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Chapter 963 Additional Manpower

"Check! Check it for me!"

When Jin Feng heard the news, he was so angry that he slammed the table.

Before, he had always thought that the assassination team would come to assassinate him and Qinghuai, or the senior officials of Xihewan. He never thought that these people would take action against the Zhongming team.81Zw.????m

"Sir, do you want to continue the land distribution work?" Tie Zhui asked.

"Of course we must continue. The more the enemy is unwilling to do something, the more we must do it and do it well!"

Jin Feng said coldly: "More people from Sichuan and Sichuan to ensure the safety of the Zhongming Group and the Song and Dance Troupe!"

"It would be great if Lao Han was here!" Tie Zhui sighed.

When the Zhongming Group was established, Zhang Liang and Xiaoyu were the nominal leaders, one for external affairs and the other for internal affairs.

But Zhang Liang wants to take charge of the Zhenyuan Escort Bureau, and Han Feng has always been in charge of Zhong Ming's group.

Ever since Jin Feng came back from the East China Sea, the busiest person was not him or the Ninth Princess, but Han Feng.

Not only does he have to be responsible for all kinds of intelligence work, he also has to run around all over the world.

Especially after getting the speedboat, Han Feng became even busier. In less than two months, he traveled all over Sichuan, Sichuan, Jiangnan and the East China Sea.

Previously, Xihewan received a message from Zhang Liang, saying that a lot of supplies in Yuguan City had been burned by the Eastern Barbarians, and they hoped that Jin Feng would provide reinforcements.

However, there were too many things going on in the village some time ago, and Zhang Liang's supplies could last for a while, so Jin Feng did not free up manpower to do this.

It wasn't until Sichuan and Sichuan stabilized a few days ago that Jin Feng called Han Feng back from the field and took the steamship to Yuguan City.

Firstly, it was to transport supplies to Zhang Liang, and secondly, it was to test the long-distance transportation capability of the steamship.

If possible, Jin Feng would like to put the voyage on the schedule as soon as possible.

Who would have known that something would happen to Zhong Ming's group just a few days after Han Feng left.

"It would be much better if Lao Han was here!"

Jin Feng also sighed.

Xiaoyu has always done a good job in uniting women, but she is not very good at foreign intelligence work.

Han Feng is just the opposite of Xiaoyu. What he is best at is opening up new markets.

When Jin Feng sent Iron Hammer, Han Feng, and Luo Lan to develop the market in the capital, they had no foundation except money, and they had to be wary of being targeted by the powerful in the capital.

However, Han Feng handled the intelligence work very well and allowed Zhenyuan Escort Bureau and Jinchuan Chamber of Commerce to take root in the capital in a very short period of time.

“There are still not enough manpower!”

Jin Feng thought for a moment and said: "Send someone to send a message to Yuguan City and ask Brother Liang and Monkey to come back. It's enough for Brother Tiezi to stay there!"

Yuguan City was the gateway for the invasion from the north. In order to prevent any accidents, Jin Feng sent out several of his most capable generals to assist Zhang Liang.

The top management sent Liu Tie, Dazhuang Monkey and Shi Lingyun.

Dozens of middle-level elites were also sent out.

Now that several months have passed, the Zhenyuan Army has completely taken control of Yuguan City, and it is time for these elites to withdraw.

"What Tiezi is best at is defense, so it is indeed most appropriate for him to stay."

Tie Chui asked: "Sir, Lao Han is not here, do you want to call Xiaoyu over first?"

"Okay," Jin Feng nodded: "Let her come over to cooperate with the song and dance troupe in publicity, and at the same time organize local women to form a women's brigade."

The common people are always the best intelligence agents. Xiaoyu has accumulated rich experience in working with women in Sichuan and Sichuan, which comes in handy at this time.

Xiaoyu got the news and set out early the next morning.

Not only did she come by herself, but she also brought her elite team.

Next, Jin Feng directly sent three Zhongming teams into Lianshui County to carry out the work of dividing the area.

The difference from before is that this time each bell team is protected by at least one platoon of bodyguards.

In addition, there was a platoon of bodyguards in plain clothes scattered around.

All of them are equipped with grenades and flash bombs. As long as the assassination team comes again, they will throw out the flash bombs without hesitation to blind the opponent first.

No matter how skilled the expert is, as long as he is blind, he will never be able to escape.

Unfortunately, the assassination team seems to be aware of the danger, and there has been no movement recently.

Xiaoyu ordered Zhongming's team to investigate, but no useful clues were found.

Jin Feng had long been prepared for a protracted war and was mentally prepared to ask Xiaoyu to increase the manpower of Zhong Ming's team again.

Although the speed of each team's land distribution has slowed down, the overall speed has increased.

In the Taihang Mountains in the northwest, King Qin, who was hiding in a cave, covered his forehead with a tired look after hearing the report from his subordinates.

Jin Feng had hot air balloons and airships in his hands, and no matter how high the city wall was, they could not stop him. Ever since Jin Feng issued the ultimatum, King Qin and his family escaped from Jingzhao Mansion and hid in the Taihang Mountains.

At the beginning, they could choose a place with water to live, but there were few water veins in the Taihang Mountains, which was also the main target of Zhenyuan Escort's airship search.

More than a month ago, the guards who went out to fetch water were discovered by an airship.

Fortunately, the guard was smarter and did not return to the station after collecting the water. Instead, he pretended to be a hunter and made a fire on the spot to cook.

The airship observed for a while and then flew away.

But from then on, King Qin no longer dared to live by the water, but hid in the remote mountains and forests.

Although this is safer, it will be much more difficult to use water.

King Qin has not changed his clothes for more than half a month, and his body is all rotten.

"Your Majesty, now that Jin Feng is in power, just be patient and wait until the assassination team finds an opportunity to kill Jin Feng."

The "Queen" on the side noticed that King Qin was agitated, so she leaned over and comforted him softly.

It was a pity that she hadn't bathed for a long time and her body was rotten. Moreover, King Qin also saw small insects crawling in her hair.

King Qin almost vomited, pushed the "Queen" away, and sent for the "Prime Minister".

"Did Chen Zheng get a reply? How long will it take before the plan can be launched?"

Before Jin Feng came back, King Qin, King Chu and others all had the idea of ​​revenge for Chen Ji and wanted to attack the fourth prince.

Now that Jin Feng is back, they have all united together to form an alliance to fight against Jin Feng.

The leader of the alliance is the fourth prince.

The reason why King Qin agreed to make the fourth prince the boss was not because he was Chen Ji's son, but because he promised other vassal kings to send people to contact the Eastern Barbarian party Xiang and Tubo to launch an internal and external pincer attack on Jin Feng.

At the same time, the fourth prince also revealed that Qinghuai had handed over the drawings of heavy crossbows and catapults to the court. Now that he has obtained the drawings, he is sending people to study them, and has already made a great breakthrough.

The fourth prince promised that once the research is successful, he will provide sufficient heavy crossbows and catapults to other feudal princes.

For these reasons, the other princes reluctantly agreed to let the fourth prince take the helm.

The assassination team was established with the help of the fourth prince.

King Qin really had enough of staying in the mountains and was waiting for the fourth prince's reply.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Chen Zheng sent a message yesterday, saying that his people have entered the Eastern Barbarians and are trying to get in touch with the Dangxiang royal family." the prime minister replied.

"Send a message to Chen Zheng again and ask him to move faster, otherwise my Qin land will be divided by Jin Feng!"

This chapter has been completed!
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