you open a garment factory, you can first make uniforms for your own bodyguards and workers. When the number of workers who need to buy clothes reaches a sufficient scale, the garment factory can gradually transform and produce ready-made clothes for the common people.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are all necessary living materials for the people, and they also represent endless market potential and huge benefits.

Only by laying the foundation early can you be ahead of others when the market prospers.

Tang Dongdong was about to ask Jin Feng about his specific plans, but he heard Da Liu shouting at the door:

"Sir, Brother Liang is back and waiting at the door."

"Brother Liang is back?"

Jin Feng raised his eyebrows and walked quickly to the door.

After dealing with the powerful people, Jin Feng ordered Zhang Liang to stop suppressing the bandits and take people to Jianmen Pass to handle the handover.

The location of Jianmen Pass is extremely important to Jinchuan County. The guard has been unwilling to cooperate with the handover, which makes Jin Feng very angry.

I don’t know how Zhang Liang is doing.

This chapter has been completed!
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