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Chapter 958

In the feudal era, the wealthy landlords used all possible means to oppress the people, forcing tenant farmers to separate from their wives. This happened every day in Dakang.

No innocent person was selected to participate in the trial.

Even if it wasn't a public trial, Jin Feng wouldn't be able to spare them.

These wealthy landowners deserve to die anyway, and participating in a public trial can be regarded as their last contribution before death.

It must be said that the trial conference is a very good means of regaining people's hearts.

In the past, the people were full of worries about the Qing family's army entering the city, because whenever the city changed hands, the new arrivals would be levied an additional tax.

This is the same as the reason why bandits in the countryside will collect an extra annual grain after they conquer a new territory.

Firstly, it can make up for the losses caused by the previous battle, and secondly, it can scare the monkeys and scare the people in the new territory.

The people of Lantian were also worried that the Qing family army would come like this.

The King of Qin had already imposed a heavy tax a few months ago. If the Qing family's army came again, many people would be ruined.

But what surprised the people of Lantian was that after the Qing family army took control of Lantian City, they did not do any harm to the people. Instead, they held a trial meeting to avenge them.

A total of three trials were held that day. In the evening, the escort lit a bonfire around the stage and the Jinchuan Song and Dance Troupe performed "The White-Haired Girl".

However, "The White-Haired Girl" performed by the song and dance troupe was adapted by Jin Feng and Chen Wenyuan. The background of the story was changed to Dakang, and the person who rescued Xi'er in the end was changed to an escort from the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

But this does not affect people's viewing experience.

When they saw Xi'er being insulted by the bully Huang Shiren, the people in the audience wanted to rush forward and beat Huang Shiren to death.

When they saw Xi'er fleeing into the mountains and turning into a white-haired girl due to lack of sunlight, the people in the audience couldn't help crying for her.

When they saw Jin Feng leading the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau passing by, leading the local people to defeat Huang Shiren, and rescue Xi'er from the mountains, the people in the audience couldn't help but stand up and applaud.

The people in Dakang are relatively poorly educated. If you talk about big principles, they may not understand them.

But they can understand the story. Many people have experienced similar experiences, so they can relate to it better and have a deeper impression of Jin Feng and the Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

That night, word of the trial and stage play spread throughout the city.

Early the next morning, as soon as it dawned, the stage was packed with people.

In the next few days, this stage became the busiest place in the city. Public trials were held during the day and stage plays were performed at night. From early morning to midnight, it was crowded with people.

In order to get a good seat, some people are reluctant to go back to eat, sleep, or even go to the toilet.

Not only were trials and stage plays going on in the city, but also in the countryside outside the city.

Every time the Qing Family Army led by the Zhongming Group occupied a village, they would seize the local landlords and gentry and hold public trials in the village.

The landlords and wealthy families who had lives in their hands were all punished as they deserved.

Of course, there are also some landowners like Zhou Youda who do not embarrass the people very much. Instead, they take the initiative to do good deeds such as building bridges and building roads.

In fact, people like this are also exposed by the common people, but the Zhongming Group is more cautious in its trial meetings outside the city, and usually conducts repeated verifications before pronouncing a sentence.

For those landlords who did not force the people to death, the Zhongming Group would not kill them, but would only sentence them to imprisonment and forced labor.

For those who do good deeds, there will be no embarrassment. They will just divide their land and leave their old houses and family properties untouched.

However, there are very few such landowners. Zhongming's team has presided over the land distribution work in more than 30 villages in recent days and only encountered one.

Even if other landowners did not directly kill anyone, they also indirectly forced their tenants to death.

For such landlords, the Zhongming Team will arrest them without mercy.

For a time, throughout Lantian, the trial meeting and the work of attacking local tyrants to divide their land were in full swing.

In some villages and towns that the Bell Team had not yet had time to go to, the people even took the initiative to arrest the local landlords and gentry, waiting for the Bell Team to go to trial.

In some radical places, people even began to judge landlords themselves and divide their lands.

At this time, the difference between organized and unorganized is reflected. www.八一zw.????m

None of the members of the Zhongming Group are locals. When dividing the fields, they can basically maintain fairness and justice, and people everywhere are convinced.

The people allocate their own land, and those who preside over the land allotment want to allocate some good land for themselves. Naturally, other people do not want to do so, and the land allotment becomes a joke.

In some places, the landlords were directly killed and all their belongings were robbed.

In this case, some unjust, false and wrongful convictions will inevitably occur, and former victims may also become perpetrators.

For example, the concubines and maids in the landlord's house are also miserable people. There are also those young children who don't even understand. What did they do wrong?

But they were also beaten to death by the irrational people.

Zhong Ming's group was not used to these people, so they went over and arrested the leader directly.

Under the intimidation of the Zhongming Group, the situation of independent land distribution was curbed, but more and more people were besieging the landlord's compound to prevent the landlord from escaping, and waiting for the Zhongming Group to divide the land.

The land distribution work is also going more and more smoothly.

The song and dance troupe has also been following the Zhongming Group. During the day, the Zhongming Group held separate locations and held trial meetings. At night, the song and dance troupe performed operas to promote the new policies of Jin Feng and the Ninth Princess.

In just half a month, the reputation of Jin Feng and Zhenyuan Escort Agency became known throughout Lantian.

Children in many places also made up nursery rhymes to praise the merits of Jin Feng and the Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

Until this moment, the stone in Jin Feng's heart finally fell to the ground.

Zhong Ming's team is becoming more and more proficient in their work. In a few days, I'm afraid they will be able to finish their work in Lantian and move on to the next county.

Moreover, this group of bell ringing group and song and dance troupe members are the first batch, and more people are rushing from Sichuan and Sichuan to Qin.

When the second and third batch of personnel arrive, the work of dividing the land will be faster and faster.

If progress goes well, it is expected that the land distribution work in the entire Qin region will be completed before the end of the year.

At that time, in order to keep the land allocated to them and to keep taxes low, the people of Qin will become loyal supporters of Jin Feng.

No matter how much the King of Qin, who was hiding in the dark, jumped around and lost the support of the people, he would not be able to stir up any more troubles.

This has been Jin Feng's strategy all along.

He is not good at intrigues and strategies, so he will use this upright method to win the hearts and minds of the people and win the support of the people!

Jin Feng was thinking about something when he suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

When I walked out of the tent, I happened to see a fat old man leading a group of people into the camp and towards the tent where Qinghuai was.

Jin Feng grabbed Xu Xiao who was passing by: "Who is he?"

For the sake of safety, after the capture of Jingzhao Mansion and Lantian City, Jin Feng and Qing Huai did not go to live in the city, but continued to live in the Qing Family Army's camp outside the city.

The camp is also in a semi-locked state. This person can enter the camp with great arrogance. He is obviously not an ordinary person.

This chapter has been completed!
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