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Chapter 81 Where did Xu Xiao go?

The hill on the left side of Qingshui Valley is called Qingshui Mountain. It is neither high nor big, but has steep slopes on three sides. Only the south side has a slightly gentle slope. There are two mountain roads that can be accessed. It is a standard place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Therefore, the Dakang defenders who have been stationed in Qingshui Valley over the years like to station their camps nearby. Once the situation is critical, they can hide in the hills.

Dang Xiangjun was also very aware of this, so Li Jikui was not in a hurry. Before arriving, he had guessed that Tielin's army might hide in Qingshui Mountain.

After sending Zhuo Ban away, Li Jikui called his armaments officer: "Hurry up and check to see how much food and grass the Tielin Army still has."

Qingshui Mountain is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the horses cannot go up the mountain, so Li Jikui did not prepare to attack by force, but planned to surround the mountain.

Hunger is a very powerful force. If the Tielin Army had nothing to eat on the mountain, they would go down the mountain on their own.

All he had to do was wait at the foot of the mountain with his cavalry.

The armaments officer quickly ran back: "Report to the commander-in-chief that the Tielin Army's grain and grass camp has been burned down."


Li Jikui frowned slightly.

However, it is also understandable that if he is the commander of the Tielin Army, when he finds that it is too late to transfer food and grass, he will not leave it to the enemy. Burning it when retreating is the best choice.

"Can you tell how much food and grass was burned?"

The staff asked.

"Judging from the amount of ashes, it should be enough to feed the Tielin Army for twenty-five days to a month."

the armaments officer replied.

"The Tielin Army's standard food ration is one month. It seems they didn't bring much food when they fled to the mountains. They shouldn't be able to last a few days."

The staff member nodded slightly.

"Commander, sir, are we going to wait here for the Tielin Army instead of marching south?"

asked the lieutenant standing nearby.

In previous years, Dangxiang's southern expedition also encountered this situation, but usually a cavalry team was sent to guard at the foot of the mountain while the large force continued southward to plunder.

But from what he heard from Li Jikui and his staff, it seemed that they would have to deal with the Tielin Army before continuing southward.

"General Zhou, the Tielin Army is different from other Dakang armies. Their combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated."

The staff explained: "If we are broken out by them after we go south, the main force will easily be surrounded by enemies from both sides."

"Can those rabble from Dakang stop us?"

The lieutenant general was a little dismissive.

"It was impossible before, but don't forget, the Tielin Army created that weird formation. If other armies of Dakang follow this method, it will be very difficult."

The staff member said: "The person currently stationed in Weizhou City is Fan Wenyuan. This old guy is as difficult to deal with as Qinghuai. He started to fortify the walls and clear the country a few months ago.

If our move south is blocked by then, and the Tielin Army breaks through and captures Qingshui Valley, we will be blocked outside Weizhou City, and there will be no way back."

"In this case, we should indeed kill the Tielin Army before continuing the southern expedition."

The deputy general said: "Then I will arrange manpower to tidy up the camps of Tielin Army and Dening Army, arrange two cavalry battalions, and prepare for long-term garrisoning."


The staff nodded in agreement.

"By the way, sir, I just came back to report that there are still a dozen Han slaves who have not escaped and are staying in the Dening Army camp. They said that the commander-in-chief promised them that after they perform meritorious service, they can go to Dangxiang to pick up their parents, wives and children. What should they do?


"What we party members say will be like throwing water away. Since the commander-in-chief has made a promise, let them pick them up."


The lieutenant bowed and left.

On Qingshui Mountain, the Tielin Army has safely retreated to the top of the mountain and is setting up a temporary camp.

"Sir, have you counted the number of people? Why are there so few people? Has the team been dispersed?"

Mr. Zhao found Jin Feng: "Also, where has Xu Xiao gone? Why haven't I seen him?"

"Xu Xiao has taken people to perform other tasks."

Jin Feng answered with a smile.

"What mission was carried out and how many people were taken away?"

Mr. Zhao quickly asked.

"Took seven battalions away."

Jin Feng said casually.

Mr. Zhao was shocked.

The Tielin Army has a battalion of 500 people. After the battle between Qinghuai and the Dangxiang people last year, the strength of nearly two battalions was lost. Although some new soldiers were later added, it was still less than nine battalions.

Xu Xiao took away seven battalions, which means that there are now less than a thousand people on the mountain.

Mr. Zhao just looked at the number of heads and torches and felt something was wrong. He thought there were fewer people, but he didn't expect there were so many fewer people!

"There are only over 600 people, how can you defend Qingshui Mountain?"

Mr. Zhao was anxious.

"I will not only guard Qingshui Mountain, but also Qingshui Valley, so that the party members will never come back."

Jin Feng said confidently.

Mr. Zhao turned his head and looked at Jin Feng as if he were a madman.

The army of Dangxiang people has been assembled. Looking down from Qingshui Mountain, the torches of Dangxiang's camp can't be seen at a glance.

With just over 600 people, or more than 600 people who were beaten and fled to the mountains, Jin Feng actually uttered wild words to make the party members never come back?

The first thought that flashed through Mr. Zhao's mind was that Jin Feng was crazy.

But thinking about Jin Feng's style and his current expression, Mr. Zhao actually felt a little unsure again.

"Did you prepare food in advance on the mountain?"

Mr. Zhao asked tentatively.

He had seen Zhong Wu leaving the camp with people carrying food on their backs a few days ago. He didn't care at the time, but now that he thought about it, he probably sent the food to the mountain.

If this is the case, it means that Jin Feng has long been prepared to retreat to Qingshui Mountain.


Jin Feng did not deny it.

"How long will it last?"

"Save some food, it's enough to feed 600 of us for two months."

"It seems you are well prepared."

Mr. Zhao thought of something and asked, "Did you deliberately let the party members burn the bamboo poles and shields?"

Jin Feng smiled and did not deny it.

"So, you knew for a long time that the Dangxiang prisoners were going to attack the camp. It wasn't because you really couldn't stop the main force of Dangxiang, but you deliberately put them into Qingshui Valley, right?"

Mr. Zhao thought through many things at once: "I don't know what your plan is, and I don't know why you are so confident in what you say, but I suggest you light more torches on the mountain so that they can be used to confuse the party members."

"It makes sense. Sure enough, ginger is still spicy when it's old. Why did I forget this?"

Jin Feng immediately arranged for people to light more torches, creating the illusion that all Tielin troops were trapped in Qingshui Mountain.

As the sky dawned, Zhang Qiwei returned to Weizhou City with his staff and the remaining defeated generals gathered on the road.

"What are you talking about? Qingshui Valley was lost and Tielin's army retreated to Qingshui Mountain?"

General Fan was eating breakfast when he heard the news and almost choked to death.

"Where's Zhang Qiwei? Tell him to come over and see me."

The situation that was originally good took a turn for the worse because of this guy.

General Fan was really driven crazy this time.

"Back to the Marshal, Zhang Qiwei said he was injured and didn't go into the city. He took his people back to Bianjing directly."

This chapter has been completed!
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