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Chapter 903 Unexpected Joy

Thinking about defeat before fighting is one of the pieces of military knowledge that Jin Feng once told the Ninth Princess.

Because after victory, your side will be in control of the situation and have a lot of time to think about what to do. If you are defeated, your side will face the possibility of being hunted on a large scale, leaving you very little time. Every second is very important.


So after learning that the enemy had landed on the Jialing River, the Ninth Princess began to formulate a retreat plan and quickly transferred various strategic materials and villagers.

According to the plan, there are two possibilities for retreat.

The first one is just in case, if the Eagles and others succeed in killing the enemy's baggage train, the villagers will stop retreating and use the fortress to resist the enemy with the bodyguards.

The second is if the eagle fails, then the whole village will have to retreat.

The so-called general retreat means to leave the village alone, evacuate everyone to the rolling mountains outside the village, start a guerrilla war with the enemy, and wait until Jin Feng returns before launching a counterattack.

"Wuyang, is there any other way?"

Guan Xiaorou grabbed the Ninth Princess's arm and asked: "What will happen to the village if we withdraw? What to do with so many factories? This is the master's hard work!"

The factories in Xihewan were all started to be constructed after the rise of Jinfeng. Most of them have only been put into operation for a few months. There are many more new factories that are more than half built or the main project has been completed and is about to be delivered for use.

Once the village is occupied by the enemy, the fate of these factories can be imagined.

Even if Jin Feng comes back to drive away the enemies, he may only be able to recover piles of ruins.

"Sister, I also know that these factories are the hard work of my husband and all of us, but the enemy has too many hot-air balloons and we cannot defend the village."

The eyes of the Ninth Princess were full of distress and helplessness: "Now that things have happened, this is the only countermeasure I can think of."

Guan Xiaorou opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.

In any era, as long as you control the air, you have the initiative on the battlefield.

Although the hot air balloons made by the enemy are ugly, have slow lift-off speeds, and are not very high in maximum height, they cannot hold up in large numbers.

The enemy throws bottles of oil from the sky. Even if the bodyguards on the ground can fight, they will only die if they continue to defend the village.

At that time, various factories will still fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Sister, my husband said that if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood. As long as our people are still there, the factory can be rebuilt. If the people are gone, there will be nothing."

Princess Ninth comforted Guan Xiaorou again and asked, "Sister, have you finished moving the things in the warehouse in the back mountain?"

The Houshan Warehouse is the largest treasure house in Xihewan. Almost all the cash, gold, and heavy crossbow armor and other weapons that Jin Feng accumulated over the past year are there.

Therefore, at the beginning of the retreat plan, Princess Ninth immediately arranged for a large number of escorts to move the things in the warehouse in the back mountain.

"I just went to see it. Weapons such as heavy crossbows, armored catapults, etc. have been moved according to your request. There are still gold, silver, and copper coins left. I estimate that they can be moved in an hour." Guan Xiaorou replied.

Black Knife, Soap, and Water Jade Beads are all little experts at collecting money. After their release, they brought a lot of cash to Jin Feng.

Jin Feng knew a long time ago that Dakang's banknote system was very unstable, so he only used banknotes at the beginning of the business. Later, when the escort agency had enough manpower, cash settlement was used.

Therefore, there is a lot of cash in the Xihewan warehouse, especially copper coins. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is piled up like a mountain.

It costs so much and it takes a long time to move it.

"No, the enemy has already arrived at Gray Sheep Ridge and will soon surround the village!" Bayi Chinese website

The Ninth Princess said: "Sister, please go and urge me again. The move must be completed within half an hour. If it cannot be completed, the cave will be blown up with a grenade!"

"Exploded?" Guan Xiaorou was stunned.

"Yes, it exploded!"

The Ninth Princess said: "My husband is so smart, he will definitely be able to think of ways to deal with the enemy. When he comes back, we can retake the village.

In such a few days, it will be difficult for the enemy to dig out the collapsed cave. Even if they do, it will be fine. It’s just gold and silver. If they took it away, they can get it back later!"

This is also the reason why Princess Ninth arranged to give priority to transporting weapons.

If weapons are taken away by the enemy, they can be used against them. Gold and silver are fine. If the enemy takes them away, they will be a burden. When Jin Feng comes back, he can still get them back.

"By the way, sister, have you finished moving the laboratory stuff?" Princess Ninth asked again.

At home, Jin Feng spends most of his time in the laboratory except eating and sleeping. There are too many materials, equipment and tools in it.

In the eyes of the Ninth Princess, these things are more important than weapons and armor.

"After the last attack, the roof of the laboratory was burned and cracked. I asked Zhou Jin to empty out all the things inside." Guan Xiaorou replied: "These things were sent away together with the weapons."

"That's good," the Ninth Princess nodded with confidence: "There are also textile workshops, jade workshops, smelting workshops, cement and lime workshops. Take away all the things inside that can be taken away. If you can't take them away, they must be destroyed. Absolutely not. Fall into the hands of the enemy!"

"Okay, I'll go find the village chief later and arrange for someone to lay mines."

Although Guan Xiaorou felt distressed, she knew that there was nothing she could do about it.

The Ninth Princess was about to speak when she suddenly saw billowing black smoke coming from the northeast.

Immediately afterwards, dull explosions came one after another.

"What's going on?" Guan Xiaorou stopped and asked with a frown.

The Ninth Princess directly picked up the telescope and looked over.

After a moment, Princess Ninth asked excitedly: "Sister, besides Yingying and Xu Gui, have you arranged anyone else in Gray Wolf Mountain?"

"No," Guan Xiaorou took out her telescope and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Sister, you'll know just by looking at it!"

The Ninth Princess was so excited that she could not even speak.

Guan Xiaorou adjusted the focus and pointed it in the direction of the black smoke.

The next second, she knew why the ninth princess was so excited.

She saw blazing fire everywhere at the foot of Gray Sheep Ridge, and the enemy's vanguard soldiers were thrown into chaos on their backs.

With such a fierce fire and such a large scope, it was obvious that someone had ignited the enemy's kerosene barrels.

Hot air balloons rely on the burning of kerosene to propel them into the air. Without kerosene, the enemy's hot air balloons will be nothing more than decorations.

This is definitely a huge surprise for the crisis-ridden Xihewan.

"Wuyang, have you arranged someone at Gray Wolf Mountain?"

Guan Xiaorou asked subconsciously.

After asking, I realized that I had asked a stupid question.

If the Ninth Princess had arranged someone, she wouldn't have asked herself that question just now.

However, the Ninth Princess didn't pay attention and turned around and shouted: "Qin'er, arrange for someone to call Xiaoyu and Tieniu!"

Now besides her and Guan Xiaorou, only Xiaoyu and Tieniu can arrange escort missions in the village.

Tieniu and Xiaoyu were already nearby and arrived soon.

"Your Highness, are you looking for us?"

"Did you ambush people at Gray Sheep Ridge?" Ninth Princess asked directly.

"No," Xiaoyu and Tieniu shook their heads at the same time.

This chapter has been completed!
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