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Chapter 911 Steam Lifeboat

When the ship was in danger of turning around, the steam ship did not dare to let go. The main reason was that it was afraid that if the ship was set on fire from upstream, it would not be able to escape in time.

The lifeboat is small and easy to dodge, so there is no need to worry about it at all.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of escorts, the modified lifeboat was lowered to the water by a crane.

Iron Hammer volunteered to serve as the test driver of the lifeboat.

"Do you remember clearly the steering, acceleration and deceleration I taught you?"

Jin Feng asked as he lay on the railing.

"Sir, don't worry, you will remember it clearly."

Iron Hammer raised his head and waved his hand, signaling the escort next to the boiler to start the steam engine.

As the escort pulled the bellows, the small steam engine whirred and whirred, and the boat began to move forward slowly, then faster and faster.

In less than a minute, the lifeboat ran hundreds of meters and continued to accelerate, leaving a trail of white waves behind its tail.

"How could it be so fast?" Tang Xiaobei asked in surprise.

"If I weren't in a hurry, I could make it faster!" Jin Feng said confidently.

The materials used to make the small steam engine this time are all the leftovers from the last time I made the steam engine. In addition to the tight time, the workmanship is relatively rough.

If Jin Feng is given enough time, he can definitely do better.

"Ms. sir, you are so amazing!"

Tang Xiaobei hugged Jin Feng's arm and asked softly: "Can a big ship run so fast?"

She had felt that the ship under her feet was already very fast, but compared with the lifeboat, the cargo ship was too slow.

"No!" Jin Feng said: "The cargo ship is too big to run."

Cruise ships or aircraft carriers in previous generations were not very fast.

First, large ships such as cruise ships are very large in size, and the power required to drive them fast is equally huge.

Secondly, if you encounter danger, if you go too fast, you will not have time to avoid it.

Therefore, almost none of the large ships in previous lives pursued speed.

Speedboats are different.

In his previous life, Jin Feng had seen on the news that smugglers in some southern coastal cities often modified speedboats in order to evade customs pursuit.

The modified speedboat looks like it is flying on the water, so it is called "Big Flying" by the locals.

Many Dafei can easily run one or two hundred yards, and their ultimate speed can even exceed two hundred kilometers per hour.

Some professional rowing boats can even reach a top speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

But Jin Feng has never heard of anyone whose aircraft carrier can reach such a high speed.

Not to mention 300 kilometers per hour, not even 100 kilometers per hour.

Basically, the ultimate speed of all aircraft carriers is about the same as that of Yadi electric vehicles.

In addition to being fast, the speedboat's steering is also very flexible.

After the lifeboat ran a few hundred meters, they saw a fireboat coming down the river. They slowed down and approached. The escort on the bow took out the long steel pipe that had been prepared and pushed it hard on the boat.

The fire boat was originally headed straight for the big ship. After being pushed, its direction shifted and drifted along the river to the shore.

"It's done!"

Hammer turned around and drove the lifeboat back to the bottom of the ship.

Jin Feng told him to deal with the first fire ship and to come back and report to him on its use.

Climbing up the rope ladder to the deck, Tie Zhui shouted excitedly: "Sir, this ship is so cool! It's better than the one in Jinyue Pavilion..."

Halfway through, he noticed that Wan Yuhong and Bei Qianxun were staring at him unkindly, and he was so frightened that he quickly shut up.

Tie Zhui's wife fell ill and died a few years ago, and because the family was too poor, they never renewed their relationship.

Later, I followed Jin Feng, and I had no shortage of money, so I often went to brothels to hang out.

But recently I don’t know how I hooked up with Wan Heming’s sister Wan Yuhong.

Wan Yuhong and Bei Qianxun had a relatively good relationship. Once on a boat, Tie Zhui boasted to other escorts about his achievements in selling soap in a brothel in the capital, and Bei Qianxun happened to be passing by and overheard.

Kita Qianxun beat him severely on the spot and warned him not to talk about the brothel again in the future, let alone go to the brothel again, otherwise he would be beaten every time he saw him.

Tie Shui was beaten so hard that he couldn't get up, so he had no choice but to agree.

From that day on, Tie Shui was afraid when he saw Kitakihiro.

Normally, Jin Feng would definitely have joked with the hammer, but not this time. He asked anxiously: "Is the steam engine shaking? Is the steering stuck?"

"There is no shaking and the steering is very flexible!"

Iron Hammer started talking again: "Sir, with this ship, we no longer have to be afraid of fire ships. One will hit one! The big ship can run away!"

"You are new to this ship, so take it easy."

Jin Feng reminded: "The speedboat is very fast. Once it collides with other boats, it may cause broken bones and tendons, or even your life may be in danger!"

"Don't worry, sir, I'm not afraid!" Iron Hammer said, patting his chest.

"You still don't believe me when I say you are an iron lump. My master is not worried about you, but worried about the ship!"

Wan Heming rolled his eyes at Iron Hammer: "The materials on the ship are only enough to build this small steam engine. If you are going to crash, let's see how Master will deal with you!"

"What nonsense are you telling the truth!"

Jin Feng slapped Wan Heming on the head.

Wan Heming curled his lips and glared at Tie Hammer fiercely.

In his eyes, only Jin Feng in the world was worthy of his sister, so after learning that Wan Yuhong and Tie Zhui were together, Wan Heming was furious.

In the past, when I saw Iron Hammer, I would call him uncle, but now I don’t call him uncle anymore, I just glare at him when I meet him.

The people around looked at Wan Heming's angry look and laughed.

Iron Hammer scratched his head and said with a sneer: "Sir, I'll go down first!"

"Go, remember to bring pig urine bubbles!"

Jin Feng patted Tie Shui on the shoulder: "It's a joke, but you still have to pay attention to safety."

"I see!"

Tie Zhui nodded, glanced at Wan Yuhong again, and followed the rope ladder back to the lifeboat.

The lifeboat was not only equipped with a small steam engine, but also a heavy crossbow and catapult on the bow.

When encountering small fire boats such as bamboo rafts, the escorts use steel pipes to push them away. When encountering larger fire boats, they use the hooks on the top of the steel pipes to drag them away.

If the enemy lowers too many fireships at once, or if the fireships are too big for the lifeboats to drag, they will use heavy crossbows or catapults to directly smash the opponent.

The King of Chu's "Navy" had figured out the speed of the steamships. In order to prevent Jin Feng from sending hot-air balloons to bomb, they did not dare to raid too many fishing boats at once.

After the steamboat moved forward, they searched for a group of fishing boats upstream to block it.

Generally speaking, as long as they arrange their fishing boats ten kilometers before the big ship arrives, they will have enough time.

However, to be on the safe side, the counselor asked them to arrive twenty miles in advance.

However, the appearance of the steam lifeboat was something the enemy never expected and was caught off guard.

A steam lifeboat opened the way, and the speed of the steam ship finally came into play.

In the half hour before dark, he ran more than thirty miles in one breath and broke out of the enemy's blockade.

The last two days have been full moons. In order to prevent the enemy from making trouble again at night, Jin Feng ordered the lifeboat to explore the way ahead. The big ship reduced its speed and risked following behind for a night sail.

This chapter has been completed!
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