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Chapter 544: Evolution of Poems

 Murong Yi did not reach out to pick up the poem, but looked towards the maid.

Miss Yan quickly stepped forward and rolled up the poem.

"This poem will be passed down for hundreds of generations. How dare this little girl defile it? I ask Mr. Bai to take it back."

Murong Yi stood up and bowed slightly to express her apology.

This answer made Bai Zhi's face show a trace of disappointment. It seemed that it would be difficult for him to get the first place in this level.

There are four levels in total. Don’t worry. If you can’t get first place in poetry, you will still have a chance in the next level.

After returning the poem to Bai Zhi, Miss Yan returned to the second floor and stood behind Murong Yi.

"Mr. Hua, you are the first of the four great talents. I have the honor to meet you today. My little girl feels very honored."

Murong Yi looked towards Hua Chenye.

This must be their first meeting. Hua Chenye rarely comes to Ninghai City.

This time, I suddenly received a greeting invitation and couldn't refuse it, so I rushed to attend the meeting.

He also wanted to know what the legendary beauty looked like. As the outside world said, one look at her would make her life worthwhile.

"Miss Murong praises me too much!"

Hua Chenye smiled bitterly.

"This is written by our senior brother Hua, and I would like to ask Miss Murong to comment on it."

A disciple of Tianluo Valley picked up the poem on the table, stretched out his hand and threw it, and the poem fell into the air and appeared in front of everyone.

No one spoke, all eyes fell on this poem.

"The water of Cave Lake is as green as the mountains of Shu, and the Holy Lord is in love with you day and night."

"Seeing the moon in the palace looks sad, and hearing the sound of broken bells in the rain at night."

"The heavens and the earth are spinning back to Long Yu, but I am hesitant and unable to go."

Murong Yi continued reading word by word, and now the atmosphere was desolate. A gust of autumn wind blew by, and many people shrank their necks.

This poem is full of vicissitudes of life.

"Good poetry, really good poetry!"

Many people slapped the table. Bai Zhi's poems are not bad, but compared with Hua Chenye's poems, they fall into the inferior category.

The theme is also based on Dongyue Lake, and the love of the Holy Master day and night is so aptly described.

How many people admire Murong Yi.

The moonlight is sad, and the rainy night hears the ringing of bells.

The world is spinning but hesitant to move forward, describing his admiration for Murong Yi but not daring to come forward, so he can only keep it in his heart.

There were waves of piano sounds, and at some point, a guqin was placed in front of Murong Yi.

Everyone's emotions are silent among the music.

The song is over!

Everyone then came to their senses and had no idea what had just happened.

"Thank you Mr. Hua. This poem has made my piano skills even better."

Murong Yi's green hands left the guqin, stood up and thanked Mr. Hua for writing this poem.

"Pa bang bang..."

There were rounds of applause all around. Hua Chenye's poem conquered many people.

It can be seen from Murong Yi's expression that she likes this poem very much.

After discussing for a full five minutes, everyone finally remembered that the poem battle between Liu Wuxie and Yin Jingwu was not over yet, and only the two of them had not yet come up with their poems.

The strange thing is that in the first round of poetry examination, Qiu Baihao from Qinghongmen did not write. He was the last of the four great talents and was good at painting.

It is normal to give up on your own initiative at this level and conserve your strength.

"Senior Brother Yin, our goal is just to defeat Liu Wuxie. We don't need to surpass Hua Chenye's poems."

The brothers around him told Yin Jingwu not to feel any psychological pressure.

It doesn't matter whether they win first place or not, as long as they can beat Liu Wuxie.

Yin Jingwu nodded, they were right, as long as he defeated Liu Wuxie and got the ancient spiritual bamboo shoots, he would be able to break through to the Infant Transformation Realm.

Pick up the poem on the table and fly it into the air.

"The cold autumn brings bathing in Dongyue Lake, and the spring water cleanses the skin and condenses fat."

"When you look back and smile, you will be full of charm. You are a naturally beautiful woman."

Seven character quatrains, every word is full of teasing.

The water of Dongyue Lake is described as clear. Use its water to cleanse your body, and your skin will be like gelatin.

The last two sentences are even more naked flattery of Murong Yi. I didn't expect Yin Jingwu's licking skills to be so powerful.

A proper licking dog!

It's not amazing, just average. Maybe it's because of the relationship between Hua Chenye and Bai Zhi. Their poems completely overshadowed the others.

Everyone looked at Liu Wuxie, and he was the only one who did not show his poem.

Murong Yi looked expectant.

From the action of writing just now, it resonates with heaven and earth. Liu Wuxie's poem is definitely a quatrain.

Liu Wuxie took his time, picked up the poem on the table, waved his hand gently, and the paper flew into the air.

The poem is much longer than the others, with eight lines in total.

"The lights are lit in the high hall and the wine is restored, and the night bell sounds like the waning moon and the geese are returning."

Murong Yi said softly.

His body suddenly froze, and when he looked around, his whole body was petrified on the spot.

At this moment, the boat was just a high-rise building, with lanterns and wine. What shocked everyone was that the sound of the crashing bell could be heard in the distance. It should be a dilapidated temple, and it was time to rest.

Waves of wild geese flew over their heads. It was already autumn, and these wild geese were flying towards the south.

The first two sentences clearly outline the scene.

Although other poems have also been sketched, most of them describe lakes or people.

It was simply unbelievable for someone like Liu Wuxie to include the entire Dongyue Lake and even the surrounding temples. How did he know that a bell would ring?

The wild geese flapped their wings and disappeared over Dongyue Lake.

