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Chapter 778: Ladder Plan

The main way for merchants to make money is to buy low, sell high, and earn the price difference.

Many businessmen do not produce goods. They just transport something from the producer to another place and sell it, and they can earn very high profits.

In the feudal era, this kind of behavior was considered to be opportunistic, not producing but only sharing profits.

So most people in power hate businessmen.

But in Jin Feng’s view, the healthy development of a country cannot be separated from business.

"National Master, if you want to set up a school, I will give my full support, but to improve the status of a businessman, I don't think it is necessary, right?" Chen Ji said.

Although he is a bit playful and does not do his job properly, he still cares about things related to social change.

The reason why I support Jin Feng and Ninth Princess’s new policy is because every aspect of the new policy can make Dakang more stable.

However, Jin Feng proposed to improve the merchant's status at this time, which made Chen Ji immediately wary.

"Master, the merchants are all jealous of money and are cunning and cunning. For example, when the merchants collected the embroidered satin from the south of the Yangtze River, it only cost forty cents a foot, but when it was sent to the capital, it cost three hundred cents a foot. The merchants had nothing.

If you don’t do it, you will earn much more than ordinary people who weave and embroider.”

Zuo Zhiyuan also echoed: "This kind of behavior should be suppressed, why should we encourage it?"

"Master Zuo, have you ever considered how much time it takes for a merchant to bring embroidered satin from Jiangnan to the capital? How many robberies and murders by water bandits and road tyrants do you have to survive? Aren't these costs?"

Jin Feng said: "There is another question. If there are no merchants to send the embroidered satin to the capital, who should the people in Jiangnan who rely on spinning, weaving and embroidery sell their embroidered satin to? How should they make money during their slack time?


"That businessman also made too much money!" Zuo Zhiyuan said.

"That's because the court didn't manage it!"

Jin Feng said: "So I propose to rectify the commercial market, standardize prices in all walks of life, and increase commercial taxes.

If the country wants to develop, it should go to wealthy businessmen to collect commercial taxes, instead of going to miserable farmers to collect agricultural taxes!"

"It makes sense," Chen Ji nodded and asked, "How will the Imperial Master plan to encourage business development and enhance the status of merchants?" Chen Ji asked.

"There is no need for special policy incentives. Just like the abolition of slave status and humble status, merchant status should be abolished so that businessmen can enjoy the same treatment as ordinary people." Jin Feng said.

There are many types of household registration in Dakang. Craftsmen have craftsman registration, merchants have business registration, and farmers have agricultural registration.

Those with craftsman or peasant registration are fine, but business registration will be discriminated against, and household registration is still inherited.

After the children of merchants are born, they will also be registered as merchants by default, and will receive points deductions when taking various imperial examinations.

Children from farmers' families and children from businessmen took part in the imperial selection examination at the same time. Both of their articles were liked by the examiner. If only one person could be admitted, the examiner would almost certainly favor the child from the farmer's family rather than the businessman's.


If they are the children of big businessmen, their fathers can still spend money to take care of them, but the children of small businessmen at the bottom will suffer.

Their father may just be a hawker who sells needles, threads and brains on the streets and earns very little money. How can he have the money to be an examiner?

In Jin Feng's view, this is also a manifestation of inequality.

"Just cancel the business registration?"

Chen Ji looked at Jin Feng with some surprise.

In fact, Jin Feng can also be said to be a businessman. The Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce and Jinchuan Bank under his command are both for-profit, including the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, which has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements.

After Jin Feng had said so much, Chen Ji thought that Jin Feng's demands must be very big, but who knew that he only proposed to abolish the merchant registration.

"Yes, just abolish the business registration." Jin Feng nodded: "In addition, I suggest setting up a special department to regulate the commercial market, govern the businessmen, not allow them to participate in political affairs, try to avoid collusion between government and businessmen, and also increase the number of businessmen.

Business tax, the more businessmen earn, need to pay higher business tax!"

He just hopes that businessmen will stimulate the commercial development of Dakang, but does not want businessmen to participate in politics.

Businessmen pursue profit and will do whatever it takes to achieve it. The chaebols abroad in the past are all learning from their mistakes.

Hearing what Jin Feng said, Chen Ji, Ninth Princess, Zuo Zhiyuan and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Husband, I think your suggestion is a good one. Let's find a time later and discuss it with my father."

The Ninth Princess's name for Jin Feng also changed accordingly.

"We need to discuss it carefully."

Jin Feng was not very familiar with business in his previous life, and he did not dare to formulate business policies privately.

"What about setting up a school?"

"Comprehensive universal education cannot be achieved in one or two years. Let's take our time."

Jin Feng said: "We can formulate several stepped plans, such as what goals are to be achieved in the first five-year plan, and what goals are to be achieved in the second five-year plan. In this way, things will be more targeted and local

Officials on board can also have a clearer understanding of what needs to be done.”

"This is a good idea."

The Ninth Princess looked thoughtful: "In which five years will the Imperial Master plan to set up a school?"

"Establishing schools and comprehensively popularizing education is a major undertaking that will last forever. The sooner we start, the better."

Jin Feng said: "I plan to start this year."

"But the treasury has no money..."

The topic of the Ninth Princess is back to the beginning.

"I can first spend money to open a school specifically to train teachers."

Jin Feng said: "When schools start to be set up all over the country in the future, they will just have finished their studies and can go to various places to become teachers."

"A school that specializes in training teachers?" Princess Ninth nodded in agreement: "The teacher is still thoughtful."

"Then can I ask His Majesty to fulfill his promise now?"

Jin Feng glanced sideways at the Ninth Princess.

If she hadn't been so talkative, why would she have said so much?

The Ninth Princess did not answer, but pursed her lips and smiled at Jin Feng.

"Since the Imperial Master has already thought about it, I will definitely support it fully!"

Chen Ji rubbed his hands: "Can you teach me how to ride a two-wheeled bicycle now?"


Jin Feng showed Chen Ji the steps to get on the car, and then motioned to Liao Yin to hold on to the seat.

Chen Ji is lazy at work, but he is really talented at playing, and he mastered it in less than an hour.

Although I still need someone to hold the back seat when getting in and out of the car, and I'm not very good at turning yet, I can already ride without falling over. As long as I practice for a few more days, it should be fine.

After all, Chen Ji was old and lacked exercise. After riding a bicycle for almost two hours, Jin Feng found that his back was soaked with sweat, so he went over and called him down.

"Haha, this two-wheeled vehicle is really interesting and it goes fast."

Chen Ji jumped off the bicycle, with some unfinished expression on his face: "By the way, Imperial Master, what is the seat at the back for?"

"Oh, that one is for carrying people and carrying heavy objects."

“Can two-wheelers still carry heavy objects?”

This chapter has been completed!
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