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Chapter 944 Announcing the world

"Although Qing is not talented, he still has some self-awareness. Now that sir has made a decision, what do I ask, or if he objects, will sir agree?"

Qing Xinyao answered with a smile.

Although he didn't have much contact with Jin Feng, he knew that Jin Feng was not an impulsive person.

Since he has made such a decision, it means that he has already thought about it.

Jin Feng will not change his mind if there is no sufficient reason to object.

Since you know that objection is useless, why should you object?

What's more, with Jin Feng's current strength, why should he, Qing Xinyao, object?

Anyway, it is not the Qing family's turn to sit on the throne. The Ninth Princess is the niece of the Qing family. It would be more beneficial to the Qing family if she sits on the throne.

So although Qing Xinyao was a little surprised, he immediately chose to surrender!

Because he couldn't think of any reason to object.

"See my emperor! Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor!"

Qinghuai also came to his senses and knelt down to the Ninth Princess.


The Ninth Princess did not stand up to help, but sat on the chair and slowly raised her hand.

At this time, she had passed the initial discomfort period and began to slowly accept the identity of the empress.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Qing Xinyao and Qing Huai then stood up.

But the attitude of the two people has obviously changed, and they are no longer as casual as before.

Jin Feng breathed a long sigh of relief.

He was really worried that the Qing brothers were like King Jin.

Although Jin Feng had a good impression of King Jin, they had only met once. If they really fought, Jin Feng would not have any psychological burden.

But if Jin Feng were to fight against the Tielin Army, or against the Tiehu Camp with whom he had fought side by side at Damangpo, Jin Feng would feel very sad.

Fortunately, the brothers did not choose to become enemies.

Next, Jin Feng told Qing Xinyao his plan.

Early the next morning, the two brothers left Xihewan together, and Qing Xinyao returned to Xichuan to rectify Sichuan and Shu.

Qinghuai returned to Qin and led the Tielin army and escorts to advance into Qin.

It is difficult to make a large steam engine ship, but it is much faster to make a speedboat. Just install a small steam engine on a lifeboat.

With the mass production of small steam engines, the escorts at Jinchuan Pier have equipped more than a dozen speedboats.

Qing Xinyao arrived at Jinchuan Pier in the morning, docked at Jinma River in the evening, and returned to Xichuan.

Early on the third day, Qing Xinyao sent an order to the county guards and county magistrates in various places in Sichuan and Sichuan, asking them to open the city gates and no longer restrict the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau from bringing weapons into the city.

The Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has stations all over Sichuan and Sichuan. After the escorts transported the weapons into the city, Qing Xinyao issued another order, asking the county guards and magistrates in various places to hand over the command of the troops to the local escorts.

Those in charge and those who disobey orders will be killed on the spot!

In fact, most county guards and county magistrates had guessed this result when Qing Xinyao ordered them to open the city gate.

However, the government soldiers were in charge of city gates and public security, as well as the power to suppress bandits. They had always been the main means for county guards and magistrates to make money. Naturally, they would not be willing to hand it over.

Therefore, one county governor and three county magistrates expressed their opposition that day.

Their consequences can be imagined - the day Jin Feng got the news, their heads were seen by the local bodyguards and hung on the city gate tower.

When the county guards and county magistrates in other places saw this situation, they all became honest and obediently handed over the command of the soldiers!

Next, various regions in Sichuan and Shu began to reorganize their troops.

Those who cannot bear the training will be eliminated!

Those who disobey orders will be eliminated!

Those who bully the common people and traders will be eliminated!

Jin Feng knew that the former Dakang was seriously ill and had to take strong medicine to have any chance of being cured.

So he decided to cut through the mess quickly.

The first sword fell on the heads of the soldiers from all over Sichuan and Shu.

In just half a month, more than half of the soldiers from all over the country were eliminated.

Of course, some people were not convinced, but those who were not convinced were directly thrown out by the escort.

Anyone who dares to resist violently or secretly cause harm will be killed on the spot!

The magistrates and captains of two other counties secretly incited the soldiers to go on strike and cause trouble, but they were also suppressed directly.

The county magistrate and captain who were the instigators were directly executed.

Of course, in addition to suppression, Jin Feng also provided some protection to the soldiers.

All the soldiers who have passed the training and selection are given half of the salary of the bodyguards.

Every three months, the escort agency will conduct a new assessment, and those who pass the assessment three times in a row will be given the same treatment as the escort masters.

Who among all the soldiers in Sichuan and Sichuan doesn’t know that Zhenyuan Escort Bureau provides good treatment? Who doesn’t know that Zhenyuan Escort Bureau never defaults on wages?

It's just that the escort agency didn't accept them in the past, so they couldn't help it no matter how envious they were.

At any time, interest is the best way to win people's hearts, bar none.

After all, everyone has to live.

In fact, the vast majority of the soldiers were from poor backgrounds, and their food and salary were deducted at all levels. Without bullying the common people, it would be difficult for them to even feed their families.

Now that the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has given them enough guarantees, many soldiers who originally had objections to the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau quickly turned into fans and became loyal supporters of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau!

With the combination of profit and thunderous means, the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau quickly took control of the soldiers from various places.

However, the previous style of the soldiers was so bad that Jin Feng did not dare to let them guard the city gates or go into battle. Instead, he dispersed and reorganized the soldiers from various places according to the police station model in his previous life, and each team was responsible for

The local bodyguards are responsible for supervising the security of an area, and the bell team is responsible for secret supervision.

Every three months, an assessment will be conducted, the most important of which is a questionnaire on the people in the jurisdiction.

If local people report that the government soldiers have acted oppressively, they must be punished once confirmed.

The effect of this measure was very good. In order to get the same treatment as the bodyguards, the soldiers worked hard, and the security of the entire Sichuan and Shu was greatly improved in a short period of time.

After Jin Feng came back, he issued an ultimatum to the vassal kings in various places, requiring them to come to Jinchuan within two months to apologize.

At this time, there were only the last three days left in the two-month period, but except for King Jin, no vassal king came.

Jin Feng thought that after King Jin returned, he would publicize the news that Princess Ninth would ascend the throne, but King Jin did not do so.

Until now, King Jin has not made it public.

Jin Feng didn't know what he planned and didn't care.

On the first day after the two-month deadline passed, Jin Feng held a coronation ceremony for the ninth princess in Xihewan.

The ceremony was very simple, but later historians called this day "the greatest day in history."

Because on this day, the most prosperous dynasty in the history of the Central Plains took its first step.www.八一zw.????m

On this day, Jin Feng issued a crusade to the vassal kings everywhere, and officially announced to the world that the world had its first female emperor!

The ninth princess's reign name is Xinyuan, which means the beginning of a new era.

This year was also designated as the first year of the New Calendar by later historians.

This chapter has been completed!
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