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Chapter 850

Before Zhang Liang's arrival, the grassland people were the most popular people in Yuguan City, but since Zhang Liang's arrival, the status of the grassland people has plummeted.

Those grassland people who had enslaved the people from the Central Plains were all captured, made prisoners, and punished by Zhang Liang to do hard labor.

This huge gap in status and life makes prairie people very uncomfortable.

Spies sent by the powerful contacted some leaders of the prairie people and launched the riot.

Powerful counselors helped plan and planned for many days in advance, so this riot was more violent than any before.

Hundreds of prairie people besieged the warehouse.

Many of them were holding torches.

"Where are the archers? Kill those holding torches and never allow them to get close to the warehouse!"

Liu Tie pointed at the warehouse and roared.

This warehouse contains a large amount of grenades and kerosene. Once an open flame is encountered, the consequences will be disastrous.

As a sound of arrows rose into the sky, groups of escorts armed with crossbows rushed up to the city wall and fired arrows at the grassland people who were attacking the warehouse.

More bodyguards followed the drill and came out of the barracks with shields and ropes, ready to arrest.

Only then did Liu Tie feel relieved: "Brother Liang, you really guessed it right. There are really good craftsmen among the prairie people!"

"Isn't it obvious? Yuguan City has been occupied by prairie people for decades. It would be a damn thing if it wasn't for their meticulous work."

Zhang Liang said calmly: "Brothers, let's keep watch. Don't be careless and let Xi Zuo succeed."

"Brother Liang, if you ask me, just kill all the prairie people in the city. It's too tiring to guard against them all the time!" Liu Tie said dissatisfied.

"Sir, he said that we are civilized teachers and can never commit such evil acts as massacre."

Zhang Liang said: "Besides, if we kill all the people on the grassland, who will do the work in the city?"

Although Yuguan City is not as big as Beijing, it is similar to Jinchuan County. In an era without machinery, maintaining the operation of such a large city required a lot of manpower.

"If that doesn't work, let's just migrate a group of people from the Central Plains."

"It takes time to migrate people, and can you guarantee that the people who migrated from the Central Plains will definitely not have Xizao?" Zhang Liang said: "When the time comes, Xizao will be mixed among ordinary people, and it will be harder to find them!"

"That's right." Liu Tie nodded: "I hope we can keep the prairie people honest this time."

Because Zhang Liang was prepared, the grassland people were quickly suppressed.

"Tie Zi, send someone to inquire carefully and find out who their leader is." Zhang Liang explained.


Liu Tie agreed and was about to go down the city wall when he suddenly heard a shout of death in the distance.

After a while, a raging fire was seen in the northwest.

"No, the granary is on fire!" Zhang Liang's heart suddenly pounded, and he could no longer keep calm: "Quickly, arrange for someone to put out the fire!"


Liu Tie also realized the seriousness of the matter and rushed down the tower to organize people to put out the fire.

"I've been fooled!"

Zhang Liang looked at the fire rising into the sky and punched the city wall.

Yuguan City is too far away from the Central Plains, so it is very difficult to supply food and grass.

In order to ensure enough food and grass, before the Northern Expeditionary Army arrived, Jin Feng requisitioned a large amount of food and transported it from the Yellow River to the East China Sea, and then from the East China Sea to Yuguan City.

These grains filled more than a dozen granaries, enough to feed the Northern Expeditionary Army for one or two years.

Zhang Liang has been fighting for so long and knows the importance of grain and grass, so he has always been very strict in the defense of the granary. The defensive force arranged is second only to the warehouse where grenades, hot air balloons and other weapons are stored.

The enemy also noticed this, so he first attacked the equipment warehouse to attract the escort's attention.

While the escort went to the equipment warehouse to suppress the riot, the enemy concentrated their efforts on attacking the granary.

Although Zhang Liang attached great importance to the granary, the area occupied by the granary was too large, and one-third of the bodyguards responsible for guarding the granary went to reinforce the equipment warehouse, resulting in a serious shortage of manpower.

The enemy took the opportunity to break open the roof tiles and threw the prepared jar of kerosene inside.

The grain is dried in the sun and will burn quickly when exposed to open fire.

When Liu Tie and his people arrived, the fires in two granaries were too strong to be extinguished.

The fire burned until midnight, and five of the seven grain depots were burned down!

At dawn, Liu Tie and the battalion commander responsible for guarding the granary came to see Zhang Liang in disgrace.

"Commander, this fire is my responsibility. I didn't pay attention to the granary, and someone took advantage of it!"

The battalion commander lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "Please take charge and punish me!"

"The punishment will definitely not go away. We will talk about it later. Are the remaining two granaries safe?" Zhang Liang asked with a dark face: "This is our last ration. We must not make any mistakes again."

"Watch it, I've sent a battalion of brothers to guard it!"

Liu Tie said: "I also demolished all the houses within fifty feet around the granary. No one is allowed to come near!"

Zhang Liang nodded and reminded: "However, we cannot relax the guard of the equipment warehouse because of this."

"I understand!" Liu Tie said, "I have arranged for the brothers from the second battalion to live next to the equipment warehouse."

"I'm afraid the remaining food won't be enough for a few months. I'll have someone send a message to the capital and Xichuan right away, asking sir to arrange for food delivery as soon as possible!" Zhang Liang arranged: "Tell sir, the sooner the better!"

"Okay!" Liu Tie hurried out to deliver the message.

"I hope sir will receive the letter and deliver the food before it freezes."

Zhang Liang held on to the city wall, looked at the south and sighed.

Yuguan City is too far away. If you use a convoy to deliver food by land, the soldiers responsible for escorting the food prepared in the capital will probably eat more than half of it on the way, which is not cost-effective.

The best way is to travel by water.

Winter comes early in Yuguan City, so food must be delivered before the water freezes, otherwise Zhang Liang and the others may starve to death in Yuguan City.

Zhang Liang was full of expectations for Jin Feng, but he didn't know how embarrassed Jin Feng was at this time.

Since the day of the attack, Jin Feng, Tang Xiaobei and Bei Qianxun have been drifting at sea for almost half a month.

At first, Jin Feng could roughly estimate his location, but after drifting for so many days, Jin Feng had no idea where he had drifted.

The three of them had already drank all the water brought on board. Recently, they almost all drank water by evaporating sea water in the stove.

However, the amount of coal carried on the ship was limited. Although Jin Feng tried to exercise restraint, he still used less and less.

"Sir, the coal is almost gone and the dry food is almost gone. If it floats for a few more days, we may starve to death."

Tang Xiaobei shook the box containing dry food, his face full of sadness.

After being exposed to the scorching sun for half a month, Tang Xiaobei became very tan. Not to mention Jin Feng and Bei Qianxun, they were almost tanned.

"From today on, we must save every mouthful of fresh water and food."

Jin Feng said: "Also, we must find a way to catch fish."

"The Outlaw"

Like the humble lord

This chapter has been completed!
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