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Chapter 3220 Kunpeng Treasure Bone


After eating the stone, Liu Wuxie grabbed Taiyin Youying to prevent him from running away again.

The underground tomb was so big that Liu Wuxie shuttled among Kunpeng's bones.

Some of the bones have become corrupted, and the powerful aura cannot be felt inside the bones.

The bones of those Kunpengs who have died in the past few hundred years still contain extremely strong Kunpeng energy.

"The environment here is good. Although you can't take away Kunpeng's bones directly, you can absorb the breath from Kunpeng's body."

After Liu Wuxie looked around, he found no other clues but a Kunpeng tomb.

He found a relatively clean place, sat down cross-legged, and absorbed the breath from Kunpeng's body.

Running, the breath remaining in Kunpeng's bones is coming out in a way visible to the naked eye and integrating into Liu Wuxie's body.

"What a pure divine beast energy!"

Liu Wuxie was secretly surprised.

I have cultivated the body of a divine dragon, and I have also cultivated the Ten Thousand Jun Barrier Shield. Compared with Kunpeng, my physical body is far from enough.

After the blessing of these divine beasts came in, the first thing that changed was his physical body.

Time passed silently, and Liu Wuxie was not in a hurry. He was also waiting for Kunpeng to lay eggs.

The three gods who left will definitely return and try to steal the Kunpeng egg.

In chaos, there is a glimmer of opportunity.

If you rush directly to the Kunpeng tribe, you may die without knowing how.

Kunpeng's Qi gradually dimmed, and Liu Wuxie clearly felt that his physical strength had greatly increased.

Even if he is at the peak of the divine general realm, he cannot break through his defense.


Opening his eyes, a terrifying aura swept out, causing the bones around him to shake.

Taiyin Youying, who was lying on Liu Wuxie's shoulder, made a squeaking sound. Could it be that he had discovered something again.


Taiyin Youying flew out, and Liu Wuxie quickly followed in case the treasure was wasted by him.

Passing through a large group of Kunpeng skeletons, an ancient Kunpeng divine beast appeared in front. The skeleton of this Kunpeng divine beast was obviously larger and stronger than other Kunpengs.

"This is King Kunpeng from ancient times!"

Liu Wuxie's face showed disbelief.

The status of King Kunpeng is even more powerful than that of ordinary Kunpeng. It is said that a Kunpeng King will only be born every few million years.

The same is true for other clans of divine beasts, such as the Qilin clan. There are many ordinary Qilins, but there are very few ancient Qilins. Xiaohuo is one of them, and he has awakened the ancient Qilin bloodline.

The same is true for the Dragon Clan. It is not unusual for an ordinary Dragon Clan to be able to revive the ancient dragon veins, and it is definitely the overlord of the Dragon Clan.

This ancient Kunpeng King must have fallen for some time, and there are gray spots on the bones, which must be at least a million years old.

Walking around the huge skeleton of King Kunpeng, Liu Wuxie became more and more shocked as he looked at it. If this Kunpeng spread its wings, wouldn't it be able to cover half of the sky?


Liu Wuxie was attracted by a bone on King Kunpeng's chest.

There are gray spots on other bones, but a palm-sized bone on the chest is intact.

What's even more weird is that there are dense lines on this skeleton, which are very conspicuous.

"Kunpeng treasure bones!"

Liu Wuxie exclaimed, only a divine beast that has lived for millions of years can give birth to precious bones.

Back then, I obtained a Suzaku Bone, and based on the patterns in the Suzaku Bone, I understood the Suzaku Three-Kill Style.

One can imagine how powerful the power contained in the treasure bones is.

Although this King Kunpeng has been dead for countless years, his precious bones are still well preserved.

If you can refine the treasure bones, you will definitely be able to master some of Kunpeng's powers.

Kunpeng can travel thousands of miles in a day. If he could transform into a Kunpeng, wouldn't he be able to leave Kunpeng Island?

Liu Wuxie just thought about it. Even if he refined the Kunpeng Treasure Bone, he still had a long way to go to reach the level of King Kunpeng, let alone travel thousands of miles in a day.

If his cultivation is not enough, even the most powerful bones cannot support his high-speed flight, and the strong speed of sound will burst his body in an instant.

"That's great. I didn't expect that they would fight, and I would accidentally break into Kunpeng's tomb, and find Kunpeng's bones and other heaven-defying treasures."

Compared to the Golden Sacred Fruit, the value of the Kunpeng Bones is much higher.

Although the Golden Sacred Fruit is precious, it can only increase one level of cultivation at most.

Now that he has reached the sixth level of quasi-god, he is not afraid even when facing high-level divine generals. With his current cultivation level, he will definitely not be weaker than other sect saints when he enters the Holy Realm of Thunder and Fire.

Therefore, I am not too eager for cultivation.

On the contrary, domain magic is his shortcoming.

The seven moves of Judgment are about to reach their peak, and the last move is just missing. Once you break through to the realm of God General, you will definitely be able to understand it.

The power of the Suzaku Three-Kill Style is constantly weakening, unless the Suzaku clan can be found and the real method of practicing the Suzaku Three-Kill Style can be found.

Executing the full version of the Chaos Battle Ax Technique consumes too much energy, so he did not dare to use it unless absolutely necessary.

The Donghuang Divine Cauldron is quite good, it can be regarded as an offensive magic weapon that can resist the opponent's magic weapon attack.

