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Chapter 954 Notice

Xu Xiao is Qinghuai's deputy general. Apart from Qinghuai, he knows the situation of the Qing family army and the King of Qin's army best.

After Jin Feng asked, he immediately replied:

"Sir, since we conquered Dashan Pass, King Qin fled with his family. Currently, we only know that he ran to the northwest, and his specific whereabouts have not been found.

When other wealthy families found out that King Qin had run away, some ran away, while others were reluctant to part with their family property and stayed.

After we broke through Dashan Pass, almost all the remaining troops of King Qin fled to Jingzhao Mansion and Lantian City."

Jingzhao Mansion was Xi'an in Jin Feng's previous life and was also the capital of the previous dynasty.

After the ancestor of Dakang overthrew the previous dynasty, although he did not continue to make Xi'an the capital, he made it Jingzhao Prefecture, with a status similar to that of the central municipality in Jin Feng's previous life.

Jingzhao Fuyin, who is in charge of Jingzhao Mansion, has very great power.

It's a pity that since King Qin came, Jingzhao Prefecture Yin has become a puppet.

Everything in Jingzhao Mansion is decided by King Qin.

Therefore, many people call Jingzhao Mansion the City of King Qin.

Dashan Pass is located in the southeast corner of Jingzhao Prefecture. Less than twenty miles to the northwest is Lantian County, and less than seventy miles to the northwest is Jingzhao Prefecture.

"Who is in charge of Jingzhao Mansion and Lantian now?" Jin Feng continued to look at the map and asked without raising his head.

"It's still the remnants of King Qin's army." Xu Xiao replied.

"Why?" Jin Feng heard this, raised his head and asked in surprise: "Didn't Zheng Fang bring a hot air balloon here? The city wall shouldn't be able to stop you, why didn't it be knocked down?"

"After the remnants of King Qin's army fled to Jingzhao Mansion and Lantian, they took many people hostage to defend the city wall. If they were bombed with hot air balloons, these people would be killed together."

Xu Xiao said helplessly: "Qinghou didn't think of a good solution for the time being, so he sent people to block the city gates of Lantian and Jingzhao Mansion. There is no force attack yet."

"Isn't this too despicable?" Jin Feng frowned slightly.

"They all know that your husband is kind and will not harm innocent people, so they are so confident."

"How many soldiers are there in the city now? How many people have they held hostage?"

Jin Feng continued to ask questions.

Xu Xiao answered Jin Feng's questions one by one.

I have to say that Xu Xiao is a very competent deputy and has done a lot of homework. He can basically answer Jin Feng's questions accurately.

Ten minutes later, Jin Feng had a rough understanding of the situation in Qin.

"Holding people hostage is indeed a big trouble..."

Jin Feng sat on the stool and tapped his fingers on the table casually.

Xu Xiao knew that he was thinking, so he stood aside and waited silently.

Jin Feng didn't keep him waiting for too long. After just a few minutes, Jin Feng knocked on the table and signaled Bei Qianxun to bring over the pen and paper.

Ten minutes later, Jin Feng put down his writing brush and handed the written manuscript paper to Xu Xiao: "Find some literate people from the army and copy it."

Xu Xiao took the manuscript paper with both hands and read while blowing on the ink that had not yet dried.

Jin Feng wrote a notice with very simple contents, with only two items.

The first article roughly describes the policy of attacking local tyrants and dividing their land.

Because of the hostility of the King of Qin, the Xihewan Song and Dance Troupe has never been able to perform in Qin, so the people of Lantian and Jingzhao Mansion still don't know what's going on in Sichuan and Shu next door.

What Jin Feng has to do is to publicize this policy and let the people of Qin know about it.

The second article of the notice is directed at the remnant army of King Qin.

Jin Feng said in the notice that as long as the remnants of King Qin's army are willing to abandon the dark side and surrender to the bright side, they can forget about it and go home.

After we defeated the local tyrants, they enjoyed the same treatment as other common people by being given land.

At the end of the notice, Jin Feng set a three-day deadline for the surrender of King Qin's remaining army.

If the remnant army has not left the city and surrendered after three days, Jin Feng will dispatch airships to bomb Jingzhao Mansion and Lantian City!

"Sir, you are so awesome! You came up with a solution as soon as you came here!"

After Xu Xiao read the notice, he couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Although the notice was simple, both threats and inducements were used.

The people of Dakang have a longing for land engraved in their bones, and most of the Qin King's remnant army are children of farmers. Xu Xiao is very aware of the temptation of dividing the land for them.

"Stop flattering and find someone to copy it quickly!"

Jin Feng glanced at Xu Xiao sideways: "First write down a thousand copies, and let the eagle throw 700 copies to Jingzhao Mansion and 300 copies to Lantian City."

"Yes!" Xu Xiao nodded, took the notice and ran out.

But what made Xu Xiao embarrassed was that among the tens of thousands of Qing family troops, he only found a few dozen soldiers who could read.

Among the dozens of soldiers, more than half can only read and write.

Of the half who can write, the other half are crooked.

In the end, after screening, less than 20 people barely qualified for transcription. www.八一zw.????m

Although the content of Jin Feng's notice is simple, it contains more than 200 words in total. It would take more than ten minutes to copy it if he writes slowly.

"It seems that we still need to find out the movable type printing technology when we have time, and the papermaking technology also needs to be improved."

When Jin Feng learned about this situation, he sighed helplessly.

There is currently no movable type printing in Dakang, so the books that scholars read are either rubbings or simply copied manually.

Whether it is rubbing or manual copying, the cost is very high.

As for Dakang's papermaking technology, it was even more backward, resulting in poor quality paper and high price, which many scholars could not afford.

In some remote places, many scholars with financial difficulties still use clay tablets or bamboo slips to carve words.

The backwardness of papermaking and printing technology is an important factor restricting the popularization of Dakang education.

After Jin Feng came to Dakang, he had been forced to engage in various battles. He mainly focused on developing various weapons and had no time to devote to printing and papermaking.

Now that Sichuan and Shu had stabilized, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​improving printing and papermaking.

After all, the principle of movable type printing is not difficult, it just takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, Jin Feng already has enough strength at this time, so he doesn't need to do it himself, he can just leave it to others.

At any time, the development of a country is inseparable from a large number of talents.

After the improvement of papermaking and printing, it was of great significance to the popularization of education.

But these are all things to consider after returning to Sichuan. Jin Feng shook his head to shake off the distracting thoughts in his mind, and once again focused on the map and information in front of him.

A dozen soldiers worked hard all night and finally copied a thousand notices.

That morning, Eagle led several airships and dropped notices into Jingzhao Mansion and Lantian City!

At this time, the people in both cities had just woken up. They were surprised and frightened when they saw the huge airship in the sky.

Then it was like pouring a ladle of cold water into boiling oil. When the people of Jingzhao Mansion and Lantian City saw the notice, they instantly became excited.

This chapter has been completed!
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