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Chapter 914 Jin Feng is back! (2)

Gray Sheep Ridge.

"Didn't you say that you still have about ten days to come back? Why did you arrive in Yuzhou so soon?"

Mr. Feng, who had always been secretive about his emotions and anger, was also panicked at this time: "What does King Wu, King Chu, and King Xiang do for food?"

He was born in Jinchuan County and had fought against Jin Feng before. He was very aware of Jin Feng's influence in Jinchuan.

Although he kidnapped Wei Laosan, although there were no hot air balloons in Xihewan, and although he blew up the grenade warehouse in Xihewan, Mr. Feng still couldn't help but be afraid when he learned that Jin Feng was back.

Because Jin Feng has created too many myths.

What's more, he hasn't captured Xihewan as planned.

Although they burned down the textile factory and many houses, the iron smelting workshop was still fine.

Because there is an iron smelting furnace in the iron smelting workshop, high temperature and fire hazards were taken into consideration when it was first built. The hot air balloon would not burn the kerosene tank at all.

The iron smelting workshop can be said to be the technical core of Xihewan. As long as it remains here, Jin Feng will be able to quickly produce a large number of weapons when he returns.

This is absolutely a disaster for Mr. Feng.

"We must stop him!"

Mr. Feng walked around the tent twice, patted the table and said: "Send half of the kerosene recently collected to Shuanghump and tell Liang Jun that as soon as Jin Feng's ship is seen, all hot air balloons will be sent out.

No matter what, we must kill Jin Feng’s ship and kill Jin Feng!”

"Yes!" A guard ran out quickly.

Mr. Feng and the others arrived so suddenly that neither Princess Ninth nor Guan Xiaorou knew about it, so they did not notify the people around Xihewan to evacuate.

Because it is close to Xihewan, several surrounding villages have gradually become richer, and many people have bought kerosene to light lamps at night.

In recent days, Mr. Feng's people have looted several villages and looted a lot of food and kerosene.

He originally planned to save for a while, then concentrate the hot air balloons, and launch an air attack on Xihewan to seize the village.

But now that he knew Jin Feng had arrived in Yuzhou, he didn't dare to wait any longer.

In fact, there was little point in him waiting any longer.

The Ninth Princess guessed that the enemy would plunder the surrounding area, so she asked Xiaoyu to send a message to the surrounding people to retreat.

Before the people retreated into the mountains, they took away their belongings and found ways to bury those that could not be taken away.

Things that cannot be taken away or buried cannot be taken away by the enemy. The most they can do is set them on fire.

In recent days, Mr. Feng's people have grabbed less and less things.

"Come here, inform all the centurions to come to my place for a meeting and prepare to launch a general attack!"

In Xihewan, Ninth Princess and Guan Xiaorou also received a message from the escort.

"Great, the boss is finally back!"

Guan Xiaorou looked at the note and couldn't help but shed tears.

Zuo Feifei, Tang Dongdong, Runniang and others beside them were also excited.

Only the Ninth Princess remained calm, frowning and saying: "Don't be too quick to rejoice. If there are no accidents, the enemy may also know that your husband is coming back. We may face the craziest attack next, so everyone must be mentally prepared."


"How did they know?" Run Niang asked sitting in the corner.

The Jinfeng Courtyard was the main target of the hot air balloon attack. For safety reasons, everyone inside was evacuated. Xiao'e and Bei Qianxun's girls, as well as the young disciples that Jinfeng had recruited in the capital, hid in the back mountains with the children in the village.

In the cave.

In Guan Xiaorou's eyes, Runiang, like Tang Dongdong, is Jinfeng's person sooner or later, and the most trustworthy person, so she has been keeping her with her recently and letting her be responsible for the high-level food work.

"Because Feng Sheng is also from Jinchuan and has been a water bandit for a long time. He was later recruited as an aide by County Lieutenant Zhao. He is cautious by nature and will definitely send someone to keep an eye on the river."

Ninth Princess analyzed.

"What Wuyang said makes sense." Guan Xiaorou nodded and said, "The master said that you can never fight an unprepared battle. Whether Feng Shengzhi knows that the master is back or not, we have to pretend that he knows.

If he calls, we have to resist him, it would be better if he doesn't call."


Tang Dongdong and Zuo Feifei also nodded: "Then let's go out and rearrange the arrangements."

As a result, before they could leave the house, Qin'er rushed in from outside.

"Your Highness, the hot air balloon outside the village has taken off again!"

Hearing what Qin'er said, several people in the room stood up in a hurry.

When I walked out of the house, I saw hot air balloons everywhere in the sky to the north of the village.

"It seems that Wu Yang's guess is good. Feng Sheng definitely knows that Mr. is back!"

Zuo Feifei's expression changed, she turned around and ran out.

"What are you going to do?" Guan Xiaorou shouted from behind.

"The gangster is so anxious that he jumps over the wall. I have to go and watch from the front."

Zuo Feifei said and ran away.

"Xiaorou, I'm leaving too!"

Tang Dongdong also ran out.

After a while, the hot air balloon flew over the village.

It was broad daylight at this time, and the villagers saw it from a distance, so they hid spontaneously without Xiaoyu sending anyone to mobilize.

The villagers can hide, but the bodyguards guarding the village and the female workers from Iron Can Mountain cannot hide. They continue to guard every pass. Bayi Chinese website

When the hot air balloon passed through the village, it routinely threw several jars of kerosene into the courtyard. Then it focused its attack on the entrance of the village, throwing jars of kerosene wildly at the positions of the bodyguards and female workers.

However, the escorts were not defenseless at all. They dug many tunnels in the ground in advance. After discovering the hot air balloon, the escorts and female workers immediately hid in the tunnels and set up heavy crossbows at the entrance of the tunnels.

The kerosene burned fiercely, but there was not much smoke. The escorts hid in the tunnel and successfully escaped.

But the enemy did not give up. Taking advantage of the cover of the sea of ​​fire, they quickly approached the village.

When the flames extinguished, the escorts came out of the tunnel and the enemy arrived at the entrance of the village.

Mr. Feng issued a death order before the battle. Anyone who retreated this time would be beheaded, so the enemy attacked extremely fiercely.

Behind the escorts are their hometowns and relatives, and there is no way out.

The two sides, who already hated each other, had no way out at this time, so one can imagine how fierce the battle was.

The escorts relied on heavy crossbows and catapults to repel the enemy, but before they had time to consolidate their positions, the enemy sent the hot air balloon back upwind, followed by another round of bombardment from the kerosene altar.

The bodyguards could only leave their positions and hide in the tunnels.

The battle went on from day to night. When the hot air balloon came, the escorts hid. When the hot air balloon flew away, they came out to seize the position.

Mr. Feng originally planned to take advantage of the dark night to take advantage of the hot air balloon, but it was a full moon that day, so the hot air balloon floated in the air just like it did during the day.

But Mr. Feng knew that this might be his last chance, so he did not dare to retreat. Instead, he ordered his team to step up their offensive.

The enemy refused to retreat, so Ninth Princess and Guan Xiaorou could only order the bodyguards to continue holding on.

The two sides fought like this from night to early morning!

The land outside Xihewan Village was cracked by kerosene.

The fighting here is lively, and the situation along the Jialing River dozens of miles away is also tense.

Knowing that the village was in danger, Jin Feng ordered the ship to travel overnight. After running for a day and night, he finally reached the boundary of Jinchuan.

But before we reached the pier, we saw a large number of hot air balloons flying from the north.

This chapter has been completed!
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