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Chapter 827 Drifting

Tang Xiaobei became a little worried when Jin Feng said this.

Because when the bandits besieged Xihewan, there was a situation where the traitors burned the Heifengling suspension bridge, causing the county bodyguards to fail to return reinforcements in time.

But Tang Xiaobei did not express his worries, but comforted him: "Ms. sir, since the suspension bridge incident, Xiaoyu has increased the intensity of censorship in the village. Now the village has strong troops and nothing will happen."

"hope so."

Jin Feng also knew that it was useless to worry now, so he nodded and said no more, silently praying in his heart that the east wind would be stronger so that he could get ashore faster.

Perhaps his prayers were heard by God. The sail became more and more swollen and the speed of the boat gradually increased.

But the good times did not last long, and the wind direction suddenly changed.

The wind gradually changed from east to south, and then to southwest.

Pulling the sail at this time would mean turning back, so Jin Feng had no choice but to put the sail away.

But who knew that the wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the tarpaulin used as a pergola was blown loudly, dragging the boat toward the northeast like a sail.

Jin Feng had no choice but to put away the awning again.

However, the boat itself will also block part of the wind, and the anchor equipped on the boat cannot reach the bottom of the sea, so it can only be blown away by the wind.

It drifted like this for more than half an hour, and the dark clouds above our heads became heavier and heavier, and lowered and lowered, as if we could reach out and touch them.

Boom card!

With a thunder, heavy rain poured down.

Rainwater is fresh water, so Jin Feng’s first thought was to use a tarpaulin to collect the rainwater and keep it for later use.

But then he discovered an embarrassing problem - there was no water container on the boat.

Those five kettles are originally filled with boiled water. You can't just dump the water in them and then catch the rainwater, right?

"It seems that next time it should be equipped with two iron buckets."

Jin Feng silently recorded this in his mind.

In fact, this is not a difficult task, as long as the wooden box used to store things is replaced by an iron barrel.

It's just that Jin Feng has no previous experience of drifting at sea, so all designs come from imagination and do not take this into consideration.

Since there was no need to collect rainwater, Jin Feng put a tarp on his head to act as an umbrella.

There was only one piece of tarpaulin, and the three people were squeezed into the middle of the boat.

Summer rain comes and goes quickly.

The heavy rain lasted less than twenty minutes before turning into drizzle.

But the terrible thing is that the wind is getting stronger and stronger, blowing the boat continuously to the northeast.

Jin Feng had no choice but to resign himself to fate.

After drifting in the wind for more than an hour, Jin Feng fell asleep unconsciously.

When he woke up, it was already dark.

The stars above our heads were bright, reflected in the blue water like a dream, and illuminated the night sky brightly.

This kind of scenery was something Jin Feng had never seen before, and his depression was dispelled a lot.

On the other side of the boat, Bei Qianxun and Tang Xiaobei were squatting on the ground, fussing with something, creating streams of black smoke.

Jin Feng actually woke up when he smelled the smoke.

"Ms. sir, are you awake?" Tang Xiaobei heard the noise and turned to look over: "Come and see how this thing works."

Jin Feng walked over and took a look and found that the two of them were making a fire.

The daily utensils equipped on the boat include matches, a pile of firewood, a small stove and a small pot.

Tang Xiaobei and the two were obviously not very good at using the fire-making tools on the ship. They threw a lot of matchsticks in the cabin, but they never succeeded in igniting the wood.

"It's difficult to light wood with a match."

Jin Feng took out a water bag from the small box containing wood: "Here is kerosene. Just pour a little kerosene on the wood."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that there was kerosene? It caused me and Sister Qianxun to brag about it for a long time!"

Tang Xiaobei gave Jin Feng an angry look.

"You didn't ask." Jin Feng opened the plug of the water bag and poured some water on the wood.

With kerosene, the wood will quickly burn brightly.

Jin Feng put two more coals into the small stove, and then sat the small pot on it.

In the next few days, Jin Feng and the others divided into three shifts and took turns keeping watch. They raised the sails when they found the east wind, and lowered the sails when they found the wind was coming from other directions.

But God seemed to be deliberately against him. For several days in a row, there was a south or southwest wind, and there was rarely an east wind.

Jin Feng and the others drifted on the sea for several days, but instead of getting closer to the coast, they got further and further away from the coast.

Jiaolin Island.

The two counselors arranged for pirates and sailors to search the surrounding waters and salvage the sunken ship.

Jin Feng had drifted nearly a hundred miles away at this time, and they couldn't find it at all.

The work of salvaging the sunken ship was not very smooth. More than a dozen pirates and sailors drowned, and nothing useful was recovered.

"Mr. Guo, is it almost time to return to the top?" Mr. Xue asked.

"Okay!" Mr. Guo nodded in agreement.

Soon, two homing pigeons flew away from the ship and flew to the west.

For the fleet, it took many days to reach Jiaolin Island, but for the pigeons, it only took half a morning to fly to the east coast and land in the home of a landlord.

"Master, there is a letter from the sea!"

A housekeeper took the note and rushed to the landlord's study.

"Quick, bring it to me and see!"

The landlord took the note and read it quickly.

After a moment, he murmured to himself: "Great, that disaster star Jin Feng is finally dead!"

After searching for so many days and still not finding Jin Feng, Mr. Guo and Mr. Xue tacitly believed that Jin Feng was dead.

They also fished a disfigured corpse from the sea to impersonate Jin Feng.

Although this did not complete the mission of the powerful to capture Jin Feng alive and let him help make weapons, it did complete the task of "seeing the corpse until death".

The New Deal of Jin Feng and Ninth Princess was deeply supported by the people, but it greatly damaged the interests of the powerful class and the wealthy landlord class.

Therefore, as much as the common people support the Ninth Princess Jinfeng, the rich and powerful landlords hate them.

Under the leadership of some dignitaries in the capital, wealthy families from all over the country colluded to weave a super-large network for Jin Feng.

In fact, according to the plans of the powerful people, they did not plan to take action so soon.

However, when they learned that Chen Ji wanted to make Jin Feng the King of Side by Side and command the troops of the world, the dignitaries were completely panicked.

At any time, force directly determines the right to speak.

In the village, whose family has more brothers and whose fists are bigger, his words are more effective. The same is true in the court.

Jin Feng had previously proposed to streamline the military and streamline administration, and disband some troops with weak combat effectiveness, thereby reducing treasury expenditures.

Almost all of these armies are private soldiers of the powerful class, and they are also where they go to the national treasury to ask for money and gild their descendants.

The powerful are naturally opposed to having a better army and simpler administration.

However, Jin Feng was too strong and his attitude was very resolute, so all the protest memorials were directly withheld by the Ninth Princess.

The powerful people had no choice but to start their plans in advance.

"Hurry up and prepare a pen and ink to send a message to Mr. Xu and tell him the good news!"

"The Outlaw"

Like the humble lord

This chapter has been completed!
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