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Chapter 996 Seeing the World

Looking back at the carriage, Luliu shook his head.

"I think this place is quite interesting. If you want to see more, I won't bother you, sir."

Although she knew that she would probably meet Jin Feng again when she came to Xihewan, and she also fantasized about meeting Jin Feng, she never fantasized about having another story with Jin Feng.

Because she is different from Tang Xiaobei.

Although Tang Xiaobei was also born in a brothel, he was ransomed by Jin Feng before he became famous.

And she has been famous for several years, so she is destined to have no story with Jin Feng.

Even if Jin Feng agreed, she would not agree.

Jin Feng didn't like pushing around the most, so since Lu Liuliu didn't want to ride in the carriage, he didn't force him anymore.

He nodded and winked at the hammer.

Iron Hammer waved, and two female escorts walked out of the personal guards and stood behind Luliu.

"Girl, take your time to visit, and I will go back first. If anything happens, you can go to Mr. Fang Lingjun from the school."

Jin Feng nodded to Luliu again and boarded the carriage.

Luliu watched Jin Feng's carriage go further and further away, feeling a little disappointed in her eyes.

However, this feeling of disappointment soon passed. I helped Xiao Ning tidy up her clothes and followed the large army of scholars to the suspension bridge.

"It used to take several days to walk from Xihewan to Heifengling. Mr. built a suspension bridge here, and it only took a few steps..."

The female escort who followed took the initiative to act as a guide, telling Lu Liu and the scholars the origins of the suspension bridge and the nearby fortress.

There are two forts on each side of the suspension bridge, both with bodyguards on duty 24 hours a day.

If you are not from the village, you must report here with a toothpaste before you can enter the village.

Most of the scholars in this era were arrogant, but after witnessing the end of arrogance, the scholars became much better behaved and took out their toothpastes to register.

After crossing the suspension bridge, a smooth and straight concrete road appeared in front of Luliu and the scholars.

It is also the first cement road in Dakang and even the world, and scholars are extremely curious about it.

"Girl...girl, what kind of road is this?"

A scholar squatted down and pressed his hand on the pavement, looked up at the female escort and asked, "Is this paved with stone?"

Before the female escort could answer, the scholar next to him smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, have you ever seen such a big stone?"

The cement pavement is poured entirely, with no gaps at all.

"But besides stone, what else can be so hard?"

Mr. Xu picked up a cement block from the side of the road that was spilled during road construction: "What is this if it's not a stone?"

"It does look like a stone, but I'm sure it's not a stone!"

The scholar who spoke looked at the female escort: "Girl, tell me!"

"This is cement. Although it is not stone, it is as hard as stone." The female escort replied: "Look at the fortress over there. It is also made of cement. It is hard to be damaged by swords and cannot be broken by siege engines."

"Cement? Why is it called this?"

The scholar holding the small cement block lowered his head and squeezed it hard, with a puzzled look on his face.

The same is true for other scholars.

They all knew what water and mud meant, but they didn't understand why Jin Feng used these two words to name such a hard thing.

"The name of cement was given by my husband, and I don't know why."

The female escort shook her head: "I guess it's because when cement is first made, it needs to be mixed with water, just like ash, and then turns into something like mud."

There was an open space on the side of the road, which was the ash mixing site for road construction. The female escort walked over and grabbed a handful of powdered cement from the grass: "No, this is it."

The scholars gathered around and stared curiously at the palm of the female escort's hand.

"Girl, you mean that this kind of plant ash and water can turn into hard stone?"

A scholar asked back.

From the outside, cement does look similar to plant ash, but it is more delicate.

"This is not plant ash, it seems to be a kind of ash burned with stone."

The female escort explained: "Mix it with water like noodles, and when it dries, it will turn into stone."

"This is so amazing." The scholars exclaimed.

They couldn't understand how this kind of loose dust could be mixed with hard cement.

It is even more incomprehensible that Jin Feng would use such a magical thing to pave the way.

"Girl, cement should be the secret of the village, isn't that what you told us?"

Xiao Ning asked: "If Mr. Jin finds out, will he punish you?"

"It's okay. Everyone in the village knows that cement is made of stone, but only the workers inside know how to make it."

The female escort said nonchalantly.

The cement factory is located in Changshegou outside the village. This is no secret. Even if the female escort doesn't tell it, the scholar will see carts of stones being pulled in and then turned into cement and pulled out.

But after saying that, the female escort still reminded her: "You can be curious about cement, but you can't secretly go to the cement factory by yourself, otherwise you will be treated as a craftsman and beaten to death."

Ever since what happened to Wei Laosan, Xihewan's hatred for Xizuo has reached the extreme.

Several times I found people sneaking into places like cement factories and glass factories. By the time the bell team and escorts rushed over, the workers had already beaten the people who had sneaked in to death.

The cement factory is currently classified as a confidential unit, and security is very strict. Those who can sneak in will not have any second possibility except for careful work. Therefore, after Xiaoyu learned about the incident, instead of punishing the worker who took the lead in beating people, he also rewarded him. ⑧①ZW.


This greatly encouraged the enthusiasm of the workers. When working, many workers in the cement factory and glass factory would look up at the wall from time to time to see if anyone had climbed in.

"Girl, don't worry, we are here to teach, not to do detailed work."

The scholars all spoke their words to assure themselves.

After walking along the concrete road for a while and turning around the foot of the mountain, the scholars saw the airport and a large number of airships and hot air balloons taking off and landing.

Airship hot air balloons have become a common thing in Xihewan, and now even children are not surprised.

But for this group of scholars from Guangyuan, it is an absolute rarity.

Most scholars have only seen it once or twice in the county, and some have only heard about it. This is the first time they have seen the real thing.

"Girl, where is that place over there and why are there so many hot air balloons and airships?" Luliu asked curiously.

"That's the airport in our village. Airships and hot air balloons need to take off and land there."

The female escort reminded: "That's a military controlled area. You can't get close without a special pass. But when you work here for a long time, you may be able to get the qualification to fly. At that time, you can apply for a pass and take the airship back."

It’s Guangyuan.”

"Go back by airship?"

Many scholars showed admiration.

If I can really take the airship back, I will definitely become the most handsome boy in the world.

It was enough for my parents to brag about at home for several years.

Almost all scholars regard taking the airship back to Guangyuan as their first goal when they come to Xihewan.

Others couldn't help but ask: "Girl, how can I get the qualification to ride?"

This chapter has been completed!
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