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Chapter 905

Tang Fei grew up in the mountains and was as nimble as a monkey in jumping around in the mountains and forests.

However, Mr. Feng sent hundreds of people to chase and intercept him. No matter how flexible Tang Fei was, he was still unable to completely get rid of him.

Seeing the enemy's encirclement getting smaller and smaller, Tang Fei suddenly heard a bamboo whistle.

This kind of whistle is very similar to the song of a bird. It is the secret code for close communication for escorts. It is also one of the training subjects that scouts must learn. Different messages are conveyed through different syllables and lengths.

Tang Fei stopped and listened for a while, then turned and ran to the right.

The enemy behind quickly chased after him.

When he ran outside a woods, a stone suddenly flew out of the woods, smashing the enemy's head and causing blood.

Then the second company of escorts rushed out of the woods and slashed at the pursuers.

"Old Tang, as expected of you, you did a great job!"

The second company commander patted Old Tang on the shoulder, beaming with excitement.

The eagle, who was sad about losing the hot air balloon, also laughed.

They had witnessed Old Tang's achievements with their own eyes and admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Why are you still here?" Old Tang asked anxiously.

He had just seen the process of the Second Company being ambushed, and he was so anxious that he almost jumped out, but in the end he still held back and did not move.

If you throw kerosene jars and kerosene bottles from high altitude, they will float. Eagle is one of the people who is most familiar with hot air balloons in the world. He not only knows how to drive hot air balloons, but also knows how to avoid them.

Tang Fei believed that he could escape with Erlian.

In fact, Eagle did not disappoint Tang Fei. Under his leadership, the second company's bodyguards were not seriously injured.

Gray Sheep Ridge is too close to Xihewan. The main target of Mr. Feng and the counselor is the hot air balloon, and they don't want to take the risk to chase down the Second Company.

The Second Company was familiar with the surrounding terrain and escaped smoothly.

However, not long after escaping, they found that the enemy's baggage train had been burned.

Finding that the enemy was chasing Old Tang like crazy, Yingying and the others immediately guessed what had happened.

If they had pretended not to see him at this time, they could have fled back to the village smoothly, but all the bodyguards decided to stay and rescue Old Tang without hesitation.

For this reason, several escorts specially sneaked back to Gray Sheep Ridge, rescued two catapults from the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire, and lurked in the woods.

The enemy was in a hurry to pursue Tang Fei and was unprepared, and many of them were killed by catapults.

Those who were lucky enough not to be smashed to death were mostly injured. The bodyguards swarmed them and killed them with three strikes.

When the escorts who came back saw Tang Fei, they couldn't help but pat him on the shoulder and praise him.

"Old Tang, well done!"

"Old Tang, after the battle is over, we have to treat you!"

"I have to ask, a second-class meritorious person will definitely not be able to escape this time!"

"Old Tang completed the task that so many of us have not completed by himself, and he almost lost his life. I think he is qualified to give first-class merit!"

"First-class merit, the escort agency doesn't get much, does it?"

"Yes, there are many first-class collective merits, but there is not a single first-class individual merit alive!"

"Old Tang is so awesome this time!"

After the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau was established, Jin Feng also developed a merit system by drawing on the military merit system of the previous military in order to enhance the sense of honor and cohesion of the escorts.

Among them, first-class personal merit is the most difficult one to obtain. If you want to obtain first-class merit, you must be like Tang Fei. Not only must you risk your life, but you must also complete an almost impossible task.

Since the establishment of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, escorts have been fighting almost every day, either with bandits or with Tibetan barbarians. However, with such a high frequency of battles, only a few first-class meritorious officers appeared in more than a year, and

All are awarded posthumously.

The reason why it is so harsh is because Jin Feng once read a document about meritorious service in his previous life, which recorded the deeds of some first-class merit recipients.

At that time, Jin Feng thought it was like reading a story. Later, when he saw the dense scars on some old soldiers in the documentary, he knew it was true.

After arriving in Dakang, Jin Feng witnessed the cruelty of war with his own eyes and better understood the greatness of those veteran soldiers.

The first-class merit achievers he saw in his previous life were in no less danger than Tang Fei just now.

Tang Fei's shoulders were almost numb from being slapped. When he saw an escort trying to slap him again, he quickly blocked it: "Didn't you run away? Why are you back again?"

"If we run away, what will you, a great hero, do?"

The escort smiled and said: "Old Tang, just prepare to treat us!"

"Let's wait until everyone comes back alive before we talk about the treat!"

Tang Fei saw that the two bodyguards were still dismantling the catapult and said quickly: "Don't worry about the catapult. Let's go quickly. If it's too late, it'll be too late!"

"Old Tang, I saw you were so brave just now, why did you suddenly become so timid again?"

An escort said: "Their hot air balloons have flown far away, what can they do to us?"

The enemy's hot air balloons that had already taken off were all drifting away, and those that had not taken off were probably burned, so the escorts dared to talk and laugh here.

If the enemy's hot air balloon was still there, they would have escaped long ago.

"My teacher said during the lecture that you should never take chances on the battlefield, otherwise you will be close to death!"

Tang Fei said: "No matter what, let's go back and talk about it first."

"Old Tang is right, everyone should retreat first."

Just as the commander of the second company gave the order to retreat, the scouts from the company ran over.

"The company commander is in trouble, the enemy went around to the front and blocked the road!"

Mr. Feng is a man who is determined to retaliate against others. The plan he put in so much effort to formulate is about to reach the final step, only to be ruined by Old Tang alone. This is something Mr. Feng cannot accept.

Discovering that the Second Company was supporting Tang Fei, Mr. Feng became even more furious and directly ordered the dispatch of 300 cavalry. When Old Tang and others were ambushing the pursuers, they blocked the retreat of the escorts! ⑧①ZW.????m

"What are you really afraid of?"

Tang Fei climbed up a big tree a few times, hid in the crown of the tree and observed the surroundings, trying to find a way out of the encirclement.

However, Mr. Feng also grew up in the mountains, and had already memorized the terrain around Xihewan very well, leaving no escape route for Tang Fei and the others.

Tang Fei observed on the tree for a while, then jumped down and said helplessly: "We can't leave. The roads in front and behind are blocked. Let's occupy this hilltop quickly. I'm afraid there will be a tough battle next!"

After saying this, he continued with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, it's me who has caused trouble to everyone!"

"We are all brothers, why are you talking such nonsense!"

The company commander waved his hand and said: "Isn't it just a war? When did our Zhenyuan Escort Agency ever give in? It's over with a fight!"

Other escorts also agreed.

Although he said this, many of the escorts still looked nervous as they heard the footsteps and the shouts of killing getting closer and closer.

But they were not afraid, because when they discovered Tang Fei, the company commander had already sent someone back to report to the village. They all believed that as long as they held on, Guan Xiaorou would definitely send someone to rescue them!

This chapter has been completed!
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