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Chapter 750 The First Fat Pig

After leaving Hongde Hall, Jin Feng saw Zhang Liang at the door.

After he returned to the station of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau with his bodyguard last night, he arranged for the bodyguard to take turns and various tasks. He was busy until midnight, and then he got up after sleeping for less than four hours and came to the palace to wait for Jin Feng's arrangements.

In addition, I haven't slept well in the past few days on the North Shore. At this time, the circles under my eyes are dark, but my mental state is relatively high.

Seeing Jin Feng, he beat his chest with his only remaining arm: "Sir, your highness, you are fortunate to have lived up to your command!"

"Brother Liang, thank you for your hard work!" Jin Feng patted Zhang Liang on the shoulder.

In the past few days, Zhang Liang has lost weight and his complexion is not good.

"Brother Liang, thank you for your hard work!" The Ninth Princess also bowed slightly to Zhang Liang: "When the recent affairs are finished, I will ask my father to personally award the golden hook to Brother Liang and all the brothers!"

The golden hook is equivalent to the military medal of Dakang. The golden hook issued by the emperor himself is the highest honor for Dakang soldiers.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Zhang Liang excitedly beat his chest again towards the Ninth Princess.

"This is what you deserve!" Ninth Princess praised with a smile: "This battle you fought was so exciting, my father and all the civil and military officials were stunned on the tower!"

"It's also luck. The laxative prepared by Mr. Wei is very effective!" Zhang Liang shook his head modestly.

In fact, this battle went beyond his expectations.

In the plan formulated by Jin Feng and Zhang Liangyu's study, the first goal was to break into the camp and seize the commander, use hot air balloons and grenades to kill Yelv Shu, and then have the black-armored escorts break into the camp and take away the Eastern Barbarian commander's flag.

The second goal is to attack the horse breeding camp of the Eastern Barbarians.

At that time, they did not dare to take away the war horses. They only hoped that Da Zhuang would lead people to tear a hole in the horse-raising camp and let the Eastern Barbarians' war horses go.

Then see if the war horses will run everywhere, and the bodyguard may be able to take advantage of the chaos to gather a group of them.

If all the escorts in the capital can each be equipped with a war horse, and then take advantage of hot air balloons and grenades, they can fight a protracted war with the Eastern Barbarians.

As a result, the battle went much smoother than Jin Feng, Zhang Liang and the others expected.

Among them, the most unexpected thing about Jin Feng was the laxative prepared by Wei Wuya. The effect was simply too strong.

After the battle at Damang Slope, when Jin Feng and Zhang Liang were resuming the battle, they once mentioned the trick of drugging. Zhang Liang wrote it down at the time, and later asked Wei Wuya for a prescription for laxatives.

But ordinary bandits are not worthy of him using this method, so he has never used it.

This was the first time it was used on the battlefield, and the effect far exceeded Jin Feng and Zhang Liang's expectations.

After all, the Eastern Barbarians had 30,000 cavalry. If the laxatives had not made them unable to straighten their backs and their horses had lost control, even with hot air balloons and grenades, this battle would not have gone so smoothly.

"Luck is also a part of strength. No matter what, you should take the lead in this battle! Without your decisive attack on the spot, there would be no current situation!"

Jin Feng patted Zhang Liang's shoulder again and reminded: "When your Majesty gives you a reward later, don't be stupid and refuse, you know?"

Zhang Liang indeed contributed a lot to the victory in this battle.

According to the plan, he captured Yelu Shu, took away the handsome flag, and attracted the attention of the Eastern Barbarians. His mission was completed.

However, when Zhang Liang saw on the battlefield that the situation was going more smoothly than planned, he immediately asked Jin Feng for instructions and decisively led 2,000 men into the enemy camp of 30,000 men.

In fact, this is a very risky decision.

But it was this decision that led to the current situation.

"Got it!" Zhang Liang nodded quickly.

