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Chapter 891 Monster

Donghai Navy Camp.

The tanned Zheng Chiyuan slowly sailed into the naval dock with his fleet.

He had been out to sea to suppress bandits for several months in order to avoid the Fourth Prince's "imperial summons".

Not many pirates were wiped out, and the fleet was almost out of food. This time they came back to replenish supplies.

"Let the people below work more quickly, quickly make up the things, and continue to go to sea tomorrow morning!"

Zheng Chiyuan was afraid that the fourth prince would learn of his return, so he planned to stay at the dock for one night and then leave.

While arranging people to load the goods, he asked the captain who came up to him: "What happened recently?"


The captain was stunned for a moment.

There were so many things that had happened in the past few months that he didn't even know where to start.

After thinking about it for a while, I started with Mr. Feng's revelation that the fourth prince had usurped the throne and colluded with Tibet.

"What are you talking about? Si... His Majesty killed his father and usurped the throne? And colluded with Tibet to attack Sichuan and Shu?"

Zheng Chiyuan stopped and looked around carefully: "How dare you talk about this kind of thing casually? If someone hears it, will you still have your head?"

Zheng Chiyuan was born into a wealthy family and was quite proficient in history books. The fourth prince was not the first emperor in history to kill his father and usurp the throne, but he could not say that such a thing could be done.

If the fourth prince knew that the captain discussed this matter with him, even if the fourth prince valued the navy, he would never give up.

"General, this matter has been spread in Dakang. It is no longer a secret."

The captain said: "If you don't believe it, go to the stage at night and see. The storytellers have told this matter as a story."

"Don't you care, Your Majesty?" Zheng Chiyuan was stunned.

For an emperor who killed his father and usurped the throne, this was definitely the biggest taboo in his life.

"He wants to control it, but he can do it if he can!" the captain said: "The general went to sea and didn't know that King Wu, King Chu, King Xiang, King Jin, and King Qin all rebelled. Although General Qinghuai and Lord Qingxinyao did not directly

They pulled the flag, but also sent troops directly to the capital."

"how so?"

Zheng Chiyuan murmured to himself, with a face full of surprise: "How could Dakang become like this?"

He had only been away for a few months, so he really couldn't imagine that so many things would happen.

Then he sighed: "It would be great if Mr. Jin is still alive..."

"General, this is what I want to say," the captain said, "Mr. Jin is back!"

"What did you say? Say it again!" Zheng Chiyuan's eyes suddenly widened.

"My subordinates said that Mr. Jin is back!" the captain said solemnly.

"Mr. Jin is back..." Zheng Chiyuan looked incredulous: "Do you know which Mr. Jin I am talking about?"

"Is this Mr. Jin from the Zhenyuan Escort Agency?" the captain asked.

"Mr. Jin is really back?" Zheng Chiyuan's breathing became rapid: "Tell me what's going on?"

"Some time ago, I heard that King Wu was fighting with people in the upper reaches. Later I found out that King Wu wanted to intercept Mr. Jin from returning to Sichuan."

The captain said: "Later, I sent someone to inquire. It seems that Mr. Jin survived the shipwreck, but lived on an island. He was found by the bodyguard more than a month ago. Originally, Mr. Jin wanted to secretly return to Sichuan, but he didn't

I know how the news was leaked, and King Wu found out that he was still alive, so he sent people to besiege Mr. Jin frantically."

"How is Mr. Jin doing now?" Zheng Chiyuan asked, grabbing the captain's shoulder.

"Mr. Jin couldn't defeat King Wu on the river, so he retreated to the East China Sea. It seems he went to the Hong family dock." the captain replied.

"Prepare the ship, I'm going to the dock!"

After drifting at sea for several months, Zheng Chiyuan originally wanted to get off the ship and have a good night's rest. After hearing the news, he wished he could fly to the dock now.

But before they could board the ship, a navy soldier came galloping on horseback.

"General, general! A monster appeared on the river!"

"What kind of monster?" Zheng Chiyuan frowned: "Did you see a whale?"

He has been in the East China Sea for so many years and has long been accustomed to whales. However, for many soldiers who have just joined the army, they will indeed regard them as monsters when they see such a big fish for the first time.

"It's not a whale, but a monster that looks like a boat!" The soldier said with a horrified look on his face: "There was white smoke coming from the bow of the boat, it also made a loud, scary sound, and it ran very fast!"

"A monster like a boat?" Zheng Chiyuan turned to look at the captain: "Have you ever seen such a monster?"

"No!" The captain shook his head.

"Let's go and have a look!" Zheng Chiyuan jumped on a boat.

When the boat arrived at the exit of the pier, Zheng Chiyuan put up a pergola and looked east, and sure enough he saw a large ship approaching quickly.

The next second, Zheng Chiyuan's expression also changed.

The oncoming big ship was exactly what the soldiers said. It looked almost exactly like the ship, but it was spewing thick white smoke from the top and making loud noises.

It’s also very fast!

When Zheng Chiyuan came out, the ship was still several miles away from the dock. In the short time he could observe, it had already reached the entrance of the dock.

At this time, Zheng Chiyuan had confirmed that this was not a monster, but a kind of ship that had never been seen before.

The enemy and friend were unknown. Zheng Chiyuan was afraid that the mysterious ship would attack the dock. He was about to turn around and order the naval fleet to prepare to meet the enemy, but was pulled away by the captain next to him.

"General, it seems they are from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau. Look under the white smoke. Is it their black flag?"

"Zhenyuan Escort Agency?"

Zheng Chiyuan squinted his eyes and couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

Just now, because of the distance and the billowing white smoke, he couldn't see clearly.

Now that the big ship has entered, take a closer look. What is the black flag if it's not Zhenyuan Escort Agency?

"It's really the flag of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency...but what's going on with this ship?"

Zheng Chiyuan turned around and shouted: "Sign up, I want to see Mr. Jin!"

The flag bearer on the shore received the order and quickly waved the flag to signal the ship to stop.

On the ship, Jin Feng took Wan Heming and Mancang to the boiler room to explain the steam engine to them.

Yesterday he received news from Jinchuan that a disguised Tibetan army, under the cover of local wealthy families, sneaked into Jinchuan with the intention of attacking Xihewan.

Although they were discovered in time by Zhong Ming's team and blocked more than 20 miles away, the bodyguards rushed to fight and did not have enough grenades and hot air balloons to support them, resulting in heavy losses.

This incident made Jin Feng realize the importance of inheritance.

If he had descendants, who would dare to attack Xihewan?

Even the fourth prince did not dare to usurp the throne.

He had been busy with various things before and had no time to train his disciples properly. If he died, many skills would be lost.

So Jin Feng decided to teach his disciples well in the future.

There is a steam engine on the ship and there is plenty of time. It is the best opportunity for on-site teaching.

While he was explaining it to Wan Heming based on the drawings, Tie Hui ran in.

"Sir, the navy people flagged us to stop the ship, saying that their general wanted to see him!"

"Zheng Chiyuan is back?"

Jin Feng thought for a moment: "Stop the boat and let Zheng Chiyuan get on board."

This chapter has been completed!
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