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Chapter 852 Cautious

The lifeboat has a small space, and Qianxun Kita and Jin Feng have been together at sea for so long. There are no secrets between them anymore, so it is natural for the two to get married.

When Bei Qianxun heard what Tang Xiaobei said, she just blushed, then turned around and handed two pears to Jin Feng.

The three of them dragged the lifeboat to the beach and walked into the woods under the leadership of Kita Chihiro.

After walking about a mile north, Jin Feng saw a small pond of about half an acre.

The wild grass around the pond is the most lush, and groups of hares are foraging in the grass.

Seeing Jin Feng and others approaching, the hares dispersed and ran into the woods.

Next to the pond, there is a blue-gray stone house.

Surrounding the stone house are a row of dilapidated thatched houses.

Maybe it took too long, and the thatched house had already collapsed and was overgrown with weeds. If the beams weren't still there, Jin Feng would have thought it was just an ordinary pile of dirt.

"It seems that a lot of people lived here before." Jin Feng said.

"There should be quite a few. There is a row of mounds behind them, which should be graves. There are about a dozen of them."

Kita Qianxun said: "The person in the stone house should be the last one. No one will bury him when he dies, so he can only rot on the bed of the stone house."

The door of the stone house had rotted away. Jin Feng peeked inside and saw a withered skeleton lying on the stone bed.

The clothes on the bones have rotted into ashes.

"Ms. sir, who is he?" Tang Xiaobei asked.

"Either they are ordinary fishermen fleeing chaos, or they are pirates, I don't know."

Jin Feng shook his head and cupped his hands towards the stone house: "Thank you, senior, for bringing the hare and fruit trees. I can't thank you enough, so I will take care of your funeral."

After saying that, he took out the folding engineer shovel from the emergency wooden box.

"Ms. sir, do you still believe this?" Tang Xiaobei asked.

The people of this era have seen so many dead people that they have become numb.

"Since we met, it was fate. Besides, they also left rabbits and fruit trees for us. We have received their favor, and it is just a matter of convenience to help him bury him in peace."

Jin Feng said: "Besides burying him, we can't just throw him aside. It doesn't look awkward, right?"

"Yes." Tang Xiaobei nodded: "Then I'll cut some rattan and make a rattan mat."

Jin Feng followed Bei Qianxun's guidance and found a cemetery more than two hundred meters behind the house.

Because no one has come to clean the tomb and add soil for too long, the tomb has become a small mound and is overgrown with weeds.

If it weren't for the stone tablets in front of two of the mounds, Jin Feng wouldn't have recognized them as tombs.

Tang Xiaobei and Bei Qianxun cut down a bundle of vines and carried them over. Jin Feng dug a hole while they weaved mats.

The two of them worked very quickly, and Jin Feng dug a shallow pit half a meter deep. They had already woven the mats.

Wrap the dead bones in a rattan mat and put them in a small pit, then pile some soil on top, and the funeral is over.

"Let's not stay in this stone house tonight, right?"

Back at the door of the stone house, Tang Xiaobei asked.

Although she was not afraid of dead people, Tang Xiaobei still felt uncomfortable after just taking the body away from the stone bed and letting her lie down on it to sleep.

"That man died here. The stone house is actually a tomb. The life inside is too heavy to live in."

Jin Feng said: "It's still early now. I'll go down and cut down some small trees and build a wooden house first."

"I'll help you!" Kita Chihiro pulled out the black knife.

"I'm going to cut some thatch." Tang Xiaobei also pulled out the self-defense dagger from his leg.

The three of them worked together and built a small cabin that evening.

Although it is very simple, it is much better than the life of wandering on the sea all the time.

That night, the three people set up a bonfire and roasted two hares.

Although there were no other condiments, the three of them ate it with gusto.

The next morning, Jin Feng and Kita Qianxun dragged the lifeboat to a secret place, then removed the portable heavy crossbow from the ship and installed it on the beach.

"Sir, should we make a fire?" Kita Chihiro asked.

Burning wet firewood will produce a lot of thick smoke, which can be seen dozens of miles away at sea, which is the best distress signal.

"It's better to say goodbye. There are only three of us. It would be bad if pirates are attracted." Jin Feng shook his head.

Although he knew that after he was attacked, the Ninth Princess would definitely send escorts to the East China Sea to work with the navy to crack down on the pirates. During the recent period, the pirates were likely to retreat to the deep sea to avoid the limelight, and they were more likely to encounter reinforcements.

But after this attack, Jin Feng became much more cautious.

He would rather wait a little longer than take any chances.

Seeing that Jin Feng disagreed, Bei Qianxun had no choice but to nod in agreement.

From that day on, the three of them were divided into three shifts during the day, taking turns to be on duty on the highest hill on the island, observing the surroundings with telescopes.

The island was almost overrun with rabbits, and Tang Xiaobei also found fishing bait. The lives of the three of them were stable, but Jin Feng's heart became more and more chaotic, and he became more and more worried about Xihewan.

In Xihewan, Ninth Princess and Guan Xiaorou are also worried about Jin Feng.

"Wu Yang, Tie Hammer and the others have been searching the East China Sea for so many days, why haven't there been any news about the master?"

While eating, Guan Xiaorou couldn't help but feel a little anxious: "Wuyang, how about you send more people over?"

"Most of the people who are reliable on my side have been transferred. Those who are unreliable, I don't dare to use."

The Ninth Princess said: "Sister, don't worry, your husband and your auspicious person will have their destiny, and everything will be fine for sure."

"I hope so." Guan Xiaorou sighed.

After lunch, the Ninth Princess returned to Xie Guang's house to accompany Concubine Qing. Guan Xiaorou carried a basket of tributes and prepared to go to the Tutu Temple to pray for Jin Feng.

As a result, before leaving the village, a loud arrow suddenly sounded in the distance.

Looking at the direction, it happens to be the area where Xie Guang's old residence is located.

"No, it's Wuyang!"

Guan Xiaorou's expression changed, she dropped the basket and ran towards the village.

But at this moment, two arrows suddenly flew out of the grass not far away and went straight to Guan Xiaorou's heart and forehead.

"Madam, be careful!"

The guard captain who was following Guan Xiaorou roared angrily and kicked Guan Xiaorou on the waist.

Guan Xiaorou was kicked to the ground, and two arrows flew past her clothes.

The other female bodyguards fired arrows into the grass while surrounding Guan Xiaorou in the middle.

One of the female escorts also took off her helmet and put it on Guan Xiaorou's head.

The next second, two figures emerged from the grass and flew towards Guan Xiaorou.

Judging from the flying speed of each other, these two people are masters on the same level as Kita Chihiro and Qin'er.

Without any orders from the guard captain, the female bodyguards raised their crossbows one after another.

They have trained many times and know how to deal with masters.

However, the enemies obviously also knew this. When they noticed that the female bodyguards had raised their crossbows, they all took off their wooden shields from behind.

"Just waiting for you!"

The guard captain shouted coldly, took out another crossbow from his waist, pointed it at the enemy's wooden shield and pulled the trigger.

The arrow hit the shield with a bang.

The next second, the arrow suddenly exploded!

The wooden shield was blown to pieces, and the head of the master hiding behind the shield was blown to pieces like the wooden shield!

"The Outlaw"

Like the humble lord

This chapter has been completed!
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