Even if he doesn't want the reward himself, he still has to consider other bodyguards.

"As long as you know," Jin Feng nodded, "Are everyone ready?"

"Ready," Zhang Liang replied: "According to the instructions of Sir and His Highness, I divided the escorts into five teams and distributed them in different locations in the city. As long as someone makes trouble, I guarantee that we can arrive as soon as possible."

"Very good, then we can start!" Jin Feng looked at the Ninth Princess: "Which one should we go to first?"

"Of course whoever has the richest money will go to his house!"

The Ninth Princess said coldly: "Qin'er, ask Qin Zhen to bring Wu Ding, the left minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs!"

"Yes!" Qin'er agreed, turned around and left.

Soon Qin Zhen came over with someone escorting a fat man in his forties.

Jin Feng looked at Wu Ding, a trace of anger flashing in his eyes.

Among the officials previously imprisoned, the official position of Wu Ding, the Minister of Hubu, was not among the top five. His immediate boss, the Minister of Hubu, was also arrested.

But Wu Ding is the most arrogant and has the most serious corruption problem.

The Wu family is a large family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, with countless members scattered throughout Dakang.

The more people there are, the more officials there will be.

Wu Ding's father was the previous Minister of Household Affairs, his uncle was the previous Prime Minister, and he had numerous disciples.

These disciples had all been favored or promoted by Wu Ding's father and uncle, and they knew very well that being an official could not be done alone, so they all followed the Wu family's lead and were called the "Wu Party" in the Kang Dynasty.

After Wu Ding's father passed away, the Wu Party did not disband, but continued to have Wu Ding as its leader.

Including the Minister of Household Affairs is also a member of the Wu Party.

On the surface, the Minister of Hubu is Wu Ding's immediate superior, but the elders in the court know who the real decision maker is.

The Ministry of Household Affairs of Dakang has great power. It is not only responsible for household registration, land, taxation and many other financial powers across the country, but also for the food and salary paid by the Ministry of War to soldiers and the salaries paid by the Ministry of Personnel to officials all over the world.

It can be said that the Ministry of Accounts is in charge of Dakang's money bag.

Therefore, in the Dakang court, all the ministers know not to offend the people in the household department easily, otherwise they will easily hit you and make you complain endlessly.

The Wu family has been in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs since more than a hundred years ago. Wu Ding's current official position is Minister of Household Affairs. After the current Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs abdicates, he will be qualified enough to take over smoothly.

This is something everyone in the DPRK knows.

Controlling the household department is the reason why the Wu family remains strong.

Moreover, the Wu family was very good at pleasing the emperor. The idea of ​​Hua Shi Gang was proposed by the Wu family and was implemented by the Wu family.

Every year, the Wu family would collect beautiful women and cultural treasures from all over Dakang under the banner of raising flowers and stones for the emperor.

Among them, no more than 40% was actually sent to the emperor's hands, and most of the rest was divided privately by the Wu Party, and most of this half fell into the hands of the Wu family.

The Wu family has controlled the household department for more than a hundred years, and the wealth they have accumulated can be imagined.

Therefore, the Wu family is also extremely arrogant. Wu Ding's sons are well-known as bastards among the dandy circles in the capital. They have done countless things like bullying men and women, and beating people to death in the street.

The evidence collected by the Secret Service about the Wu family is more than a foot thick.

Such a family is naturally the key target of Ninth Princess and Jin Feng, and it is also the first fat pig they want to slaughter.

The Wu family has long been targeted by the Secret Service. After Wu Ding was arrested today, the Imperial Army immediately blocked the Wu family and imprisoned everyone in the Wu family, waiting for the Ninth Princess to ransack the house.

But what surprised Ninth Princess and Jin Feng was that they asked the imperial army to search through the Wu family, and only found less than 30,000 taels of silver.

"Wu Ding, don't waste my time or test my patience. Just tell me where you hid the money?"

This chapter has been completed!
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