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Chapter 836 Internal investigation

Two months ago, Jin Feng was still in the capital, but the other party had already begun operations in Xihewan, indicating that the entire plan of the other party should have started earlier.

Being able to start planning months in advance, the Ninth Princess’s first thought was those powerful people.

They have the motive to take action and the ability to take action.

The counselors trained by the powerful are all masters of guessing people's hearts.

Realizing that she was being targeted by these people, the Ninth Princess couldn't help but feel a chill running down her back.

"Sister, I know you are sad, but we are probably being targeted. You must cheer up, otherwise the escort agency and the village will be in danger!"

The Ninth Princess looked at Guan Xiaorou whose eyes were dull again and said anxiously.

Guan Xiaorou turned her head to look at the Ninth Princess, but her eyes were dull and she didn't know whether she heard or understood.

"Your Highness, who are we being targeted by?" Xiaoyu frowned and asked when Guan Xiaorou didn't respond.

"This is the most troublesome part," said Ninth Princess: "Although I know that we are being targeted, I don't know who it is!"

During the few months in the capital, the Ninth Princess went completely crazy.

Several major purges were carried out in succession, and the capital was decimated.

I don’t know how many large families that have been inherited for more than a hundred years fell apart overnight.

In addition to these families whose homes were confiscated, the new policies proposed by Jin Feng and Ninth Princess also greatly harmed the interests of the powerful.

With the current strength of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency and the Zhenyuan Army, if she knew who the enemy was, Princess Ninth would have directly sent people to ransack her home.

However, the entire Dakang community hated them because there were so many powerful people that the Ninth Princess had no way of telling which family or powerful people were responsible for the mischief.

She can't kill all the powerful people in Dakang at once because of this incident, right?

This is unrealistic.

Many dignitaries have been passed down for hundreds or thousands of years, and they are like local emperors.

If they really want to kill everyone, they will definitely rebel.

That's why Jin Feng implemented the New Deal, intending to slowly weaken their strength.

First, we should promote small-amount loans to benefit the people, fundamentally solving the possibility of wealthy families annexing common people’s land.

Then the slave manumission order was gradually implemented to weaken the domestic slaves maintained by the wealthy families.

Then, we will implement leaner troops and simpler administration to disarm the powerful families.

Jin Feng originally wanted to use the method of boiling frogs in warm water to weaken the wealthy families step by step, but the reaction of the powerful and wealthy families was faster than Jin Feng expected, and the counterattack became more violent.

The New Deal was still promoting loans to benefit the people, and the slave liberation order was only tried in the capital area. The powerful people were aware of the crisis and quickly counterattacked.

They were obedient to the Ninth Princess Jin Feng in the court, applauded and praised the New Deal, and wrote memorials every now and then to praise the emperor and Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess.

This made Jin Feng couldn't help but think that the powerful people had compromised.

Even the Ninth Princess, who was experienced in court battles, relaxed her vigilance.

In the end, who knew that the other party would be so ruthless when he took action?

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I have just arranged for the Zhongming team to investigate. As long as we find out who did it, I will make him pay with blood!"

Xiaoyu gritted her teeth and said.

After the rise of Jinfeng, Xihewan and even the entire Jinchuan County have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Xiaoyu is the first batch of beneficiaries, and also the group of people who are most grateful to Jin Feng.

"No, Xiaoyu, what you need to do now is not to find out the origin of the enemy, but to quickly conduct an internal investigation."

The Ninth Princess shook her head and said, "Who are they? I will arrange for someone to check them out."

Advisors are always meticulous in their work, so for such a big plan, they must be even more cautious.

The establishment of the Zhongming Group was still too short, and most of its members came from humble backgrounds. They were good at grassroots intelligence work, but they did not understand the rules of the game between the powerful.

Asking Zhong Ming's team to investigate the counselor will get twice the result with half the effort, and may even be misled by the counselor in the end.

Although the intelligence network cultivated by the Ninth Princess is not as large as Zhong Ming's group, it is more knowledgeable about court battles and powerful people, and it is more secretive, so it is most suitable to investigate the powerful people.

The most important thing is that the Ninth Princess has not been in Xihewan for a long time and her prestige is not high.

If her people conduct an investigation in the village without authorization, it will easily cause conflict between the villagers and the bodyguards.

Xiaoyu is a native of Xihewan and the daughter of the village chief. Most of the members of the Zhongming Team are also natives of Jinchuan. If the Zhongming Team will conduct the internal investigation, the resistance of the villagers will be smaller.

"Checking the interior?" Xiaoyu frowned slightly: "Is this necessary?"

Internal inspections can easily arouse dissatisfaction among your own people and make people feel that the organization does not trust them.

This will seriously affect unity and stimulate conflicts between the inspector and the inspected.

"It wasn't necessary before, but it is necessary now!"

The Ninth Princess said: "Now that the Escort Bureau and the Zhenyuan Army have grown up, we are fearless in the face of any enemy with open swords and guns!

The enemy also understands this, so they corrode from within, which is also the most terrifying thing. My husband was poisoned at sea, and my sister Xiaorou and I were thrown grenades. These are all the results of their internal corrosion!"

"I understand. I'll make arrangements when I get back."

Xiaoyu also realized the seriousness of the matter. Seeing that Guan Xiaorou was still in a daze, she nodded and agreed.

"Remember, focus on those who like gambling, those who are greedy for money and lust, and those whose family members do not live in the village."

Ninth Princess reminded: "These people are the easiest targets to be targeted."

Everyone has their own weaknesses.

Some people like gambling and may have high debts.

If someone is lustful, he may be tricked by others.

Some people are greedy and eat from the bowl while looking into the pot.

If you encounter a master who is good at using psychology, these people with obvious weaknesses can be easily taken advantage of.

For example, it was the cook who poisoned the Jin Feng ship, and the powerful counselors took advantage of his dissatisfaction with the escort agency and promised him an official position after the incident was completed, so he became a traitor.

The bodyguard who intended to blow up Guan Xiaorou and the Ninth Princess was blackmailed by taking advantage of his weakness of caring about his family and kidnapping his family.

"I understand." Xiaoyu wrote down the Ninth Princess's words in a small notebook: "Does Your Highness have anything else to explain?"

"After all your hard work, you can go tell Zheng Fang and ask him to strengthen patrols in the village and add more manpower to places such as back mountains where it is easy to infiltrate. No more assassins can appear!"

Ninth Princess reminded.

"Yes!" Xiaoyu nodded, and then motioned to Princess Ninth to continue.

"You should do these two things well for the time being. If necessary, I will come to you again." Ninth Princess said.

"Okay!" Xiaoyu took the small book and left.

That night, Xihewan Village launched an inventory operation.

Zheng Fang also stepped up patrols in the village.

The atmosphere in the village, which had been peaceful for several months, suddenly became tense.

In an inconspicuous and remote courtyard in Jinchuan County, an old man was waving a fan to enjoy the cool air in the courtyard.

A man in black climbed over the courtyard wall, ran up to the old man and whispered, "Sir, as you expected, Xihewan has started an internal inspection."

"Very good, it's time to take the next step!" the old man replied with a smile.

Like the humble lord

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