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Chapter 917: Jin Feng is Back (5)

"How could he be so fast?" www.八一zw.????m

Mr. Feng looked at the note with shock on his face.

He received news yesterday that Jin Feng had just arrived at the border of Yuzhou. It had only been one day and he had arrived in Jinchuan.

Let alone taking a boat upstream, even if you ride a horse and gallop across the Central Plains, you can't go that fast!

"The spies said that Jin Feng was riding on a strange ship with two big horns on its head. White smoke was coming out of one corner and black smoke was coming out of the other corner. It could run faster than a war horse!" the subordinate replied.

"A strange ship that can run against the current faster than a war horse? Jin Feng is really a freak!"

Mr. Feng asked: "What's going on here in Xihewan? When can it be conquered?"


The subordinate lowered his head and said: "The people in Xihewan are a bunch of lunatics. After the men beat the women, those women seemed to be desperate for their lives. Their legs were cut off and they still held our people to death together!"

"I don't care about these, I just want the results!"

Mr. Feng said with a ferocious expression: "Before Jin Feng comes back, I will capture Xihewan! Otherwise, no one will have to fight back against Tibet!"


The men turned around and ran out.

In Xihewan, Ninth Princess and Guan Xiaorou also received a message from the escort.

Knowing that Jin Feng had arrived at the dock, the village was filled with joy.

The fighting in the past few days was so fierce. When the enemy's hot air balloon came over, the escorts retreated to the tunnel, waited for the hot air balloon to float away, and then fought out to regain their position.

Every hilltop has changed hands at least dozens of times!

Until now, few of the bodyguards guarding the village can still stand up.

After the escorts finished beating him, the female workers from the textile factory and Tin Can Mountain stepped forward.

The female workers in the two factories have always been competing with each other, and this is also true on the battlefield.

After the hot air balloon floats away, if a female worker from one factory regains her position or is slow to regain her position, she will be laughed at by a female worker from another factory.

This resulted in many female workers working harder than male soldiers on the battlefield.

The Ninth Princess had already prepared to retreat to the village and engage in street fighting with the enemy, but the female worker forcefully defended the position at the entrance of the village.

But female workers also paid a huge price for this.

The total number of female workers in the textile factory and Tin Can Mountain was injured and more than a thousand people were injured.

Half of the remaining thousands of people had injuries of varying severity, but they were just continuing to fight.

It is said that steel is too easy to break, and jade is too hard to be fragile. Most generals know how to go all out, then weaken again, and then exhaust themselves. If it is a normal battle and encounters such a tenacious guard, the attacker will stop for a period of time and consume

The enemy's vigor.

But Mr. Feng couldn't wait, so the enemy's attack was like a flood, one wave after another, as if there would never be an end.

After all, the female workers are not professional soldiers. They persist until now with their initial courage and competition with each other.

But as the fighting continues, many female workers inevitably become tired.

The injuries were getting worse and morale was starting to drop.

Until they heard that Jin Feng was back, the female workers seemed to have a backbone.

The news spread in the village, and the villagers were also happy.

But they were not happy for long, as the female workers on guard fired loud arrows one after another.

On the north side of the village, densely packed hot air balloons occupied most of the sky.

"Are they crazy? Why did they release so many hot air balloons at once?"

"I must have learned that my husband was back, knew that I was bound to lose, and made a final struggle!"

"This time the hot air balloon seems to be flying a little slow and a little wobbly!"

"It's really... Oh my god, look at the basket carefully. Why are there so many people sitting there?"

"They are out of fuel and are they going to use people to jump down and hit us?"

"No matter what they want to do, as long as we persist through this wave, they will be dead when Mr. comes back!"

"Yes, so no matter what, hold on!"

The female workers had already hid in the tunnel at this time. Several female workers at the tunnel entrance looked north and talked about it.

But one of the female escorts frowned.

She once worked as a pilot with the Eagle, and also participated in the Beijing rescue operation.

Seeing that the enemy's hot air balloon was carrying so many people, the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

After thinking for a moment, he gritted his teeth and rushed out of the hole.

"Yuanyuan, the hot air balloon is coming soon, what are you doing?"

a female worker shouted.

"I have something to report to my wife. Just hold on and I'll come right after I finish the report!"

The female escort replied and ran back to the village.

"Isn't she scared?" a female worker whispered.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Everyone has been watching Yuanyuan's performance these past few days. How often has she not been at the forefront?"

The battlefield is the easiest place to cultivate feelings. After a few days of living and dying together, many female workers and escorts have developed a deep feeling of comrades-in-arms.

A female worker who was close to the female escort heard someone saying bad things and quickly defended her: "Yuanyuan is a pilot, and the focus is on cultivating talents. If she wanted to leave, she would have left long ago, and she would not wait until now!"

"I just said it casually, why are you still angry?"

"It's not okay to just say it!"

Yuanyuan didn't know that her best friend was fighting for her, so she looked up at the hot air balloon and ran towards the village.

Passing by a brick house, he asked the villagers hiding inside: "Where is Madam?"

This is the village's tiger-fighting team. If the female workers fall, they will be responsible for sniping at the enemies entering the village and covering the female workers' retreat into the village.

"How do we know?" The villagers shook their heads.

In order to prevent espionage, the whereabouts of Guan Xiaorou and the Ninth Princess and other high-level officials have been kept secret recently. The villagers only know that they are in the village, but most of the villagers do not know which house they are hiding in.

Yuanyuan was just wondering what to do when she saw Xiaoyu leading someone from the next alley.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu!"

Yuanyuan quickly chased after him.

"Yuanyuan, why are you here?" Xiaoyu stopped, looked at Yuanyuan and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"This time the enemy's hot air balloon is full of people. I suspect they are going to rappel people into the village!"

Yuanyuan said anxiously: "You must inform Madam so that she can prepare early!"

"Railline?" Xiaoyu is not a pilot and does not understand the meaning of this word.

"Rape rappelling is when the hot air balloon flies over the target, and the person in the basket slides down the rope!"

Yuanyuan explained: "When we were in the capital, this is how we landed at the palace to rescue him!"

"I see!"

At this time, Xiaoyu finally realized the seriousness of the matter, patted Yuanyuan on the shoulder, turned around and ran away.

She was originally planning to go to the front line, but after getting the news, she immediately ran back to the village and found the Ninth Princess.

After hearing Xiaoyu's explanation, Princess Ninth quickly took out her telescope and looked north.

Sure enough, the enemy's hot air balloon basket was indeed crowded with soldiers, which was very abnormal.

"Yuanyuan's worries are justified, we have to take precautions!"

The Ninth Princess said decisively: "Xiaoyu, quickly send people to mobilize heavy crossbows from the front line and deploy them in important areas of the village!"

This chapter has been completed!
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