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Chapter 879 Little Court

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Tang Xiaobei looked at the river, and a word Jin Feng once said came to mind.

At this time, the morale of the Fu soldiers had been completely lost, and the Iron Hammer people continued to attack the lagging boats. The Fu soldiers' boats were like a group of ducks, being driven away in all directions.

And the small boats they drove were not as nimble as ducks, so they were crowded into a ball on the river.

From time to time, I saw a small boat being knocked over, and the soldiers on the boat fell into the water, and were crushed overhead by other small boats.

Fortunately, the river is flowing, and even if the boats are crowded together, they will still float downstream.

When all the soldiers' boats were drifting away, the captain immediately sent sailors to go down in the boats to check.

Iron Hammer also arranged for escorts to tidy up the deck.

"How are the casualties?" Jin Feng asked.

"Two brothers were shot by hidden arrows. One died and the other was injured. I don't know if the injured one will survive." Iron Hammer replied.

"Where is the other ship?" Jin Feng asked again.

There are two cargo ships in total. The other one's defense force is not as strong as this one, but it is located further back and can withstand much less attacks.

"I just sent someone to check, and there were no casualties on their side."

"That's good!"

Jin Feng nodded and saw the inspecting sailor coming up and walking over with Tang Xiaobei and Iron Hammer.

"How was it?" asked the captain.

"There were many small holes cut around it, but none of them were penetrated. The place where the heavy crossbow shot yesterday is also intact." the sailor replied.

Yesterday, the cargo ship was hit by a heavy crossbow, but it was still some distance from the water and there was no leakage.

After the ship stopped, the captain immediately sent people down to make repairs.

"Where's the other one?" the captain asked again.

"There is a small hole drilled in the boat over there, but it has been blocked," the sailor replied.

"Sir, should we leave now, or repair the gouge before leaving?" the captain asked.

"It's better to repair it before leaving." Jin Feng said.

The captain left with the sailors. Jin Feng held on to the railing and frowned.

"We won the battle, why are we still looking sad?"

Tang Xiaobei stretched out his hand to smooth Jin Feng's forehead.

"This time is just a test by the enemy. There will definitely be more battles to be fought in the future!"

Jin Feng turned to look at Tie Chui: "Inform Xiaorou of the news here and ask her to arrange someone to respond!"

Breaking the card yesterday was a gamble, betting on whether the captain guarding the gate would dare to chase them.

Facts have proved that they lost the bet.

Now that we are in this situation, King Wu will definitely not give up.

Although Jin Feng didn't know yet that the counselor had recognized Tang Xiaobei, he knew that it was no longer possible to go back calmly.

The cargo ship has limited manpower and limited supplies. It is no longer possible for them to fight all the way back to Sichuan.

The only way is to ask the village for help.

"Okay!" Tie Zhui nodded and walked into the cabin.

After a while, two homing pigeons flew from the deck to the west.

On the shore, the counselors also flew homing pigeons to report the situation here to King Wu.

King Wu and King Chu were at war, so King Wu was in Qing'an City not far from the border at this time.

Upon receiving the message from the counselor, King Wu was also startled. He immediately found a few merchants in the city who had been to Xihewan and met Jin Feng, and sent people to the riverside as quickly as possible.

"Have you seen Jin Feng?" the counselor asked.

"Sir, I have seen it before." Merchant A nodded: "I have gone to Xihewan several times to buy goods and I have seen it twice."

"I've seen it too!" The remaining merchants also spoke one after another.

"Okay, go and see if there's a Jin Feng on that ship!" the counselor said, pointing to the river.

At this time, sailors were still repairing the boat on the river, only a few dozen meters away from the north shore.

The traders squinted their eyes and looked carefully at the deck of the cargo ship.

"I saw it. The young man is the sixth from the right on the bow of the boat."

A thin merchant pointed at Jin Feng and said, "But why is Mr. Jin wearing boatman's clothes?"

"You have to see clearly!" the counselor said coldly: "If you lie, be careful not to save your head!"

"Sir, I dare not lie, that person is really Jin Feng." Xing Shang assured him, patting his chest.

"Yes, it's Jin Feng!" Other merchants also nodded.

The counselor nodded and signaled the soldiers to take the merchant down.

"Mr. Yang, Jin Feng is really still alive!" The county governor's face became very ugly: "What should we do now?"

"Wait a little longer and see what King Wu says." The counselor did not dare to make a decision at will and hurriedly passed the news to King Wu again.

In Qing'an City, King Wu received the confirmed news and immediately summoned his main "ministers".

These ministers were the dignitaries of Wu who supported King Wu's "enthronement" and were also the core figures of the Wu court.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Although the small court had just been established, the official positions and etiquette were based on those of the Dakang Palace.

The ministers all knelt down and paid homage to King Wu.

Normally, this was the moment that King Wu enjoyed the most, but today, he was not happy at all. He just waved his hand to signal the "ministers" to get up.

"Your Majesty, I wonder why Xuanchen and others came here?"

The Prime Minister stepped forward and asked.

"My dear friends, I have bad news for you!" King Wu said with a gloomy face: "Jin Feng is still alive!"


"How can it be?"

The small court of King Wu was suddenly in a state of panic.

Jin Feng's influence is mainly in Sichuan, Sichuan and the capital, and not many people in King Wu's territory know about Jin Feng.

But the powerful people know very well who Jin Feng is and how much he weighs!

It can be said that if he had not known that Jin Feng was dead, and given ten more courages to the fourth prince, he would not have dared to usurp the throne!

The vassal kings such as King Wu and King Chu would never dare to establish themselves as kings!

"Your Majesty, this is no joke!" the prime minister asked, "Has the news been confirmed?"

"Confirmed." King Wu said: "Not only is Jin Feng alive, but Tang Xiaobei is also alive!"

When the prime minister heard this, his face became extremely ugly. After a while, he stamped his feet and said, "The Tong family is harming people!"

The group of advisers who went to the East China Sea to assassinate Jin Feng came from several powerful families, and the leader was an adviser from the Tong family.

"Damn the Tong family, they didn't kill Jin Feng, why did they say they did? And they lied to us by saying they had a corpse?"

"How can you talk about this kind of thing casually? Your Majesty, we must ask the Tong family for an explanation on this matter!"

Other ministers also reprimanded the Tong family with righteous indignation.

"Shut up!" King Wu was so angry that he slammed the table: "The Tong family belongs to the King of Chu. If you go and ask for an explanation, do you think the King of Chu will pay attention to you?"

When the ministers heard this, they lowered their heads one after another.

Yes, Dakang has been torn apart, and the Tong family, who were once allies, are now enemies.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen thinks that the King of Chu may not know about this, otherwise he would not dare to stand on his own feet!"

The prime minister said: "So Wei Chen feels that we should discuss this matter with the King of Chu. Maybe we can cooperate!"

This chapter has been completed!
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