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Chapter 769 Thunder Strikes

It's hard to persuade someone like Zuo Zhiyuan who is so arrogant.

Normally, Jin Feng could calm down and have a good discussion with him, but now there are so many things going on that Jin Feng really has no time to think about it and doesn't have enough time to enlighten him.

He didn't pry open the warehouse door anyway, so I left him alone.

Jin Feng's attention quickly returned to suppressing the Cao family.

In the afternoon of that day, Da Zhuang and Hou Hou set off with three hundred escorts and headed straight to the south.

On the third day after Da Zhuang and others set out, Zhang Liang took five hundred bodyguards and escorted three thousand war horses to Wuyang County, the fiefdom of the Ninth Princess.

Princesses and princes can establish their own guard camps. The ninth princess's guard camp is located in Wuyang County, replacing part of the government soldiers and managing the fiefdom for her.

Just as the ninth princess Jin Feng had guessed, all the civil and military officials were paying attention to the movements of the bodyguards and King Cao Jiaqin's army.

The escort left on the front foot, and almost all the nobles on the back foot got the news.

For a time, the eyes of countless wealthy families in Dakang were all set on Zhenyang County.

In fact, the dignitaries had roughly guessed the plans of Jin Feng and Ninth Princess.

But this time Jin Feng and Ninth Princess were plotting.

To make it clear is to tell the powerful people everywhere that this is the time when the capital's defenses are at their weakest, and if they want to rebel, they should seize the opportunity as soon as possible.

If you don’t have the guts, just calm down in the future!

The dignitaries in the capital were shocked by the cruelty of the Ninth Princess. Who dared to act rashly now?

Even if we really want to rebel, we must first see the outcome of the battle in the south.

If King Cao Jiaqin's army breaks the myth of the escort's invincibility, it will be a great boost to our own morale.

In the Central Plains region, the official roads are wide and straight, and the escorts can travel very fast.

King Cao Jiaqin's army, composed of bandits, was just the opposite. They looted everywhere along the way and could only cover more than a dozen miles a day.

When Da Zhuang and others arrived at Zhenyang County, the bandits had not yet reached Zhenyang County House.

The two sides encountered each other outside Tongzhong Town in Zhenyang County.

Da Zhuang didn't wait for the opponent to gain a firm foothold, and directly launched a charge with three hundred black armored cavalry.

The hot-air balloon team sent by Eagle also immediately raised the hot-air balloon into the high altitude and immediately blew up the opponent's Chinese army tent.

Even the elite Eastern Barbarians are no match for this kind of formation, let alone mere bandits?

Just as Zhang Liang expected, after just two charges, the so-called King Qin's army collapsed without command.

More than 20,000 people became more than 20,000 headless flies, scrambling to flee south.

Kita Chihiro led a platoon of escorts back and forth among the bandits, and finally found the original group of bandits.

Needless to say what happened next, Kita Chihiro and his bodyguards began a bloody pursuit.

The bandits were already frightened, but seeing Kita Qianhiro and the others like this, they became even more frightened and ran faster.

Da Zhuang followed with his cavalry, just like a pack of wolves chasing sheep, driving the enemy back to the bank of the Huaihe River.

The bandits could no longer run away and had no place to run, so they had no choice but to abandon their weapons and surrender under the scolding of the bodyguard.

Facing the elite Eastern Barbarians, the bodyguards still needed the help of the Forbidden Army and Zuo Xiaowei to surrender, but facing the bandits, there was no need for foreign aid at all.

King Cao Jiaqin's army was originally composed of bandits from different hills. Under the supervision of the bodyguards, the bandits found ropes to tie up the bandits from other hills.

King Cao Jiaqin's army was completely wiped out, and the so-called plan to flank the Qing emperor came to nothing.

The dignitaries sent many spies to follow the battle. When the news spread back to the capital, all the dignitaries fell silent.

When the dignitaries learned that Jin Feng had only sent 300 men to attack King Cao Jiaqin's army, they all felt that he was too arrogant.

But it turned out that it was not Jin Feng who was arrogant, but the Cao family.

From the time news of King Cao Jiaqin's army reached the capital to the time the entire army was annihilated, it didn't even last ten days.

The battle process reported back by the spies made the powerful feel desperate.

The bodyguard's fighting power was so strong that more than 20,000 bandits were defeated without even holding on to a stick of incense.

With such an army, who would dare to oppose Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess?

For a time, no matter the court or the local wealthy families, everyone became honest.

The decrees to reduce taxes and suppress bandits were also successfully implemented.

And this is just the first step of Jin Feng and Ninth Princess' plan.

Half a month after the Battle of Tongzhong, Emperor Chen Ji once again issued an imperial order, within three months, to disband two A-class armies, six B-class armies, and more than twenty C-class armies.

These armies are almost all private armies of major aristocratic families. It is difficult for the Ministry of War to mobilize them, but they need money and food allocated by the Ministry of Household Affairs to support them.

There are few men in the well-off society and there is a shortage of labor force everywhere.

This time we can lay off more than 100,000 people through the streamlined military and administrative measures, and these people will become the labor force when they return to their hometowns.

In addition to refining the army and streamlining administration, Chen Ji also issued a royal commission license to Jin Feng.

With this license, Jin Feng no longer has any restrictions on making and selling salt. He can open salt factories and manufacture salt all over Dakang.

It is really difficult for people in Dakang to eat salt. In order to solve this problem, Jin Feng built two large salt plants near the salt mines when he was doing disaster relief in Sichuan last year.

There were too many victims in Sichuan and Sichuan, and there were many people with great strength. Before he came to the capital, two salt factories were completed one after another.

The equipment needed to make salt is not complicated. Mancang had already sent the equipment to Jin Feng on his way to the capital.

Jin Feng came to the rescue in the capital, fought against the Eastern Barbarians, and started construction on two salt factories one after another.

In order to hire more workers, both salt factories recruited a large number of female workers to work three shifts, and all production lines were operating at full capacity.

But Jin Feng’s previous salt production and sales rights were only in Guangyuan. Where could he eat so much salt?

Therefore, including the original Xihewan Salt Factory, the salt stored in the warehouses of several salt factories is as big as a mountain.

After learning that Jin Feng had obtained the salt sales license, the whole Jinchuan immediately became lively.

Carloads of snow-white salt are delivered to the dock, and then transported by passenger ships of different sizes along the Jialing River to various places in the south of the Yangtze River.

The two docks near the salt factory are busy day and night, and half of the river is covered by merchant ships coming and going.

Fortunately, Jin Feng was busy in the capital, and Tang Xiaobei and Guan Xiaorou were not idle in Jinchuan.

Since last year, Zhu Linglong has been buying a large number of girls who can read and count at dental shops across Sichuan and Sichuan, and train them to become bank workers.

After Tang Xiaobei learned about this, he wrote a letter asking Zhu Linglong to send her a group of people to serve as reserve talents for the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Zhu Linglong did not dare to disobey Tang Xiaobei and obediently sent many talents who had received basic training over.

These talents came in handy at this time and traveled to various places in the south of the Yangtze River with the Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce's passenger ships.

Although the distance is further, Jin Feng still insists on selling salt for only ten cents per catty.

The refined salt produced by Xihewan Salt Factory is white and fine. It is many times stronger than the salt produced before Dakang. The price is also cheap. As soon as it arrives in Jiangnan, people rush to buy it.

Salt merchants across the Yangtze River went bankrupt instantly.

This chapter has been completed!
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