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Chapter 874 Expropriation

In the past few days, Jin Feng not only saw bandits looting, but also several fights between victims.

Nowadays, the kings are in chaos, and every vassal king is exploiting them to support the war.

The people are miserable and refugees are everywhere.

Jin Feng has recently seen too many people fleeing with their families and families.

But the whole world is in chaos, where can they escape?

It's just that the people of Wu fled to Chu, and the people of Chu fled to Wu.

I can't survive in my hometown. Is there any way to survive in a place where I have no friends?

They can only turn into bandits and rob other victims.

When the boat stopped in the evening, Jin Feng saw a woman with a sallow complexion and several stumbling children pulling a corpse from the river that had floated down the river.

Jin Feng almost vomited out his dinner and hurried back to the cabin.

He really couldn't bear to watch this kind of scene, and he hated the fighting kings even more in his heart.

But now he can't protect himself. No matter how much hatred he has, he can only suppress it in his heart.

From that day on, Jin Feng seldom went to the deck. He only looked forward to returning to Sichuan as soon as possible.

Zhai An noticed Jin Feng's impatience, so he arranged for people to go ashore and hire more trackers.

Anyway, the world is in chaos now, and there are refugees everywhere. For every dried salted fish a day, countless victims rush to pull boats for them.

There were more trackers, and the ship's speed indeed increased a lot. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. When the cargo ship reached the junction of Wu, Di and Chu, it was stopped by the government soldiers who set up a roadblock.

Jin Feng thought that this time it would be the same as before, he could just pay some money and leave, but after waiting for a long time, Zhai An didn't come back.

Tang Xiaobei lay down on the light hole and looked outside, but because of the wrong position, he couldn't see the bow of the ship. He could only hear the sounds over there getting louder and louder.

"Mr. sir, something seems wrong."

Tang Xiaobei turned around and whispered: "I think I heard someone shouting about requisitioning or something. Could it be that they want to requisition our ship?"

This road is not safe. Kita Chihiro did not dare to sleep too deeply at night and is now catching up on her sleep.

"Requisition?" Jin Feng frowned slightly: "You guys wait a moment, I'll go take a look."

"I'll go too!" Tang Xiaobei jumped down and followed Jin Feng.

Kita Chihiro, who was sleeping, also sat up and picked up the black knife from beside the pillow.

"Qianxun, you didn't sleep much last night, please sleep a little longer." Jin Feng said.

"No, you can sleep after you get off the boat." Kita Chihiro rolled up her hair and jumped out of bed.

Seeing her persistence, Jin Feng said nothing more.

After leaving the door, someone happened to be walking towards Tie Zhui. He nodded to Jin Feng and followed behind.

When the group of people walked to the stairs, they saw Zhai An's captain running over from the deck. There was a slap mark on his face and a footprint on his stomach.

"Sir, it's bad. These soldiers not only want to requisition the trackers who pull our boats, but also our boats. If the shopkeeper doesn't want it, they'll beat him up."

The captain said anxiously: "Now the shopkeeper has been detained by them. They want me to come back and inform everyone to get off the ship quickly!"

"How about asking Zhai An to pay more tolls?" Tang Xiaobei said.

"It doesn't make sense. They made it clear that they wanted to detain our ship." The captain said, "They said that we can only go down alone and we can't take anything on the ship with us."

"Sir, after passing this level, there is Chu land in front of you. I am from the King of Wu, so I will not let the ship pass." Tie Chui said, "If it doesn't work, just break through. The people of the King of Wu will definitely not dare to chase Chu."

Go to hell!"

"Let me think."

Jin Feng pondered for a moment, his brain working rapidly.

He knew what Hammer said was right.

Now the people of King Wu have seized their ship, and the supplies on the ship and the ship have become the property of King Wu.

If they were allowed to pass and were detained by King Chu's people on King Chu's territory, wouldn't it be given to King Chu in vain? Bayi Chinese Website

Therefore, since he is a member of the King of Wu, he can also seize ships.

Don't worry about what's on board, it's better than giving it to the enemy.

After understanding this, Jin Feng knew that today's battle was probably unavoidable.

Turning to look at the hammer: "Are you sure you won't use hot air balloons and grenades?"

When Iron Hammer came from Jinchuan, Wei Laosan had not yet rebelled, so he brought a lot of hot air balloons and grenades.

But hot air balloons and grenades are almost the representative weapons of Zhenyuan Escort. Once used, the dignitaries will know that these two ships belong to Zhenyuan Escort, even if they don't know that Jin Feng is still alive.

With the ruthless style of the powerful, they are likely to gather a large army to besiege the cargo ship.

The Yangtze River is not a sea. There are only two ways to go forward or backward. When the time comes, there will be no place to run.

Going upstream is inherently slow. Once you are entangled by a powerful person, it is hard to say whether you can beat them or not. I don’t know how long it will take to go back.

Therefore, Jin Feng was unwilling to use hot air balloons and grenades unless absolutely necessary.

"I just took a look. There are less than a hundred soldiers guarding the gate and less than twenty on the shore. The rest are scattered on the fishing boats and are not worth mentioning."

Iron Hammer said: "The only thing I'm worried about now is that the trackers pulling the boat will be scared away when they see us fighting. Then we will be in trouble when we are paralyzed on the river."

"If we don't have a tracker, we can use the sail. It happens to be an east wind today!"

The captain said quickly.

He is also an old man and knows the current situation very well.

It was very dangerous to break in, but at least they still had a chance of survival. If the ship was requisitioned, it would be impossible for them to make it back to Sichuan alive.

"Tell me, sir, to fight or not to fight?" Tie Hui asked.

Everyone else also looked at Jin Feng.

Jin Feng did not speak immediately, but looked outside from the edge of the stairs.

The situation was basically the same as what Iron Hammer said. In order to block the river, the soldiers brought twenty or thirty fishing boats and tied them together with ropes across the river. There were people on each boat.

Therefore, although there are nearly a hundred soldiers in total, they are extremely scattered.

In a real fight, even if you don't use hot air balloons and grenades, you have a great chance of winning.

The only trouble is that Zhai An was detained by the government soldiers. If a fight broke out, the government soldiers would probably kill him.

"At this point, I'm afraid it won't work if we don't fight." Jin Feng looked at the captain: "Can your boss know how to swim?"

"Yes!" The captain nodded.

"Okay, then you go back and tell the soldiers that we can give up the boat to them and ask him to allow us to go ashore in the small boat."

After Jin Feng finished explaining the captain, he looked at Tie Hammer: "Tie Hammer, are you sure you can take fifteen brothers ashore and deal with the enemies on the shore?"

"If I take everyone away, what if the soldiers get on the boat?" Tie Zhui shook his head.

Iron Hammer did not bring many people this time. He took away fifteen people, leaving less than ten people on the ship that could be beaten.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Kita Chihiro said confidently: "As long as they don't rush up together, I can kill them all by myself!"

"Yes, Qianxun is here, it's okay."

Jin Feng patted Tie Shui on the shoulder, and before he could speak, he looked at the captain and continued arranging the task.

This chapter has been completed!
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