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Chapter 79 Night Attack (2)

"Come quickly, the prisoner is running away!"

A Denin Army soldier roared crazily.

The defenders of the prisoner camp were busy putting out the fire, and they didn't even know where to throw their swords.

By the time they found the sword in a hurry, all the party members had been put down, and one or two hundred of them had obtained the weapons brought by Black Dog and others.

"Azhuo, take one of your battalions to grab the horses. The rest of the people come with me. Let's gather outside the tent of the equipment warehouse!"

A party officer immediately commanded the party members to enter combat status.

As for the Dening Army, it was still in complete chaos at this time.

The Dangxiang people were born into nomadic tribes and admired warriors. Their fighting qualities and awareness were not comparable to those of the dandy soldiers like the Dening Army.

With just one charge, more than a hundred Dangxiang soldiers who had been hung up and starved for several days defeated more than three hundred Denin defenders and fled away with their heads in their hands.

At this time, Zhang Qiwei, who was in the Chinese army's tent, had just put on his pants.

After rushing out of the camp, I happened to meet several Denin officers who came to report the situation.

"what happened?"

Zhang Qiwei asked anxiously while picking up his shoes.

"General, the reserve camp was compromised, and the party prisoners took advantage of the chaos and escaped."

The deputy general answered the questions while still tying his belt with both hands.

Like Zhang Qiwei, he just got up from the bed.

"how so?"

Zhang Qiwei's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

The fire is not terrible, the terrible thing is that the party prisoners escaped.

"Then what are you doing here? Hurry up and bring people to suppress it!"

Zhang Qiwei wished he could slap the deputy general twice.


The deputy general ran away with his pants up.

However, the reaction of the Dening Army was too slow. Not only Zhang Qiwei and the deputy general, but also most of the soldiers still didn't know what happened. Many of them stood barefoot at the entrance of the tent and looked out to watch the excitement.

By the time the deputy general finally gathered the soldiers from the two battalions, the party members had already captured the equipment warehouse and the war horse camp.

The party prisoners were hung up for several days, but the horses captured with them were well cared for.

Zhang Qiwei is also planning to use these horses to form a cavalry force.

The Dangxiang men mounted their war horses, and their combat power immediately increased to a higher level. With just one collective charge, they dispersed the more than a thousand people Dening Army had finally gathered together.

The deputy general in charge was directly beheaded from his horse.

Without their commander, the morale of Dening's army was in chaos. Faced with the party members who turned around and charged in again, no one resisted, and they all turned around and ran away.

Choosing to run away on the battlefield is tantamount to leaving your back to the enemy. Life or death only lasts a moment.

Party members have seen this scene too many times, waving their swords excitedly and harvesting wildly.

In just a few minutes, less than half of the more than a thousand Denin troops were killed. The remaining ones no longer had any fighting spirit and scattered into the woods and other places where cavalry could not easily enter.

It was only then that the remaining more than a thousand Denin troops realized what had happened.

But the equipment warehouse has been occupied by party members. They don't even have weapons or armor, so how can they resist?

Therefore, these people chose to escape without hesitation.

For a time, the prisoner-of-war camp turned into a mess.

The party members who rode wildly on horseback and killed, the soldiers of Dening who fled with their heads in their arms, the panicked Han slaves...

"Everyone, stop!"

Zhang Qiwei grabbed a fleeing soldier and roared: "Where's your knife? Pick it up and hit him!"

The soldier was in a hurry to escape, so he pushed his general away and turned and went into the woods.

"Where's the law enforcement team? Get this bastard back, I'm going to skin him!"

Zhang Qiwei roared angrily.

Unfortunately, at this time, only his staff were left beside him, and the law enforcement team had long since disappeared.

"General, leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

The staff brought a war horse, sent Zhang Qiwei up, and whipped the horse's butt hard.

The war horses galloped away.

The general's escape meant that Dening's army was completely dispersed.

Zhang Qiwei turned his head and glanced at the camp, and for a moment all kinds of feelings came to his mind.

The Tielin Army was the foundation of Qinghuai's life, and the Dening Army was also the foundation of his life.

I originally thought of coming to Qingshui Valley to fight with the Tielin Army and gain some credit, but I didn't know that I didn't reap the benefits, but instead invested all my capital in it.

The 3,000-strong Dening Army was killed and dispersed by hundreds of party cavalrymen who had been hungry for several days.

The more Zhang Qiwei thought about it, the more frustrated he became.

Why is it that Tielin's army kills Dangxiang people as easily as chopping melons and vegetables, but when his Dening army encounters Dangxiang people, the situation is reversed?

By the way, it's all because of that person named Jin Feng.

Qinghuai was in charge of the Tielin Army before and did not dare to confront the party's cavalry head-on.

It was not until Jin Feng took control of the Tielin Army that he achieved a complete victory.

It is not a shame to be defeated by the Dangxiang cavalry, because in the Dakang court, there are many generals who have been defeated by the Dangxiang cavalry. No one should laugh at anyone.

But now with Jin Feng, it's different.

Jin Feng won the battle and captured prisoners. As a result, he could look down on every prisoner. In comparison, he became a loser.

How should I explain to General Fan when I get back?

How should I tell my family?

How to explain to the emperor?

At this moment, Zhang Qiwei actually hated Tielin Army and Jin Feng in his heart.

I silently prayed in my heart that the party members could destroy the Tielin Army and kill Jin Feng.

In fact, the party prisoners had already rushed into the Tielin Army camp at this time.

The main defensive force of the Tielin Army was on guard against the direction of Qingshui Valley. They did not expect that an enemy would come from behind, and they were caught off guard by the Dangxiang prisoners.

The infantry was at a natural disadvantage when facing the cavalry. The defenders in the rear camp of the Tielin Army did not hold out for long before they were captured by the Party and broke through the defense line.

After rushing into the Tielin Army camp, Commander Dangxiang shouted excitedly.

Because he saw a large piece of sharpened bamboo piled in front of him.

Many bamboos still have dried blood stains on their tops.

Next to the bamboo, there are stacks of huge shields.

Commander Dangxiang immediately realized that this was the equipment warehouse of the Tielin Army.

Why were they arrested? Isn't it because the Tielin Army suddenly created a strange phalanx?

Without bamboo and shields, there is no way to form a phalanx. Why should the Iron Forest Army fight with them?

"Ashuo, quickly bring someone to set fire to these bamboos and shields!"

The party commander shouted excitedly.

Ashuo immediately led his men to throw the hay onto the pile of bamboo, and then lit it on fire.

Jin Feng's reaction was much faster than Zhang Qiwei's. When he heard the noise coming from the back camp, he rushed out of the tent without wearing any clothes.

Zhong Wu, Zhao Lao, Xu Xiao and others also arrived one after another.

"General, the party members made a sneak attack and the rear camp has been occupied by them."

Xu Xiao reported the situation immediately.

"Why did the party members come behind us?"

Zhong Wu asked doubtfully.

"Why else? It must be that the Dening Army didn't take the prisoners seriously!"

Mr. Zhao said angrily: "I have known Zhang Qiwei is a fool for a long time, but I didn't expect him to be so stupid. Even if we tied him up and handed him over, we couldn't stop him."

This chapter has been completed!
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