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Chapter 951 Collective first-class merit

Jin Feng has always insisted on leaving professional matters to professional people. Since the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau has been handed over to Zhang Liang, Jin Feng will at most be responsible for controlling the general direction during the war and rarely participate in the specific management of the Escort Bureau.

But this time he made an exception and made an exception, awarding first-class collective merit to the escorts of the expedition team, and posthumously awarding first-class individual merit to all the escorts who died on the expedition.

This is a very high honor. It is the first time that the entire Zhenyuan Escort Agency has been awarded first-class merit in batches.

Even if it is awarded posthumously after sacrifice.

Once any medal is issued indiscriminately, its gold content will decrease. It is impossible for Jin Feng not to understand this truth.

But Jin Feng still did it.

Because he knew very well that the biggest enemy of Dakang today was not the Tubo Party and the Eastern Barbarians, but hunger and cold.

The cavalry of the Tubo and Eastern Barbarians were invincible super enemies to the previous Dakang, but they were insignificant to the already developed Jin Feng.

But facing the poverty and hunger of the people, Jin Feng was helpless. Bayi Chinese website

Agriculture before Dakang was too backward. The highest yield of wheat was only one to two hundred pounds per mu, and this was still a prerequisite for good weather.

If there is a drought or flood, one acre of land may yield only a few dozen kilograms, or even no harvest.

As for crops such as rice, soybeans, millet, and sorghum, the yield per mu is even lower.

With such a low yield per mu, and the landlords and gentry still exploiting it at every level, how could the common people have enough to eat?

In addition to hunger, cold is also a major factor threatening people's safety.

There is currently no cotton in Dakang, so the people wear kudzu soaked in kudzu and spun into threads, and then the threads are woven into cloth and cut into garments.

In winter, people would stuff the linen with reed batting or kapok.

But clothes made of linen are breathable and not warm at all.

Even if this kind of clothing is not warm, most people cannot afford it.

Many people don't have cotton-padded clothes, so they can only stay at home in winter without going out.

Every year from the end of autumn to the end of spring, it is a ghost gate for many people.

Jin Feng can make heavy crossbows and catapults, and he can also make airships and steamships, but he cannot make food and quilts.

Therefore, the expedition team brought back various seeds from the south, which is of great significance to the entire Dakang!

Although the yield of Champa rice is far less than that of hybrid rice, Jin Feng did not study agriculture and only roughly knew the basic principles of hybrid rice. The specific operation methods could only be explored slowly by Wei Wuya and Lao Tan.

Grandpa Yuan in his previous life was an expert in this field, and he still struggled for so many years before he succeeded. Wei Wuya and Lao Tan, two laymen, God knows when they will be able to come up with hybrid rice?

Until hybrid rice comes out, the best thing to do is to look for other alternatives.

Champa rice is a good choice.

Compared with the current rice from Dakang, Champa rice has a short maturity period, strong adaptability, and high yield per mu. It is definitely an excellent variety.

The large-scale planting of cotton can also greatly alleviate the problem of people's lack of clothing.

Based on the above considerations, Jin Feng insisted on awarding high military honors to the expedition team.

Because of the expedition team, Jin Feng's departure to Qin was delayed for a few days.

Before leaving, Jin Feng remembered again that Li Jishan hadn't seen him yet.

Jin Feng was also curious about the emperor who had suppressed Dakang for decades, and decided to meet him before going to Qin, so he sent someone to call Eagle.

"Eagle, where is Li Jishan?"

"Locked in a cell in Changshegou, sir, do you want to see him?" Eagle replied.

Since Jin Feng came back, he never mentioned meeting Li Jishan again. Eagle thought that Jin Feng didn't want to see him anymore, so he didn't mention it again and never went to see Li Jishan again.

"Lead the way."

The eagle quickly ran ahead to lead the way.

Changshegou is considered the industrial zone of Xihewan, where the cement factory, lime factory and several new brick factories are located.

It is also the "detention center" in the village.

Escorts and villagers who have made mistakes will be temporarily detained here. After the trial hall confirms the crime and punishment, if they need to be detained for a long time, they will be sent to Heishuigou Coal Mine for labor reform.

The small dark room that made the escorts change their minds upon hearing this was set up here.

Eagle did not lock Li Jishan into a small dark room, but just put him in a cell alone.

When Jin Feng arrived, Li Jishan was lying on the back window of the cell looking outside. He heard the movement behind and looked back.

Realizing that the person coming in was an eagle, he turned his head back.

"Li Jishan, don't you want to see my husband? He is here!"

The eagle kicked the cell door.

"Is Jin Feng here?" Li Jishan quickly turned around: "Where is Jin Feng?"

The eagle did not answer, but took a step back.

Jin Feng slowly walked into the cell with Bei Qianxun, first looked at the cell, and then looked at Li Jishan.

I couldn't help but feel emotional.

Li Jishan is over sixty years old this year, and now he is trapped in the enemy's prison. If he were an ordinary person, he would probably have lost his morale long ago.

But Li Jishan seemed to be in good condition, his hair was arranged meticulously, and although his clothes were a little dirty, he was neatly dressed.

This alone can put Chen Ji ahead of him by a few blocks.

If Chen Ji had fallen to this point, he would probably have been seeking death.

But Li Jishan was calm and composed, showing the magnanimity that a qualified emperor should have.

It's a pity that no matter how magnanimous he was, he fell into his own hands and became a prisoner.

Thinking of this, Jin Feng couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Jin Feng was sizing up Li Jishan, and Li Jishan was also sizing up Jin Feng.

And Li Jishan was even more surprised than Jin Feng.

Although he was taken to Changshegou and imprisoned by the eagle when he arrived at Xihewan, what he saw and heard on the road from the flight base to Changshegou still left a very deep impression on him.

After all, he was Emperor Dangxiang before, and Li Jishan knew that Xihewan was bombed by Mr. Feng's hot air balloon before he came here.

At that time, the reconstruction work of Xihewan was still in progress. Li Jishan saw many broken walls and ruins blackened by the war, and he also saw the marks left by dried blood on both sides of the road.

But at that time, the people in the village did not feel depressed after the war, but were full of energy.

Li Jishan knew at that time that his defeat was not unjust.

Since ancient times, those who win the hearts and minds of the people win the world. Even if Jin Feng does not have an airship or grenades, as long as he has people who are willing to follow him from the bottom of his heart, he will still become a hero!

As the former Emperor of Dangxiang, Li Jishan was naturally not a vegetarian. He glanced at Jin Feng for a few times and then withdrew his gaze.

He made a proud look and said: "I thought what kind of person the famous Dakang Imperial Master was, but it turns out he is still a young boy!"

"What the hell did you say?"

Yingying became angry when he heard this. He grabbed the whip from the door of the cell and was about to whip Li Jishan, but Jin Feng grabbed his arm.

"Sir, how dare he scold you? See how I teach him a lesson!"

This chapter has been completed!
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