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Chapter 747 Your Majesty, I have a little suggestion for you

Early the next morning, before midnight, Zhu'er came in and woke Jin Feng and Ninth Princess.

"Husband, my father has a soft ear. If you find that he wants to change his mind, you must stop him!"

The Ninth Princess reminded Jin Feng while helping Jin Feng dress with the palace maid.

Historically, no woman has participated in court affairs.

There was a Queen Mother regent in the previous dynasty, but she was also hiding behind a bamboo curtain.

Although the Ninth Princess was capable and had the desire to serve the country, she was still a woman. Chen Ji did not agree to her going to court to discuss politics, and only agreed to let her listen in the side hall.

But Jin Feng has a title and has made great achievements this time, so he can go to court.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Jin Feng patted the Ninth Princess on the shoulder to express comfort.

The two of them walked out of the courtyard and saw Qin Zhen waiting at the door.

"Your Highness, sir, Your Majesty asked me to pick you up. All civil and military officials have already arrived at Hongde Hall."

"Let's go!"

Jin Feng raised his hand and motioned for Qin Zhen to lead the way.

When we arrived at Hongde Hall, all the civil and military officials had arrived, but Chen Ji had not arrived yet.

According to the procedure, Jin Feng does not have an official position, so he does not need to go to the palace now. He can just wait until the eunuch announces that he will go to the palace, and then go in.

Jin Feng was not in a hurry and wandered into the side hall with the Ninth Princess.

I came here as soon as I woke up. I didn't even eat breakfast. I saw some pastries on the table, so I didn't hesitate to pick them up and eat them.

For Jin Feng, this morning meeting was just a formality. The main contents had already been worked out in the imperial study room with the Ninth Princess, and they would just wait for the emperor's order.

But the ninth princess was very nervous. Although there were no outsiders in the side hall, her back was still straight.

"Wuyang, don't be nervous, I'm here."

Jin Feng held Princess Ninth's hand and handed her a pastry: "Here, let's eat something to cushion your stomach."

Just as the Ninth Princess was about to speak, she heard shouts coming from Hongde Hall: "Long live my emperor!"

Not long after, I heard the eunuch shouting at the top of his lungs: "Xuan Qingshui Baron Jin Feng enters the palace!"

"wait for me!"

Jin Feng patted the Ninth Princess on the face, stuffed the half-eaten pastry into his mouth, and strode out of the side hall.

Generally speaking, civil and military officials will not look around when they are in court in the morning.

But when they heard Jin Feng's footsteps, more than half of the officials turned their heads and looked at the door.

As soon as Jin Feng entered Hongde Hall, he saw dozens of pairs of eyes staring at him.

At this time, he was still chewing the pastry in his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know whether it was better to swallow it or spit it out.

However, Jin Feng has learned nothing else since coming to Dakang, and his face has become much thicker.

Since he was seen, he swallowed the cake generously, and then, under the leadership of the eunuch, strode to the center of the hall and gave a scholarly salute to Chen Ji: "I have met Your Majesty!"

"Bold Jin Feng, he was still eating when he went to court, which is already disrespectful to His Majesty. He dared not to kneel down when he saw His Majesty, how unbecoming he is!"

Before Chen Ji could say anything, a powerful man came out, pointed at Jin Feng and said: "This man previously deceived the Ninth Princess to kill innocent people in Xichuan, and now he is disrespectful to Your Majesty. Please kill this son to rectify the situation!"


When Jin Feng heard this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the minister.

He knew that someone would challenge him today, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Before I even said a word, I was slapped with two big hats.

Naturally, Chen Ji would not embarrass Jin Feng because of such a trivial matter. He first motioned for Jin Feng to stand up, and then said calmly: "I respect Jin Feng's noble character and specially give him a jade talisman, without having to kneel down and worship!"

"Then he bewitched Her Royal Highness Princess Xichuan and killed innocent people indiscriminately..."

"Don't you know whether it's an indiscriminate killing of innocent people?"

Chen Ji didn't wait for the minister to finish what he said, and retorted with a cold face: "Which of you has not seen the evidence returned by Wuyang? Which of them, Xu Deliang or Xie Lishen, does not have conclusive evidence?"

"Even if the evidence is conclusive, the crime will not lead to death, right?"

“Does sin not lead to death?”

Jin Feng turned to look at the minister: "Do you know how many people in Sichuan and Sichuan starved to death because they raised food prices? You actually said that he was not worthy of death?"

After saying that, he stared at the minister. If he dared to say something like "the lives of untouchables are worthless", Jin Feng would directly take out his gun and kill him!

However, the minister was obviously not stupid enough. He did not say anything similar, but continued: "Even if they deserve to die, they should be sent back to the capital and tried by Dali Temple, rather than by Her Royal Highness the Princess in Xichuan."

The execution hall! The Ninth Princess doesn’t have this right either!”

"Who said that the Ninth Princess set up a private torture chamber? Did you not read the file, or is it unclear what is written in the file?"

Jin Feng asked back: "Otherwise, the person who supervised the trial and execution was Magistrate Zhang. What does it have to do with Her Royal Highness the Ninth Princess?"

Ninth Princess and Qing Xinyao are both veterans, and they will definitely not make such a stupid mistake.

Therefore, in the files sent to the capital, the person responsible for the trial and execution was the magistrate of the next county under Nishikawa's rule.

Although Fatty Xu and others were born into powerful families, most of them did not have official positions. Moreover, according to Dakang laws, if someone was accused of driving up grain prices, local officials would handle it.

Just send the file to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment for filing afterwards.

Otherwise, everything will be sent to Dali Temple for trial, and the people in Dali Temple will be exhausted and busy.

Therefore, although everyone knows what happened, judging from the files alone, this matter has no direct relationship with Jin Feng, Ninth Princess, and Qing Xinyao.

"Jin Feng, don't pretend to be stupid, let alone treat His Majesty and everyone present as fools!"

The minister sneered and said: "Who here doesn't know that Her Royal Highness the Ninth Princess set up a private torture chamber and killed Xu Deliang and others?"

"It is said that all the princes in the court are very eloquent. I have experienced it today. If the reason does not make sense, I will talk about the law. If the law cannot explain it, I will pretend to talk about unspoken rules!"

Jin Feng sneered when he heard this: "Since you are pretending, then I will accompany you! I am the one who killed Xu Deliang and the others, what can you do to me?"

After speaking, he turned around and looked around at the civil and military officials, and said loudly: "From now on, I will also listen to you. I will chop down one of you when I find a moth like Xu Deliang who takes advantage of the famine to make a fortune for the country, and a pair when I find two!"

If any of you are dissatisfied, go ahead and give it a try and see if I dare to kill you!"

"Your Majesty, listen, how vulgar this man's words are! How dignified he is! How dignified he is!"

The minister who came forward was pointed at his nose and scolded by Jin Feng. He was so angry that he trembled all over. He knelt on the ground with a plop and shouted at Chen Ji: "Please punish this son severely, otherwise where will Chao Gang be?"

"Please, Your Majesty, punish this boy severely!"

Several other ministers who had already discussed this issue also came out to put pressure on Chen Ji.

Duke Qing and other war ministers saw that the situation was not good and were about to go out to speak to Jin Feng when they heard Jin Feng speak again: "Your Majesty, may I give you a small suggestion?"

This chapter has been completed!
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