"It's just that the singing bird is worthy of seeking a companion, but there is no spring breeze to see you off."

Murong Yi continued reading.

The previous sentence described these people as birds courting mates on the boat, but this time it includes everyone.

Hua Chenye seemed to understand why Liu Wuxie's writing resonated with the world.

Because what he wrote was not poetry, but the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, which summarized people, things, things, and the nature of heaven and earth.

"Dong Lake has thousands of miles of sand as its shore, and Baima Jin has willows facing the city."

The third paragraph describes Dongyue Lake. Although Dongyue Lake is not a thousand miles away, it stretches for hundreds of miles. It is surrounded by yellow beaches. A group of white horses are walking by the river. The willows are blown by the breeze, which again overlaps with the scene in the poem.

"Don't complain about being separated from a foreign country for a while, knowing that you will be welcomed everywhere."

After reading the fourth paragraph, Shui Huan was stunned, suddenly stood up, and walked quickly towards Liu Wuxie.

"Brother Liu..."

Shui Huan choked up a little.

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

This paragraph describes that he saw Shui Huan here and knew that you were being welcomed everywhere.

After a brief separation, as long as each of us misses the other in our hearts, we will meet one day sooner or later.

Many of those who mocked Liu Wuxie just now shut their mouths, thinking that they could not write such a good poem.

It sounds ordinary, but when you think about it carefully, every paragraph and every word overlaps with everything that is happening to them now.

"Thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white sun, and the north wind blows the geese and snow!"

This paragraph describes the weather: the wild geese are going south, the north wind is howling, and heavy snow is falling.

"Don't worry about the road ahead without friends. No one in the world will know you."

After reading this paragraph, Murong Yi suddenly covered her mouth with her little hand and looked at Liu Wuxie with a surprised look on her face.

"What a saying. No one in the world doesn't know you!"

Hua Chenye suddenly shouted.

These two lines were actually written to Liu Wuxie himself, which matched his current state of mind.

When I came to Ninghai City, I didn’t even have a single friend, let alone a confidant.

But after tonight, no one in the world will recognize you.

After tonight, Liu Wuxie's name will definitely become famous in Ninghai City.

Everyone was stunned. Is this a poem he wrote?

Murong Yi's little mouth opened slightly. She was well-read and thought she had read books all over the world, but tonight, it was an eye-opener for her.

"The six feathers are fluttering and I feel sorry for myself. I have been away from Tianbao for dozens of days."

After Murong Yi finished reading, she felt sad in her heart. This paragraph described Liu Wuxie's mood at this moment.

He was self-pitying and no one understood his state of mind. It had been several months since he had left Tianbao Sect.

No one spoke anymore.

Liu Wuxie not only described the scene, but also her old friends, her own situation, and her own mood.

There are so many stories in one poem.

"My husband is poor and lowly, so I don't have money for drinks when we meet today."

After reading the last paragraph, Murong Yi's face turned red.

If you drink Murong Yi's wine tonight, you will definitely not be able to pay for it.

The real meaning of the previous sentence is that Liu Wuxie is currently in a low state, and one day, sooner or later, he will soar to the sky.

He is not a real husband, but it can be understood that way. No wonder Murong Yi blushes.

There was silence.

There is not a single sentence in Liu Wuxie's poem that is as expressive as Murong Yi's, but everyone feels that this poem moved Murong Yi.

"Good poetry, really good poetry!"

Many people looked at Liu Wuxie with admiration. There were over a thousand people, but not everyone was hostile to Liu Wuxie.

In a normal person's mind, Liu Wuxie's poems can compete with Hua Chenye's, but other people's poems are not worthy of carrying his shoes. They are not on the same level at all.

Those who hated Liu Wuxie naturally sneered, thinking that Liu Wuxie's poem was not elegant.

Both sides insist on their own opinions, and no one is willing to give in.

There were many disciples of the Qinghong Sect, together with the disciples of the Daqi Sect and the princes of Ninghai City, they all attacked Liu Wuxie.

Murong Yi is the goddess in their hearts, how can they let Liu Wuxie, an outsider, get involved.

"What bullshit poetry? I don't know anything about it. In my opinion, in this poetry competition, senior brother Yin Jingwu won. Let's talk about it."

Jia Fengmao stood up and supported Yin Jingwu, thinking that what Liu Wuxie wrote was bullshit.

"That's right, this poem is very literal in its entirety. How could Senior Brother Yin be more direct?"

Those who supported Yin Jingwu raised their hands in the air and collectively thought that Liu Wuxie's poem was too bad.

And it's extremely different.

Only a few people choose to remain silent. They know very well that if Liu Wuxie's poem is spread, it will be passed down for generations.

There were too few people supporting Liu Wuxie. They were unwilling to risk offending the Qinghong Sect by supporting Liu Wuxie, so they could only pretend not to hear.

Who is better or worse? No one is blind.

Are the people in Qinghongmen blind?

of course not!

They just don't want to admit it. Once they admit it, it means that Yin Jingwu will lose the jade Ruyi in his hand.

Everyone could only look at Murong Yi, letting her judge whose poem was better.

And at this moment, the poem floating in the air suddenly burned.

No one has ever seen such a scene. How could such a good poem burn on its own?

There is no spiritual energy fluctuation, no elemental stimulation, it is completely ignited by itself.


There were bursts of exclamations from the boat. The words written by Liu Wuxie actually flew out of the paper and floated in the air.

What's even more frightening is that these words start to arrange themselves, and I don't know in which direction they are developing.


This chapter has been completed!
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