The Divine Whip is only suitable for close combat, it is a sneak attack domain magic.

The King of War Fist is too simple and can be used to deal with ordinary people, but it is far from enough to face those extremely powerful people.

If you can master Kunpeng's confinement ability and cooperate with the Suzaku clan's explosive killing, you will be even more powerful.

A confinement space and a confinement time, if the two are superimposed, the power will inevitably double.

When she walked to the Kunpeng treasure bone, Taiyin Youying wanted to eat it, but Liu Wuxie beat her to it and got the Kunpeng treasure bone.

"You can't eat this."

Liu Wuxie directly threw Taiyin Youying into the wild world. If such a treasure were eaten by him, it would be a waste of nature.

Taiyin Youying ignored the wild world and collapsed again, stretching out her claws to protest to Liu Wuxie. He was obviously the one who discovered this precious bone first.

"Next time I find a treasure, I'll let you choose first."

Worried that Taiyin Youying would leave him, Liu Wuxie sounded reassuring that next time he found a treasure, he would let him choose first.

After hearing this answer, Taiyin Youying returned to Taihuang World. It seemed that there were no other treasures except Kunpeng's bones.

Return to the previous area, sit down cross-legged, and place the Kunpeng Treasure Bone in the palm of your hand.

With the example of refining the Suzaku Bone, it is relatively easy to refine it.

However, the process of refining the precious bones is extremely dangerous. No one knows whether the will of King Kunpeng still remains in the precious bones of King Kunpeng.

The remaining will is too strong for Liu Wuxie to control, and it may even be counterattacked by Kunpeng's treasure bones, which will result in more losses than gains.

As it rotates, the Kunpeng treasure bone in the palm exudes a faint luster, and the lines on it seem to come alive.

"assimilate into!"

To refine Kunpeng's precious bones, you need to integrate them into the physical body, not through the divine fire of chaos.

The Suzaku Bone was occupying a space on his chest and had already become one with it.

What Liu Wuxie wants to do is to integrate the Kunpeng Treasure Bone into the chest and become one with himself. Only in this way can the Kunpeng Treasure Bone be completely refined.


Kunpeng's bones swung and penetrated into Liu Wuxie's chest.


A sharp pain hit her, making Liu Wuxie want to die immediately.

That kind of pain is beyond human control.

Fortunately, Liu Wuxie was well prepared. The moment the pain intensified, she bit the tip of her tongue to prevent herself from fainting.

As long as he survives the fusion period, he will be safe.


Liu Wuxie shouted sharply, letting blood flow from the corner of his mouth.

He bit the tip of his tongue and blood kept flowing down.

After the treasure bone drilled into the sternum, the lines on it quickly resurrected, like roots, piercing into Liu Wuxie's bone veins. Even at the level of the Divine Sovereign, they could not peel them off.

"What's going on? Why can these lines penetrate into my bone veins?"

Liu Wuxie was secretly surprised.

It was not so strenuous when refining the Suzaku Bone.

Could it be said that the value of this Kunpeng treasure bone is far higher than that of the Suzaku bone.

Whether it is the Suzaku clan or the Kunpeng clan, they are all creatures from ancient times. One cannot say who is stronger and who is weaker.

Liu Wuxie could not control it and allowed those lines to invade his body and occupy his body.

"Does the Kunpeng treasure bone want to replace my physical body?"

Liu Wuxie secretly said that this would never be allowed to happen.

If Kunpeng's precious bones occupy his own body, wouldn't it be like a dove occupying a magpie's nest?

It was strange that Liu Wuxie had not sensed King Kunpeng's will after such a long time.

If Kunpeng's bones want to take over his body, he must at least have a soul.

The lines that penetrate into the bone veins do not have any fluctuations in soul power, it is just an instinctive reaction.

"I understand, Kunpeng Baogu must have mistaken me for the same kind."

Liu Wuxie quickly understood that Kunpeng's treasure bone thought that Liu Wuxie was the same kind, so he transferred the power in the treasure bone to his bone veins, and from then on it took root in Liu Wuxie's body.

Wherever the lines passed, there was a strong tearing sensation on the bone veins. That feeling made Liu Wuxie worse than death.

Kunpeng's bones were actually transforming his body and developing towards Kunpeng's bloodline.

Now that the matter has come to this, Liu Wuxie has no room for maneuver.

"Where has Kunpeng Shu gone?"

Liu Wuxie did not discover the existence of Kunpeng Technique from these lines. Could it be that this Kunpeng King did not master the Kunpeng talent?

This is impossible!

Since he can become the Kunpeng King, he must be the overlord among the Kunpengs.

The lines are still flickering. Liu Wuxie's consciousness is wandering inside the body, constantly reorganizing the lines, and maybe he can find some clues.


After Liu Wuxie's continuous exploration, he finally understood something from the patterns.

"What an exquisite design, it actually integrates the Kunpeng technique with the textures. You need to connect all the textures in order to understand it."

Liu Wuxie had to admire King Kunpeng's methods.

Even the human race would never have thought of this, but King Kunpeng did it.

After countless generations of reproduction, King Kunpeng has been using this method to pass down his inheritance from generation to generation.

As for why the Kunpengs on the island did not refine Kunpeng's bones, Liu Wuxie still didn't know.

Maybe the mythical beast clan has the same idea as the human clan. They hope to understand and catch up with their ancestors by themselves, rather than relying on refining their ancestors, so as to achieve great achievements.

This chapter has been completed!
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