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Chapter 765

"Not doubt, but certainty!"

The Ninth Princess said: "Actually, before we implemented the slave release order, the Secret Service discovered that many slaves from wealthy families left the capital and went to various places. At that time, they said to the outside world that their masters could no longer support them and drove them out to make a living on their own.


But I thought this was a wealthy family deliberately crying about poverty, so I ignored them, but now that I think about it, they were probably sent by aristocratic families to deceive people."

"These people are really evil-minded!"

A sharp look flashed in Jin Feng's eyes.

Previously, the wealthy men and brothels prevented their slaves and girls from leaving because it was secretly instigated by the powerful men in the capital.

Jin Feng had known this for a long time, but he also had the same concerns as the Ninth Princess. It was impossible to kill all the nobles in the court, otherwise Da Kang would also be in chaos.

Therefore, Jin Feng could only choose to endure it for the time being and let Zhong Ming's team take note of those who took advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, preparing to train a sufficient team and then liquidate them one by one.

It's a pity that the powerful people didn't give him this time at all.

The powerful people in the capital did not dare to take action against Jin Feng themselves, so they went to instigate local powerful people.

These country bumpkins have never seen the horror of bodyguards, and the powerful people in the capital are making alarmist remarks, scaring them that Jin Feng has taken control of the emperor, and now he is outlawing exorbitant taxes and vigorously suppressing bandits, which is to win people's hearts.

After gathering enough people's hearts, Jin Feng will kill the wealthy people to divide their fields and lead the people to rebel.

In the feudal era, communications were backward, and many local wealthy families were frightened.

However, most wealthy families can only raise dozens of thugs at most, and they don't have the capital to compete with Jin Feng.

Therefore, the dignitaries in the capital fell in love with the Cao family in Suizhou.

The Cao family has money and people, and it is not far from the capital, so they have the best knives.

Suizhou is located south of the Huaihe River, and according to traditional geographical classification, it also belongs to Jiangnan.

Although the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce currently does not attach much importance to Suizhou and has only built one outlet in Suizhou City, and the county government below has not sent anyone to develop it, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Jin Feng and Tang Xiaobei attach great importance to Jiangnan.

In recent months, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce has blossomed all over the south of the Yangtze River, opening outlets in almost all cities above the county level along the Yangtze River, and then using these outlets as bridgeheads, it continues to expand to the north and south sides.

The Suizhou branch of the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce has been making frequent moves recently, apparently preparing to develop markets in surrounding counties.

The Cao family is a local snake in Suizhou, and the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce is a dragon across the river.

If the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce develops the market, it will definitely conflict with the bandits supported by the Cao family.

Among the bandits in Jiangnan, who doesn’t know the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau’s attitude toward bandits?

When the Cao family was worried about how to deal with Jin Feng, the powerful people in the capital sent people to find him.

In order to make the Cao family work hard, the powerful people in the capital promised many benefits.

The Cao family had long been dissatisfied with Jin Feng, and the two sides had a common enemy, so they hit it off immediately.

The dignitaries in the capital secretly provided money and food, and the Cao family hired people to quickly form King Qin's army.

Knowing that the matter involved the powerful people in the capital, Jin Feng's attitude became cautious.

"If this is the case, the situation is really a bit complicated. I will ask someone to call Brother Liang, Luo Lan, and the others. Let's have a small meeting to discuss it together. We can use our brainpower to find out and fill in the gaps."

"I think so too."

The Ninth Princess nodded in agreement.

Soon, Zhang Liang, Luo Lan, Hou Hou, Da Zhuang, and the relevant leaders of the Zhongming Group rushed to the side hall next to the Imperial Study Room.

Jin Feng remembered that Bei Qianxun had stayed in Suizhou for a while and had a deep grudge with a group of bandits in Suizhou, so he called her into the room.

After everyone arrived, Jin Feng began to introduce the situation.

Just after the introduction, Luo Lan couldn't wait to ask: "Sir, how is the Chamber of Commerce in Suizhou doing?"

The expressions of Zhang Liang, Da Zhuang and others instantly became serious.

"The official document sent by the Secret Service did not mention this, but I'm afraid it's more serious than the worst..."

Jin Feng's tone was also a little low.

All bandits in Suizhou are under the control of the Cao family. Previously, the Cao family was unwilling to conflict with Jin Feng, so they restricted their bandits to let them go when they encountered the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce team.

Therefore, in the Suizhou area, the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce is relatively safe and has relatively few escorts assigned to it.

Now that the Cao family has suddenly turned against them, it is very likely to be detrimental to the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Just as he was talking, someone knocked on the door outside.

Qin'er went over and opened the door, and Zhu'er came in holding a small note.

"Your Highness, this is the latest intelligence that the Secret Service has just received."

After saying that, he looked at Jin Feng and Zhang Liang with complicated expressions.

A bad premonition suddenly arose in Jin Feng's heart, and he went over to check the note with the Ninth Princess.

The next second, Jin Feng's face became extremely ugly.

"Sir, what happened?" Da Zhuang couldn't help but ask.

"You guessed right just now. After the Cao family broke out, they immediately arrested everyone in the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce in Suizhou City. The Secret Service just sent news that the bandits killed all the male clerks and hung their heads on the flagpole. The female clerks and the female clerks

The shopkeeper…”

The Ninth Princess did not continue talking at this point, but everyone present knew what kind of human tragedy they would face.

When Jin Feng returned to Xichuan from the East China Sea, he stopped in Suizhou and talked with the female shopkeeper of the local chamber of commerce and many clerks.

The female shopkeeper is a typical Sichuan girl. She smiles very gently and has two deep dimples at the corners of her mouth.

When he thought that the female shopkeeper and the guys from the chamber of commerce were either dead or worse off than dead, Jin Feng couldn't contain his anger.

The two big and strong monkeys rushed to request orders to destroy the Cao family. Even the usually taciturn Eagle clenched his fists at this time.

"Calm down, I'm afraid the Cao family is deliberately irritating you by doing this!"

The Ninth Princess saw that Jin Feng looked wrong and quickly stepped forward to hold Jin Feng's right hand.

"I see!"

Jin Feng closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down.

After being angry, Jin Feng also felt deep regret.

I regret not paying enough attention to Suizhou and not arranging enough escorts and bell team members.

This led to the Cao family's attack on the Chamber of Commerce, which he didn't even know about, but he got the news from the Secret Service.

Zhang Liang was the first to calm down, looked at the Ninth Princess and asked, "Your Highness, where are the Cao family's bandit army at this time?"

"Judging from the information from the Secret Intelligence Department, they crossed the Huaihe River yesterday and are probably almost at Zhenyang County, Runing Prefecture." Ninth Princess said.

"Why so fast?"

Zhang Liang asked in surprise.

The straight-line distance from Suizhou to the capital is less than 700 miles, and to Zhenyang County in Runing Prefecture, it is more than 200 miles.

South of the Huaihe River is a mountainous and hilly terrain. After crossing the Huaihe River, there is a flat plain.

In other words, at this time, the Cao family's bandit army had already completed the most difficult journey of more than 200 miles, and the secret agent discovered that they were coming to the capital.

"The main defense of the Secret Intelligence Department is the capital. There are no spies in Suizhou. The wealthy families and the Cao family are also very careful this time and have been marching in secret. After crossing the Huaihe River yesterday, they really couldn't hide it anymore and spread the conquest to the world.

It was only after the Secret Intelligence Service found out."

The Ninth Princess said helplessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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